
Sunday 6 May 2012

How To Get A Six Pack- Not Through Spot Reduction - Health

If you want to get a six pack, you need to know the truth about spot reduction. The TV ads we see all focus on ab machines or ab exercises claiming fantastic results. The best way to actually get results is to boost your metabolism by working your body with resistance and eating healthy meals.

Spot reduction is always talked about, advertisements claim their products work and by training the abs directly, you will get ripped abs. But they are misleading you and spot reduction does not work. Defined abdominal muscles require general fat burning and not specific ab exercises. Ab exercises will get your abs stronger, but they won't get them ripped.

Boost your metabolism and see that body fat disappear. Training with resistance, whether it's with weights or the body, will help increase the body's metabolism, which will burn fat.

This type of training should be done at least 4 times during the week and require high intensity, and lower repetitions. The resistance workout will incorporate multiple body parts and muscle groups to really burn calories.

A great workout can be done with a sequence of exercises done in a row, with a rest period after the last exercise. Then the sequence is repeated 6 times during the exercise session. The exercises can be step-ups, lunges, chin-ups, push-ups and squats. The intensity of the exercises should be done at high intensity for 20 seconds.

The best part about increasing the body's metabolism are the effects on the body after the training session has finished. After an intense training session, the body expends lots of calories doing multiple muscle exercises. The body continues to expend calories and burn fat throughout the day and night as it recovers from the training session and repairs and replenishes the muscles.

Eating healthy meals also help the body burn more calories and prevent more calories from being stored as fat. The body is able to burn calories of complex carbohydrates and lean proteins better, while fatty foods, sodas and sugary snacks are so high in calories, that the excess calories are stored as fat on the body. Eating 5-6 times throughout the day will help keep the body's energy levels stable and help you watch the calories that you eat.

Spot reduction does not work. To get a six pack, you need to boost your metabolism, have your whole body become the fat burning machine and give you the abs that you long for. Six pack abs can be done in such a short amount of time, why wait, Get Started!

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