
Sunday 18 March 2012

Pizza Pockets - Easy, Cheap, Healthy and TASTEY! - Food

If you are looking for a relatively easy meal that won't pack on the pounds, then this one is for you. And trust me, they can taste great!!

Hot Pockets/Lean Pockets are easy to make and pretty tastey, but the ingredients and OMG the sodium levels are enough to turn you off. Luckily, there is an alternative.

Last year we started making our own pizzas with whole wheat dough and turkey toppings, still delicious and sooo much better for you. Unfortunately, after purchasing all of the ingredients for our have pepperoni, half sausage pizza, we realized we had come home without the dough!! Of course we were hungry and no one wanted to go back to the store, so we decided to improvise.

One thing we ALWAYS have in our house is pita bread, and there ya go, Pizza Pockets!

Here is how, and why!

1. Grab all of your ingredients!

2. Slice your pita bread in half and separate the sides so that it creates a "pocket." You may need a knife to do this, just remember to be gentle!

3. Cook and meat that you will be including!

4. Stuff the pockets with WHATEVER you want. It is probably the easiest to put everything in a bowl and mix it up. Place on rack as you go (we use a cookie drying rack on top of a cookie sheet so that they cook all the way around and any droppings fall onto the sheet).

5. At a low to mid temperature (one you feel comfortable with), usually around 350-375, put the pockets in the oven for about 10 minutes. Watch them because this hasn't exactly been an exact science, and different ingredients cook differently.

And then enjoy!

Keep in mind you can turn pretty much any pizza or even sandwich into a pocket. My favorites so far have been pepperoni and sausage pizza pocket and a BBQ chicken pizza pocket. You can even make breakfast pockets!! Maybe even dessert?? Little cinniamon and vanilla icecream filling??

The keys to making these healthy are using white meats like chicken breast and turkey (the pepperoni and sausages are GREAT substitutions), whole wheat pita or dough, and if you choose to, low fat toppings. Also make sure to watch the sodium and sugar levels in the sauces.

You can also throw in an extra health kick by adding carrots, broccoli, spinach or any other veggies that have been food processed, to the sauce!

Some pictures...

You can check out more at Book of Randomness




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