
Sunday 2 June 2013

Loosing Weight from Pregnancy Diet is no More a Joke - Health - Weight Loss

Now even a man can get a feel of pregnancy and simultaneously can loose its extra fat and that too without conceiving. Sounds like a joke? It may sound weird to many men but the after shocks are more tempting as one can loose weight without any effort of exercise. Now it seems to be an unavoidable attraction?

The diet made from HCG is what contains a substance found in pregnant woman is actually very helpful in weight loss through burn of extra fat. Our body maximize calorie intake for preserving it for the lean times. It often gets stocked in hips, buttocks, abdomen and thighs. HCG is produced in early days of pregnancy and peak at around 14 weeks. The levels gradually decrease. It is based on concept to secure nutrients to sustain pregnancy.

HCG diet requires minimum of 23 days in which doses of HCG injections are given and the treatment can last for about 40 days to maximum. The injections are not given on the last 3 days of weight loss diet so that the body can cycle it completely out and resume a normal diet.

The maximum of 40 days is allotted because it is assumed that after 40 days the subject seems to develop immunity to HCG diet and thus requires 6 week break to fully re-sensitize to it. However it is recommended that maximum up to 4 treatments should be taken to avoid any complications.

Dieters are recommended to cut down their total calorie intake to 500 a day in first 3 days. Once the shots become active and start releasing long stored fat. It effects without striking the hunger pangs which is normally experienced on a 500 calorie diet. As soon as the dieter looses that extra weight the treatment needs to be stopped as HCG diet affects only on stored fat.

There still some health risks involved with HCG and they are:

Increased risk of blood clots




Pregnant feel which involves swelling, breast tenderness and water retention

Can cause ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome too

The options are many and one just needs to choose which is more attractive. The risks involve are only a matter which depends on personal choice. The rising popularity seems the need is more in the direction of loosing than per day gaining.

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