
Thursday 24 May 2012

Loose Weight Build Muscle - Supplements And Nutrition - Health - Fitness

Building muscle and loosing weight. It's common for the subject of weight loss diet pills to come up. There are many diet supplements on the market these days, but is' wise to exercise a bit of healthy skepticism when you are considering what nutrition is important for your body.

Lot's of the weight loss pills are available on the market these days are simply caffeine filled wastes of money. Although speeding up your metabolism is a very important part of burning fat, caffeine is not the best, nor even all that effective a way to do the job. As you'll see in the next chapter on Exercises and Training Programs, there's a much better (and cheaper!) way to stimulate your metabolism.

The most important thing to remember when you're trying to loose weight and build muscle is to "eat clean". This is a term used by bodybuilders and fitness professionals that means to eat healthy and nutrient rich foods.

Simply feed your body the elements it needs to repair itself from the workouts you've been doing. We all know that eating foods like fried chicken and take away fish and chips is not going to give you the quality vitamins and nutrients you need. So what foods should you eat to stay on a "clean diet"?

Let's start with the essential: Water

Water is not a food, I know. But it does make up about 80% of your body's mass. It's important, real important. Water will help you loose weight and build muscle. Water cleans out the toxins, and gives your body the freedom to put back the nutrition that the toxin's have taken out. Water will also help eliminate the fat from your body by cleaning out your digestive tract and liver. Drink water often. About 8 glasses a day. And remember, if you're thirsty, you're already de hydrated.

Eat your vegetables! Yep, your mother was right. Fresh fruits and vegetables help your body speed up by providing easily accessable nutrients so your muscles will grow faster and stronger. Your body will burn fat faster too because of the increased muscle mass. When your metabolism is burning fat faster, you'll feel more energetic and the vitamins will make all the difference in your goal to loose weight and build muscle.

Protein is the most important nutrient for your muscle to grow. Each time you train, you should be having a protein dense meal or shake to give your body all the protein it needs to get it repairing the muscles as fast as possible. The best places to get good quality protein are from whey (or soy) shakes, protein snack bars, and of course, when you're having a main meal you should use meat like chicken or fish so you've got good natural protein sources. If I would suggest any one supplement to use, it'd be a quality whey protein powder so you can have a shake after each and every workout.

One last tip, you should be eating about 5-7 small meals each day. The main thing is that eating often, your body's metabolism will speed up and you will feed more alive and energetic. Try substituting a protein bar for any craving, or even a handful of raw nuts. The high protein food will help you with your fullness levels and you'll be able to get to your goals to loose weight and build muscle faster.

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