
Tuesday 6 March 2012

How to lose weight with a plan - Health - Weight Loss

Well here we are again being fat ,overweight out of energy and not too happy with life in general.So what are we going to do about it? Well we have 2 options in this matter.Option 1 stay the way we are and live in dreamworld, believing that someday, by magic, we will lose all this fat and stop being overweight(We can all dream cant we?).Or theres option 2.What is option 2 you ask, well option 2 is, to do something about this problem.The problem is, say it out loud to yourself "I MUST LOSE WEIGHT" once again "I MUST LOSE WEIGHT" and once more for good luck "I MUST LOSE WEIGHT". OK so we have now got that out into the open, how do we go about achieving this.Well i can tell you, it is not going to be easy, no matter what anyone else tells you.It is going to take effort ,sweat , and maybe some tears, but as the saying goes if you want something bad enough you will find a way to get it.So we have decided we are going to take option 2 we are not going to be overweight anymore.Ou r goal is to lose weight, and lose weight we shall.So how do we do it? Well first ask yourself how much weight do you want to lose, and then the second thing is how quickly do you want to lose weight(Think about that one).Well now that we have got the answers to those questions, lets go and lose weight.In order to lose weight effectively we must draw up a plan.A plan that will take us from being overweight to ideal weight.(Remember this, to "lose weight effectively" will not happen over night)The plan.What is the plan? you ask. Well the plan has several elements, elements which include the right diet,the right exercise,eating healthy, and above all sticking to the plan, no deviation, no giving up.Elements of the paln in detail.Lets start exploring elements of the plan.Remember our plan is to lose weight effectively once and for all, no dithering ( we are in serious mode now).The first element of the plan that i wish to discuss with you is diet.Diet is something you are going to have to take very seriously if you wish to lose weight effectively, and, if you wish to lose weight naturally.Your diet is basically in a nutshell, the food you eat on a daily basis. We must make a list of the foods we eat daily (thats it write it down on a piece of paper)and analyse them.What do i mean by analysing the food that you eat, it simple means you must know how many calories each food contains.Right, now that we have a figure of the amount of calories we take in, what we must do now is,find out which of these foods that we eat on a daily basis are exceptionally high in calories.This could be foods like chips and burgers or pizzas and chips,whatever the high calorie foods are (foods that are above 200 calories)we must see if we can replace them with more healthy foods.Remember our plan is to lose weight effectively and to lose weight naturally.In order to lose weight effectively by following a diet plan we are giving ourselves a target or a mission if you will, that we must achieve.Our diet plan will consist of having healthy foods replace high calorie foods , but havig healthy foods which will still give us the same amount of energy minus the excessive calories(that become stored up in our body as fat).Now that we know we need a diet plan in place.The secon element to our plan is exercise.Exercise is just as important(as a Diet plan)in order to lose weight effectively and to lose weight naturally.Exercise does not mean go and do a marathon and all will be well, No! exercise means we must slowly adapt our bodies to , at the beginning , some gentle form of workout.This could be a 5 minute brisk walk everday, say for 1 week.Then come week 2 you double the minute to 10 minutes of brisk, walking everyday.Whatever the exercise we chose to do we must do it earnestly,because if we decide to cheat or be slack, we will only be cheating ourselves.Remember exercise is the second element of the plan of how to lose weight effectively and how t o lose weight naturally,also remeber you must combine both elements of the plan in order for your mission and goals to be succesfull.



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