
Friday 13 April 2012

Natural weight loss CAN be easy - Health - Weight Loss

Obesity is an ever growing worldwide problem which is caused by one or all of many culprits. These may include; irregular mealtimes, quick and easy junk food, pre-packed processed foods rather than cooking yourself, hereditary factors and a harmful, sedentary and stressful lifestyle.

Many weight loss systems are advertised all around us. TV, radio, magazines and posters all tell us how quickly and easily we can loose weight. The methods range from surgery, medication, fitness regimes, and expensive food alternative supplements to name but a few. However, people are eventually becoming aware that the safest and most effective way to loose weight without causing potential problems and the risk of yoyo dieting is to loose weight naturally.

Natural weight loss methods include regular exercise, eating a balanced diet and getting plenty of rest. The World Health Organisation now states that we require 45 minutes exercise every day. This can be broken down into short 15 minute sessions throughout the day. Push yourself hard enough to break into a sweat or breathing more deeply but not too hard that you are in pain. This does not have to be at a gym but can take place in your own home, by yourself or with others.

A balanced diet of lots of fruit and vegetables, lean meats such as chicken or fish needs to replace microwave pre-packed meals and takeaways washed down with plenty of water.

Finally, rest and relaxation are just as important. You must enjoy yourself and have fun as stress causes your body to produce a chemical called Cortisol which in turn leads to you putting on weight.

The natural weight loss method of exercising, eating a healthy balanced diet and getting sufficient rest and relaxation is the most effective, safe and cheapest way of loosing weight and keeping it off.

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