
Thursday 21 November 2013

How to Eat Healthy Foods For Perfect Health - Health - Fitness

Eating healthy foods becomes much more difficult for older people. They now have trouble in chewing; thus, leaving a limited choice of foods for them. Most of the time, foods taste differently, according to the elders, ranging from 50 years old and above.

The first thing that we need to establish is why restaurant food can be so unhealthy. Many of the foods that are prepared at restaurants contain a high amount of calories, fat and sodium. We need moderate amounts of all of these things, but eating too many calories can lead to weight gain, too much fat can cause many diseases (including heart disease), and sodium can cause high blood pressure.

Healthy foods contain the nutrients required by the body. The nutrient density in certain foods are higher than others and hence they are more beneficial. Nutrient density is a measure of the amount of nutrients contained in a food in comparison to the number of calories. A nutrient dense food contains more nutrients when compared to the calories it contains.

Healthy foods are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber, phytonutrients and the least number of calories.

We should develop a healthy eating habit before it is too late. Drink a lot of water because it cleanses our body. Don't eat a lot during dinner because your metabolism works more slowly and it digests less. Avoid eating fatty foods like french fries because they contain Trans fat. Trans fat increases your bad cholesterol level and decreases your good cholesterol level and it is very dangerous. It increases the risk of stroke and heart disease.

It is highly important that the entire family eat at the same hour and the same food. If you set special eating hours for your baby and give him food cooked especially for him, he will feel excluded and refuse to eat. This is why, you should gather all he family around the table at a set hour, preferably the same every day and eat your meal together. If your baby will see that everyone else is eating what he is eating, he will try to copy you and eat as much as he can. He will properly understand the importance of eating and will no longer refuse to eat.

To keep digestion efficient, smaller meals are needed. This allows for enough mobility of the digestive tract to do its work. Too much food stretches everything out and mobility is limited. But, smaller meals help in another way too...

Smaller more frequent meals also reduces the demand on the digestive juices and enzymes. A lower demand of digestive secretions means your food is more likely to be more fully digested because the demand can be met.

Fruits and vegetables, this is the most important foods that we need to eat. Basically, they are water-rich for great cleansing; they provide many essential vitamins and minerals. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can help reducing risk of heart disease, stroke, blood pressure, cancer etc. So believe in the saying "Eat your fruits and vegetables".

Try to involve your kids in the process of selecting and making food. Take them to the market and ask them to pick up whatever fruits and vegetables they like. In the kitchen, ask them to lend you a helping hand for fetching, washing, cutting, and decorating food. If they too participate in the cooking process, they will love to eat what they have prepared.

If you are aspiring to keep your metabolic furnace hot and you must eat in order to do so. Isn't it sounds great? If you are very sick of starving yourself, then we will give an end to that. You will surely enjoy our nutrition diet program. The New Body Blueprint ensures you will be casting off dangerous, unhealthy pounds, beating your cholesterol, protecting your heart, building your immune system, overcoming your depression, and staying lean and healthier more than what you wished for.

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