
Tuesday 25 September 2012

How to Lose Weight and Eat Healthy with Low Calorie Foods - Health - Nutrition

Recently I've been on a new weight loss mission to counteract the damage that I have done to my body for the last two years. I've been eating pure junk food and candy mixed with tons of beer and a little, I mean very little exercise for the last 24 months. Now I have not always been like this, it is actually a complete 180 from who and what I used to be. Why did I let it happen? I have no clue. Why after two years do I want to change? Because I woke up and I'm sick of what I see in the mirror.

I am not that big, but for my height I'm about 30 pounds overweight. Which I decided was 25 pounds to much for me. So after taking a good long look at myself nude in the mirror, I asked myself "What is my problem", "why am I doing this to myself"? I thought long and hard about those questions for a couple weeks and still a month and a half later, I had no answer. The only real reason I'm doing this to myself is because I'm lazy, unmotivated, and bored. However I chose to look at the situation there was only one answer. I needed to do something about it.

I got off the couch and started walking, started to do some simple exercises which motivated me to do a few more. I was definitely feeling a little better about myself but I still was not losing any wait. I was still grabbing the quick bites at fast food joints and loving every bite of my pizza. Another realization kicked in as I was taking down my second slice of 18" delicious New York style pizza. I am not the same person I was two years ago, I'm not at the gym for at least a hour a day any more, I can not be eating this pizza!.

That's the moment my mentality changed. I knew what my problem was now! It was the same problem I've always had to help me through my tough times. Food. I love food! I love cheese and hamburgers, pizza covered in meat, Deli subs, yummy, yummy food! Well I found my problem now it was time for me to fix it.

I first started out just trying to control my own cravings. That didn't work for me. Then I tried a few diets out of magazine's, but I just couldn't keep with it. From calorie counting to the five days on, two days off, plans. None of that appealed to me or helped. I needed a diet that had healthy recipes without the bland empty feeling I get after eating a so called meal. I needed a better plan.

One of my old friends from overseas told me about a program "Negetive Calorie Foods". It sounded like some bs but she swore it was working for her so after reading it over I thought why not, and if I didn't like it I could always get the refund.

Now we all know that there is no such thing as no calorie foods, but I like the state of mind it implies. That with eating these foods and dishes, your body is getting what it needs without all of the empty calories. It just makes me feel healthy saying it! Negative calorie foods! Anyways, I don't need to promote it, but I would like to give a good review of it.

I bought the ebook and started about a month ago and before you ask, No this is not some miracle diet or crazy health plan. It's more of a healthy lifestyle that they've written in a easy to follow plan. The meals actually taste good and are tailored to fit your life. Nothing is easy, but the program is made in a way that doesn't feel so cut and paste as the other healthy diet plans.

It includes three workouts that they claim will help you burn fat twice as fast if you chose to do the exercises with the diet plan. To me it seems like a decent work out for the average person (don't get me wrong I'm still below average in my workout plan) but I like to build up my own work out routines, so I haven't really been using theirs. Although to get back in shape for someone that has never had their own workout regimen it seems like a good start.

It also includes hypnosis mp3's that you can put onto cd's or your ipod and listen to when you go to sleep. For all I know maybe thats why it's working for me, but I don't know enough about suggestive hypnosis to say if it will work for everyone. a little side story, I have a friend named Brian that went for hypnosis to quit smoking and after a few sessions he has been smoke free for about two years now, no cravings, no patch, just smoke free. So hypnosis must work. How it works I have no clue.

I seemed to of rambled for a minute so let me get back to what I was saying. I bought the ebook about a month ago and it has given me the knowledge and strength to lose this extra weight. Every sunday I sit down and figure out a recipe and meal plan for the week, including daily snacks. I'm getting into a natural routine and my healthy choices are slowly becoming a healthy habit. I'll admit I've fell off the wagon a few times, but I just brush it off and get back on. As Of now I'm avoiding the scale as the program said so I'm not trying to be concerned with weight loss but body transformation and I can definitely see a difference in my face and body profile. If you have a love for eating and need to put your mind and body back into check I would recommend the "Negative Calorie" diet plan. If your just looking to lose fast weight only to gain it back again, then there are plenty of pills and crazy diets to choose from.

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