
Friday 15 November 2013

Weight Gaining Diet plan

Skinny folks can find comfort in understanding that a weight gaining diet plan might actually help them to build muscle and look better. Being skinny is not always a good thing moreso when you are not really a model. A starved and sickly look is obviously not the healthy look.

For folks who are below their recommended weight range, having a weight gaining diet plan can help them reach their normal body weight. People at certain age and certain height normally should have a specified range of healthy or ideal weight. If you fall below the norm, then you are underweight. Moreover, that means you need to do something to put on some needed pounds for you to be healthier.

If you go into a weight gaining diet, you need to make sure that you ingest nutritious, high calorie foods. It doesn't matter what you gain at this point, be it fat or muscle. The quantity of calories that you should consume depends upon your current situation but it is recommended that you leave the calorie counting to those who are actually attempting to lose weight. For you who want to gain weight, calorie counting is more like done on pure instinct. What you ought to remember is that you know exactly how much food and how much energy you need in order for your body to help keep an ideal weight.

Then, it is time to eat foods that are rich in necessary protein. A weight gaining food plan will never be comprehensive without an ample supply of protein foods that will help build lean muscle mass and give energy. Samples of foods that are rich in protein are lean meat, fish, and low fat milk. In addition, egg whites, soy products, and whey protein powder are also good sources.

Other than protein, a weight gaining diet should also contain foods that are rich in carbohydrates. Carbs are necessary to provide energy that you need for your daily activities. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates are brown rice, potatoes, wheat bread and dried fruits.

A weight gaining diet will not be enough without including good fat. Whether you believe it or not, dietary fats are actually necessary for maintaining health. Fats that come from fruits and nuts are very healthy. For instance, one tablespoon of flaxseed oil is tantamount to the calories provided by one banana. Hence, it is highly recommended to include good fats in your weight gaining diet.

More importantly, for you to gain weight rapidly, it is advised that you should eat 3 large meals and 3 small meals everyday. That's six meals a day separated by an interval of three hours each. This is intended for your tummy to digest your food properly and completely. Be sure to do not forget that adding in more fruits and vegetables in your diet can be very helpful. You need a good source of vitamins and minerals to be healthy and these Glow Foods will definitely give you the needed supply of nutrients.

Now that you know what to do to gain weight, enjoy bulking up by eating healthy foods that will provide you the ideal body weight and a healthy new you.

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