
Monday 15 October 2012

The Wonders of HCG Diet Protocol - Health - Weight Loss

Nowadays, getting rid of the extra calories is a matter of utmost concern, especially among the younger generation. Victims of obesity desperately hunt for products and ways, which would help them, become thin and that too as soon as possible. It would be fantastic for such people to know that reduction of body weight has now become easier and faster with the use of HCG drops. Strictly adhering to the HCG drops diet plan is all one needs to lose those unwanted pounds in almost no time!

Focus, Plan and Preparation

Having decided to start right away with the HCG diet plan, one must bear in mind that it is a serious venture. This is because it is so intimately related to health and hence the whole process requires extreme focus, preparation and planning for a fruitful outcome.

Research on HCG Diet

It is highly advisable that before starting with the HCG drops diet, the concerned person should be well equipped with information regarding HCG. Research on this subject can be easily carried out by browsing online for websites, which specialize in HCG protocol facts and figures.

HCG Drops Diet- Dosage

It is recommended that people should firmly follow the guidelines of properly taking the homeopathic HCG oral drops. The drops must be taken thrice a day and nothing should be eaten or drunk for 15 minutes prior to the dosage. Similarly, eating and drinking anything immediately after the HCG drops should be avoided. It is also crucial to keep in mind that the HCG drops diet usually lasts for around forty-four days, and in order to make the HCG program successful, a dosage of 3 oz of HCG drops would be sufficient for one person.

Very Low Calorie Diet

Aiming for a proper figure or physique will require a lot of endeavors, which includes making the best efforts to stick to an extremely low calorie diet. Of course, this is a demand of the HCG protocol. Hence, those ready to fight against obesity, must be mentally prepared to acquaint themselves with low calorie foods. This means that any food item that is supposed to cause weight gain should be entirely avoided. Taking correct doses of HCG drops along with a low calorie diet are mandatory for losing body weight.

A No-No to Oils and Alcohols

One of the most crucial points to take into account regarding the HCG protocol is that preparing food, using oil at one's liberty should be wholly given up. While on an, HCG weight loss program, it is wise to go through the different rules of preparing meals as specified by the HCG protocol.

Anyone who wants to carry out the HCG diet plan in a smooth way and without any obstacles should thoroughly refrain from alcohol or any intoxicants. Taking alcoholic drinks during the HCG diet phase is not at all advisable, and, so must be avoided at all costs. In case people do not stick to these rules during the intake of HCG diet drops, the whole process gets disturbed which can result in unnecessary weight gain.

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