
Sunday 16 June 2013

The Nutritional Needs of your Dog Should Dictate your Choices when You Buy Dog Food - Family - Pets

Meta description: Discover why your dog's breed and nutritional needs should be your guide when you buy dog food. The right dog food will boost your pet's health.

Your dog will enjoy and practically devour anything you put in their dish but you should be careful when you buy dog food. Your pet does not think about vitamins and minerals and whether they are eating a balanced diet because that is your job as the owner. It is up to you to choose the right meals that will help them be strong and stay healthy.

One of the hardest parts about dog ownership is figuring out which food on the pet market will best provide the proper nutrition your dog needs from puppyhood to senior status. Veterinarians and pet experts don't always agree on the right formulations which is why you will see a variety of foods from moist to dry kibble on the market. The only thing you can do is make an educated decision based on your vet's advice for what your growing dog requires.

Needs Change

When you buy dog food, it is important to remember that their nutritional needs change. Puppies often need kibble with a higher level of fat content and nutrients because their bodies are still developing whereas a young dog reaching adulthood will need a different formulation.

Transitioning your dog from puppy food to regular dog food to senior formulas requires a gradual switch so their digestive systems will learn to tolerate a new food formula. Take a week or two for the transition, mixing the old and new dog food in proportionate amounts over time until you phase out the old formula.

Food Choices

A balanced diet is essential for optimal health but how do you choose from the many formula variations? You should keep in mind what a balanced diet for your particular dog breed requires. Your pet needs a balance of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in addition to clean water daily.

One of the best ways to ensure your pet is getting the right dog food formula is to conduct weekly inspections. Do their gums look healthy? Are their eyes clear and bright? Is their skin well-hydrated with a shiny, healthy-looking coat? If one or more of these indicators seem off, you may need to change your dog's food formula or perhaps the brand.

Maintaining an Optimal Weight

One of the hardest things to maintain in humans is a healthy weight and body mass index and dogs are no different! If you find that your pet is gaining weight, you need to look to the amount and frequency of their feedings. Another thing to keep in mind is any treats they may be receiving each day as these count towards their overall calories in their diet. Of course, adding some physical exercise may help with maintaining an optimal weight too.

Finding the right formulation may take some trial and error when you buy dog food. As long as you keep an eye on your pet's health and monitor their size and weight, you should be able to keep them healthy with no problem.

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