
Tuesday 25 June 2013

An Easy Healthy Broccoli Recipe - Health

Broccoli is high in fiber, vitamin-rich, virtually fat-free and low in calories (45 percent of which is protein). It also matches the calcium content of milk gram for gram. And if you're watching your weight, it's a great healthy snack that won't add inches to your waistline.

Never been a fan? This savory, easy-to-make salad might change your mind:

Healthy Salad



If you prefer cooked broccoli, remember that it should be crisp and bright, and just tender enough that you can pierce the stalks with a sharp knife. Steaming and microwaving preserve more nutrients, but you also can cook it in boiling water. The florets tend to cook much faster than the stalks, but it's easy to avoid it being overcooked if you cut an X in the bottom of each stalk, or split the stalks about halfway up, before cooking. Another method is to cut off the florets, adding them to the cooking pot after the stalks have cooked for two or three minutes.

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