
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Effective diets, what will work for you? - Health - Weight Loss

Obesity is one of the most common problems faced by people today. Since thirty-four million Americans are estimated to be obese, one out of every three Americans must live with this disorder. Obesity is defined as a body weight consisting of 20% or more above the standard ideal weight. In order to reduce obesity, most invest in diet and exercise programs. Recently, liquid diets have been positively modified, thus becoming one of the more effective diets since their fall out during the late 1970s. Out of the twenty million dieters, about one billion dollars will be spent this year on either medically sponsored liquid diets or over-the-counter liquid diet products. Even though many companies claim their diet weight loss product is safe and effectively enable you to lose weight fast, many medical researches express their concern for various health risk consequences.

Many people have a low self-esteem concerning their looks and feel that weight loss would improve their outer appearance. Losing weight tends to boost self confidence by giving a feeling of accomplishment which is an incentive to lose more. Most of the over the counter liquid diet weight loss products are bought by people who are not necessarily obese, but interested in taking off the excess weight.

Liquid diets are not for everyone; they may be successful for some and not for others. Any kind of dieting requires a highly motivated and disciplined person.In addition to improving health, many disciplined people are able to obtain weight loss. The more obese the person is, the more weight is lost. The problem with liquid diets is not losing the weight but maintaining the weight loss. It has been predicted that for every 100 people who lose weight, 95 will gain it back.

Weight loss diets combining liquid diets with exercise and behavioral modification classes tend to have a higher success rate. But, without support classes, people will revert back to their old habits and regain their weight when they are finished dieting. Dieting without learning how to make it a long term change in eating behavior will lead to the everlasting gaining and losing weight which causes the yo-yo effect. A study was done to evaluate very low calorie diets, along with behavior management (which often times include group meetings ) and how exercise effects their success rate. After 54 months of the program, most patients maintained a loss of 5.1 kg which was 4.3 % of their original weight. As more time passed, the patients gained more weight back. However, those that regularly exercised maintained an average of 9.6 kg compared with 1.3 kg for those who did not exercise. Continued exercise and longer program attendance usually lead to better results in maintain ing the weight lost. For obese patients, liquid diets can definitely cause a large amount of weight loss as well as an improvement in health. However, if there is no medical supervision, liquid diet programs can get misused and lead to health risks. Many mild obese patients without medical attention tend to test out various diets trying to find one more successful. However, the more one diets, the slower ones metabolism becomes. Therefore, one must eat less in order to maintain ones weight. Since the safety and effectiveness of different products claim various results, it is important for all dieters to seek medical help before starting a liquid diet. Questions concerning effective diets, commitment, health risks, cost, and more should be asked. Many advertizing companies fail to provide information concerning the dropout rate, the regaining of weight, and the risks that are involved with the diet program. All diets were effective in initial weight loss. Slim Fast was prove d to be safe and effective for the 12 week program which took off unnecessary pounds of obese patients. Since a long term study was not completed, the overall effectiveness cannot be determined. Even though Slim Fast may be mostly safe, if the diet program is abused, then dangerous side effects may occur. Optifast was also proved to be safe and effective. But in order to maintain a healthy diet, be careful not to depend too much on any liquid diet products and also incorporate exercise and group support.

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