
Thursday 22 March 2012

How To Stay Healthy by Eating Healthy - Health - Nutrition

Eating healthy foods is an important tool to keep your body healthy and to maintain well-being. It means being aware of what your body needs rather than what you just want to eat. In the earlier times, eating healthy foods was easy because most consumption is produced naturally. Unfortunately, nowadays, everything is fast - fast pace, fast services, fast food.

Juggling a busy schedule makes it easier to feed your body with fast food. However, having an unhealthy diet can cause harm to your body. It might not manifest yet, but in the long run, the price you have to pay for it is expensive.

Here are some ways to stay healthy and eat healthily:

* According to studies, to maintain good health, your body needs about 40 different nutrients. These nutrients are found from many different sources such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain foods and more. Try to include them in your diet to keep a healthy body.

* Healthy eating doesn't mean eliminating certain foods. Instead, cut back on the foods with too much sugar, salt or fat in it. You don't have to sacrifice the foods you love to eat. You just need to eat them in reasonable portions and acceptable frequency so that you can stay healthy.

* Do not skip meals. This often results to uncontrollable hunger which, then, results to uncontrollable eating. If you cannot control eating, it becomes easier to lose track of your healthy diet. It is more advisable to have regular meals, instead.

* Eating healthily also means weighing healthily. There is a right weight for each body type. Measure the weight that's right for you by checking out on factors such as your age, height, sex, and heredity. Remember, too much of everything won't do you any good; whether too thin or too fat is not right.

* Eating healthy foods should be fun, too! Try to spend time with your family or friends by eating with them. You do not only catch up with them but also enjoy your meal slowly. Eating slowly will give your body time to feel full before you blow up from overeating.

* You can allow yourself some cheat meals. If you love sugary foods, for example, you can still have them as long as it is done moderately. You don't have to pig out; you just have to enjoy your favourite food once in a while. If you forgive yourself once in a while, your healthy diet change would not feel so bad.

* Don't push yourself too hard. If you're used to eating sugary, fatty or salty foods, the changes you have to make doesn't have to happen overnight. Give yourself enough time to adjust by cutting modestly and slowly on your excesses. Further, it won't hurt if you patiently wait until your efforts pay off.

* Drinking plenty of water will also help you maintain a healthy body. Invest on it instead of filling your body with flavoured drinks or soda.

* They say that the best way to beat your enemy is to know its weaknesses. Improve on your meal plans by identifying if there's something wrong with them. You can make a list of what you're eating. Monitor your diet and learn what to eat more if you're having less of it or what to cut back on if it's too much.

Changes can be difficult sometimes but you can begin by wanting this change for yourself. If you want it, then, you can have it. Nothing beats positive attitude towards eating healthy.



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