
Sunday 24 November 2013

healthy food - How To Become Healthy Using Vida Cell - Health - Supplements and Vitamins

healthy food - How To Become Healthy Using Vida Cell

In today's fast pace lifestyles, many people are turning to energy drinks for "an extra boost" to help them get through their busy day.

But unfortunately, most of the energy drinks they are reaching for are not healthy food or drink! They contain ingredients like sugar, caffeine, artificial additives, artificial flavors and herbal stimulants which can have a negative impact on their overall health. They are trading their long-term health for an unhealthy short-term 'energy boost'.

VIDACELL, on the other hand, provides short-term & long-term NATURAL healthy energy for everyone!

Healthy Cells...Healthy Life!

You're about to discover the most important scientific breakthrough in the world of health & wellness today!When your cells are healthy, you're healthy!

It's proven and it's a fact. Unfortunately, as simple as this may sound, millions of people around the world are experiencing poor health due to not having healthy cells.

Thanks to VIDACELL, now there is an effective and easy way to nourish your cells and keep them healthy!

VIDACELL is the only natural functional food known to efficiently and effectively deliver a powerful combination of vital and essential nutrients to your body at the cellular level. By including VIDACELL in your daily diet you provide your body's cells with exactly what they need to stay healthy!

Now YOU can achieve your maximum health potential!

Maximize Your Efforts...Improve Your Performance!

Whether you're seeking a competitive edge in your favorite sport or just trying to improve your overall physical fitness, "cell health" is the key to improving your performance.

By supplementing your diet with VIDACELL you provide your body's cells with exactly what they need to increase your natural energy production (ATP) and enhance your overall cell function.

VIDACELL, a micronutrient polypeptide / polysaccharide rice based foodsupplement was used along with a natural fiber supplement as the placebo for thetesting. VIDACELL and the placebo were placed in small plastic bags in equalvolumes using two packets (5 grams per packet) of VIDACELL for the daily dose.A month's supply (150 grams total) of VIDACELL or placebo in numbered packswere given to our subjects and recorded by one tester who was responsible forkeeping the study blind.Subjects were then asked to start their respective packets 2 days after the firstnights testing. First night testing consisted of doing as many crunches or sit ups aspossible continuously without rest until failure, then resting for 10 minutes and thenrepeating 3 more sets (same guidelines). The testing was then repeated again 2and 4 weeks later doing the same type of sit up or crunch done on the first night.(A sit up / crunch is an exercise in which a person lies flat on their back, lifts theirtorso t o a sitting position and then lies flat again without changing the position oftheir legs: done with the knees bent).

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