
Wednesday 5 June 2013

Using Treadmills to Loose Weight - Health - Weight Loss

I am presenting this Treadmill Weight Loss Article so one may understand better the exercises to follow for weight loss. Jogging without any direction makes no sense as one will not be getting the maximum effect for the time invested training on a treadmill.

When training with the aim to loose weight remember the magic formula:

Weight loss = Calories consumed through exercise > Calories intake from food

This is simple One must burn more calories than consumed. It is therefore important that treadmill training with the aim to loose weight must also be accompanied with a good nutrition plan.

To start off, make sure you have some energy drink or water handy for after you finish jogging. Drinking a lot of water is extremely important both to avoid dehydration and to clean the body from the inside. Set your feet onto the treadmill and start by a gentle warming up session of 10 minutes. In these ten minutes you must walk regularly at a comfortable pace. After these ten minutes, I suggest you increase the walking speed up to the extent of avoiding a jogging motion. Some people consider that walking at the maximum pace you can afford is the best exercise to loose weight even better than jogging or running. I suggest that a session on a treadmill should take circa 1 hour to obtain the best benefits for weight loss.

When fast walking becomes boring, one may adventure himself or herself for jogging. The same 10 minutes warming up procedure applies, however the following ten minutes must be fast walking and the remaining 40 minutes running. This means that speed must be increased gradually. When using a treadmill you must be sure to wear comfortable running shoes, especially when increasing speed for jogging and running.

My recommendation for treadmill training is to exercise daily for 1 hour. Once you get in the routine, your body metabolism will increase, making it possible to continue burning fat even when not training. Remember that the metabolism controls the rate at which your body is burning fat.

For the very experienced, I may also suggest you perform one hour of speed interval training with 3 minutes jogging and one minute fast running intervals. Always remember that the first ten minutes of the workout must be for warming up.

This article is an excerpt from a series of informative guides appearing on under the Treadmills section of the site at /treadmills.html

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