
Friday 11 May 2012

Alkaline Diet for Weight Loss-Tips and Benefits - Health - Weight Loss

Alkaline food chart is responsible for giving you the complete list of acid and alkaline rich foods. This is to be your guidance in choosing the correct and right foods with high alkaline content for you. People who want to lose weight and reduce their acidity can be helped by this alkaline diet food chart.If you experience a very low energy, diseases, pains and poor digestion, it is high time to have an alkaline diet food chart and start with the plan. Strictly sticking to your alkaline diet, you can experience renewed energy, very light feeling, always refreshed, a very sound sleep, slimmer body, clearer and fair skin and the mind is always active. This alkaline diet food chart can help you not to stop eating but eating the right foods to boost you alkaline level. Losing weight is quite a hard thing to do. It is very hard to go to the gym for a rigorous exercise just to get rid of a few pounds. Others tried different weight loss programs to instantly loss weight. But wit h this alkaline diet, you are assured to have the best and fastest weight loss plan that can give you results within one week and the health benefits are really great to reap. You can be in your skimpy bikinis and sexy halter dresses just after a week of continuous use. So, how do you like that? Here are some tips for you to see fabulous results using your alkaline diet food chart.

First Tip Artificial sweeteners are a great NO, NOIf you want to loss weight and afraid that you are putting more calories using the ordinary sugar, you got it all wrong. Artificial sugars are more acidic and are toxins to your body. Use ordinary table sugar in a moderate amount.

Second TipDrink plenty of water. Others say that drinking a lot of water in a day made them bloat. But wait! Water is the best thing to drink to wash off those unwanted acids and fats in your body. It does not remain in your body because you will excrete it through your urine. Water is best amongst coffee, soda and other artificial juices that are acidic and contains lots of sugar. What more if you drink alkaline water? Its like hitting two birds with one stone.

Third TipPrepare a big serving of salad every 3 days. There are times when you come home and hungry that you want to eat every food that you find in your fridge. You tend to pick on chocolates, junk foods, and other instant foods that you find in your fridge just to make you feel full and satisfied. These foods will not help you loss weight. You can prepare a big serving of salad and put it on the fridge. You have no reason to binge on other unhealthy and acid rich foods when you have the salad to eat.

Fourth TipCut veggies and soaked nuts should always be ready in your fridge. You dont have to deprive yourself of your cravings. Sticking to the diet can help you get used to it. These veggies and nuts are more helpful in increasing your alkalinity and decrease your weight.

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