
Friday 21 September 2012

The Best HCG Reviews - Advertising

Simeons' patients lost both pounds and inches!The calories you eat on the HCG diet protocol are low, typically 500 calories a day and the hcg diet plan is restrictive to prevent the fat cells from storing new fat in the adipose tissues. When HCG is combined with a very low calorie diet, the person is subsisting more on their stored fat than on what they are eating. They are burning 3500-4000 calories of stored fat daily which amounts to losing 1-2 pounds every day!The HCG diet protocol can reset your metabolism and protects your essential fat (fat between your organs and needed body fat) and muscle tissue while restricting your caloric intake.We reviewed some of the best selling, and most popular HCG Drops online, to bring you the best and highest quality HCG Drops to help you lose the most weight. Check out our HCG Diet Reviews below:The Best HCG Diet Drops Reviews Discount HCG Diet's HCG is manufatured in the USA in a FDA certified lab. What really stood out about this H CG is that most competing products are only made of HCG. Their HCG Premium formula has added 3 essential amino acids, and 5 added supplements that provide support for controlling hunger, improving digestion, supporting the endocrine system, regulating appetite, normalizing metabolism, and has a mild diuretic. Most other brands have none or 3 at the most. Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein and healthy tissue. They are critical to life and they have a variety of roles in your metabolism. Years of research have gone into determining how amino acids help support individual organs and tissues throughout your body. Everything from better mental clarity to taste and even the expelling of toxins in the body. Each amino acid in their HGC Premium was specifically chosen to help support the major organs while detoxifying the body and optimizing your weight loss. Cost is a little more than the winner at $79 plus shipping. Their 1 oz bottle is formulated to last 15 days. HGC Completes HCG is also made in the USA in an FDA regulated lab. This is a good overall HCG product. From their website: HCG Detox is great for getting the toxins out of your body. Some places are selling it cheap and promoting it as the HCG weight loss formula which is a scary risk to the consumer. HCG Detox does not carry the necessary amino acids as the weight loss formula. If trying to do the 500 calorie diet using the HCG detox formula, one can experience significant desires to cheat, muscle loss, and a slowing of the metabolism. Within two to three months, without resetting the metabolism, the weight can come back. So if you are looking to save money, remember, you really do get what you pay for, especially in such a competitive field as weight loss. There are sites providing hCG with two or three ounces for a 26 day plan. We haven't confirmed all the details, either they are providing the customer with a diluted version, Detox formula, or just misleading on the proper d osage. There are great competitors of ours that do it right and there are those just trying to capitalize on the boom of the diet itself.

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