
Wednesday 9 May 2012

Following the hCG Weight Loss Protocol - Health - Weight Loss

The hCG weight loss protocol is unlike other dieting programs that you may have followed. One of the differences seems to be that this one really works - at least according to many who have tried it. They say that you'll be amazed at how the pounds melt off your body - and the diet has been around for over thirty years.

An hCG protocol involves using either hCG shots or liquid drops inserted beneath the tongue. Following the diet plan and the hormone regimen is said to reset your metabolism by working on the hypothalamus gland so that it keeps burning fat calories even when the diet ends. It doesn't matter which method you decide to use - the injections or the drops -- they're both equally effective.

Along with hCG hormone injections or oral drops, you'll complete three distinct diet phases designed to jump start your metabolism and make the diet most effective. One of the phases is a very low calorie diet, where you will be consuming only 500 calories a day. hCG followers say that the hormone they're taking during this extremely low calorie phase quashes their hunger pains and cravings, making it much easier to stick to the very restrictive diet.

If you decide to adhere to Dr. Simeon's hCG protocol, you'll want to choose the injections over the drops and the hCG diet plan will be much more restrictive. Kevin Trudeau, who wrote the controversial book about hCG, entitled, "The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About," suggests adding vitamin supplements to the regimen and bring interest to bland foods by using a variety of spices. Either way, you'll want to consult your physician before going on the hCG weight loss protocol as you would with any new diet.

Either hCG protocol is said to produce the same results, and many people are reluctant to give themselves injections, so the oral hCG drops would be the best choice. As for the hCG diet plan that accompanies the injections or drops, Trudeau's method of spicing up the flavor of the meat, vegetables and fruit will help you stick to the diet plan and not become bored with its limited offerings. There are even hCG diet recipes available to help you make the diet more palatable which will help you stick to it.

You may also choose to get hCG injections from your doctor, but that's an expensive solution to the hCG protocol. A doctor could also give you a prescription for the shots or you could order them from an online vendor. Just be sure you're getting the real thing and that the company you're ordering them from is reputable. And again, be sure that your physician is aware that you are on the protocol so that you can get the best care and lose the most weight on the diet possible.

One factor that many people really like about the program is that very little exercise is recommended or required. During the 500-calorie per day diet, your body will become weak from the shock of so few calories to keep it going, so on those days you should rest and conserve your energy. As the diet progresses, you will see a gain in energy - even more than when you started the diet, even on the low calories, but still, exercise can be limited with only short walks as your main exercise.

Side effects that some followers say they've experienced are headaches, irritability, tender muscles, bloating and water retention. These side effects aren't experienced by most people and tend to go away after a few days.

The diet isn't always easy to follow, especially when you are looking at only 500 calories a day, but if you want a fast, reliable weight loss plan that will reset your metabolism and burn fat calories even after you stop the plan, the hCG weight loss protocol may be what you're looking for.

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