
Sunday 4 March 2012

Can I really lose weight with a Diet plan only- 10 Lose Weight DIY Steps to a Personal Diet Plan - Health

Really Lose Weight diet plan. Easy steps to lose weight in a week. Many people want to lose weight with a lose weight diet plan but they end up doing it wrong. You can lose a lot of weight in 2 weeks with a DIY lose weight diet plan.

This step by step approach to lose weight involves a do-it-yourself, self made personal lose weight diet program. You will learn how to make a personalized good lose weight diet chart, graph, table, strategy to help you lose weight in 2, 3, 4 weeks.

Lose Weight DIY Food Program Step 1: You will need to make a list of all the food you eat each week. The best way to do this is to buy a note book and pen that you will carry with you all the time. Write down all the types of food you eat each day for a week. You can do this for another week to make sure you get a good sample of just what you eat in each normal week. Try also to write down the approximate amounts of food that you each in each meal.

Lose Weight DIY Meal Program Step 2: Once you have made your food list, you can now review the list and arrange the foods according to what types they are. Usually you can list them in three classes including carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. For each meal, indicate the amount in ounces of each food type that you estimate to consume in each seating.

Once you have arranged your food consumption list, it is time to remove the unwanted food stuffs that have made you gain weight over the years.

Lose Weight DIY Meal Plan Step 3: Remove the unhealthy food in your list. You can easily do this by reviewing the foods that seem to contain a lot of fats and carbs. When removing unhealthy foods from your weekly menu, bear in mind the actual rations that you have been taking and work out a way to reduce the portions.

Overeating is also a precursor to obesity and being overweight, so you may want to reduce on the amount also.

Lose Weight DIY Food Program Step 4: Once you have removed the unhealthy foods from your initial list, you may want to replace them with the healthy and natural alternatives. Junk food and fast foods that you may have been taking may contain too much calories that may be contributing to adding weight.

You need to prepare a food plan that consists of more natural foods including sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, most types of beans, eating whole grain foods like un-husked corn and wheat flour pastry. i.e. grains that have been milled without removing the husks.

Lose Weight DIY Food Plan Step 5: Once you have your final list of DIY weight loss food program, you can now work to implement and follow your own made food plan. There are however many online diet plan programs that are available online that can help you in losing weight in case you are having difficulties in making your own plan.

There are many diet plans that follow several techniques to lose weight naturally including metabolic ways of losing weight, calorie shifting lose weight diet plans, no carbs diets, no fats diet plans etc.

Lose Weight Diet Plan DIY Step 6: Eat a lot of fiber foods that will help you lose weight faster. Fiber food programs helps in creating more surface area on which foods can be digested more efficiently and burned into energy and therefore not being stored as fats. Some of the available fiber rich foods you can easily get include fruits, carrots, tomatoes, and dried apricot.

Weight Loss Food Plan DIY Step 7: You will need to drink lots of water in order to be able to lose weight faster than normal. Over 60% of our bodies is made up of water. Water therefore is important in keeping our bodies well dehydrated. If your body detects dehydration because of your lack to drink enough water, it starts to retain more and more water which is stored in many places on your body.

The effect is that you end up weighing more kilos at the machine. This creates an impression that you are not losing weight as fast as you should and may make you give up on your weight loss exercise.

Weight Loss DIY Diet Plan Step 8: Make your own lose weight diet plan at home. Once you have reviewed and removed the unhealthy foods from your list, you can now make a new food list which includes all the healthy and natural foods. Your new weight loss food plan should include proper portions of each of the three balanced food types including carbs, proteins and vitamins.

Most importantly, you will need to design your food plan such that the calorie levels reduce over time. This gradual reduction of food calories ensures that your metabolic rates reduces over time hence burned just enough fat to start losing weight.

Weight Loss do it yourself Meal Plan Step 9: Do lots of exercise. Complimenting your weight loss food plan with some exercises ensures that you lose weight faster than the person doing dieting only. Exercises helps to burn excess body fats faster hence rapidly turning fat into muscle.

Diet plan only assists the body to build on more muscle. Doing regular exercises is also good for your heart. Moreover, exercises will ensure that your blood circulation reaches its peak and faster removal of body liquid wastes.

Lose Weight Food Plan Step 10: you will need some level of discipline to be able to follow through with your diet plan. Starting out on a diet plan is not an easy thing and most of the times you will feel like you want to quit. Having removed most of your favourite foods from your menu also means after a week you start to miss a bite of that cheese or burger.

With this will come a serious urge to cheat on the diet plan and before you know it, you have completely dropped out of your weight loss program.

It is important to read positive books on motivation and try and maintain some level of discipline in your eating. Eventually, bit by bit; you will succeed in getting some weight loss results.

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