
Saturday 23 November 2013

Is healthy food really necessary? - Food - Main Course

With increasingly developing of living standard, more and more people have paid attention to the quality of lives. To be health, we pursue right lifestyle and eat health food. There are various kinds of food introduced into our daily life. However, only parts of them are healthy for us. In order to keep fit, we need some common sense.

As it is known, healthy food contains the substances with nutrition that are necessary foe ones body. As a famous proverb says, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It is a fact that majority of fruits are rich in fiber and low in fat. For instance, most of Chinese food is used with fresh materials that are fresh fruit, fish, meat and vegetables, because they can provide the nutrition to human body. It is healthy food that keeps us energetic and strong.

When it comes to health food or green food, organic food always comes to our mind. It is defined as foodfood which is non-chemically treated, minimally processed, and fresh. Sometimes, upon you are in the supermarket and torn between these non-organic and organic labeled products. Both of them are looking fresh and great, however, it is evident that organic products would cost much higher than non-organic foods. Generally, if you are aware of the benefits from organic food, the last choice is buying this one. According to a statistics survey of organic food, they claim that it contain more nutrition about 27% higher protein. Besides, we cannot live without high fiber food, such as are cabbages, fruits and vegetables that have high fiber concentration. It can improve the absorption of nutrients in the body as it cleanses the digestive system.

Different people like different food. However, we should choose healthy food to keep fit. Those mentions above are just a few of cases in point. To lead a sound life, start from eating.

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