
Wednesday 28 March 2012

Learning About Alkaline Diet Foods Charts - Health - Nutrition

An alkaline diet foods chart is the one most important tool for anyone who wishes to get the most out of the alkaline diet. When you get right down to it, the core of the alkaline diet is to eat more foods that have an alkaline-forming effect on the body's internal pH, and fewer foods that have an acidifying effect. Sadly, it is much more difficult than you might expect to find a chart of this kind that is really useful.

The Three Essential Problems with the Average Alkaline Diet Foods Chart

The first flaw is that most alkaline diet charts don't include all the foods you would like to know about. Naturally, you can't expect the people who design these charts to include every rare food that anyone could conceivably eat. Even so, your might expect to see the few dozen most popular foods that most people ingest on a regular basis.

The second problem with many acid alkaline foods charts is that they're not very accurate. The science of acid-alkaline balance has evolved rapidly over the past several decades, but some self-proclaimed experts are still using obsolete references that may have been state-of-the-art in the eighties, but which have long since outlived their usefulness. Other experts add their personal opinions about food, instead of just giving you the straight facts.

The third problem with the average acid alkaline foods chart is that it's not very convenient to use. This is because most of these charts are formatted as webpages, and aren't very attractive when you print them out. Most of them also take up too many pages, making them unwieldy for posting around the house or taking with you when you go shopping.

What to Look for in an Alkaline Food Chart

In conclusion, the ideal alkaline diet chart will be comprehensive, accurate, and easy to use. There are many charts around, but the one I like the best can be downloaded from



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