
Tuesday 3 June 2014

Weight Loss Guide: I Was Gaining 10 Pounds Per Month Until I Did This Powerful Trick - Health - Weight Loss

I'm like you, weight loss guide programs have always piqued my interest and I've tried a number of these programs too. But if you're looking for the real thing, this is one piece you shouldn't miss as I myself was startled to find out this one strong trick that I have personally attempted and basically succeeded at doing.

After going through this article, you will learn free tactics you can perform right away and start losing weight fast, healthily and permanently. Also, you will have the upside of feeling great about yourself and getting favorable comments from your family, friends, work colleagues and the general public.


All right, here is my one powerful secret - it is completely taking away fried, oily foods from your diet. I know what you are thinking: that??s not for me, I don??t eat lots of fried foods anyway. Same here. But listen to me, exactly executing it definitely made a big effect on my weight.

Before trying this, I was on a low-carbs diet, which was working since I did not have an active way of life. This strategy nonetheless, was put to an acid test when I conceived. When I was on my fourth to fifth month into pregnancy, I was gaining so fast inspite of following this diet I was literally getting heavier by ten pounds per month!

I was finally advised by my doctor to do a no-fried foods diet. I doubted that the difference vs. my previous diet would be significant until the numbers showed: from 10 pounds per month weight gain with the low-carbs diet to an instant, totally zero weight gain with the no-fried foods meal! And this was while my belly continued to grow.


Implementing this is an easy choice but let me share with you some suggestions on how I did it. ? I griddled or roasted my chicken rather than eating it fried. I put a large amount of seasonings like fresh rosemary leaves to make it actually flavorful. ? I ate plenty of steamed and broiled fish. ? I cooked my eggs on the grill without the oil. ? I attempted to keep away from my fave bacon. But when the enticement was so strong, I cooked it in the microwave instead and drained all of the oil ? I also decided to take grilled, sauteed or roasted meat and made sure they were well flavored. ? I shied away from my occasional chips and french fries cheats ?? which I thought was too little to cause weight gain? And if you are truly serious about this, one thing that truly helped me was to watch my diet by keeping a meal book. This permitted me to effectively track my food consumption, making sure they were fried-foods free.

And that is my straightforward yet strong weight loss guide. By seriously shedding greasy foods from your diet, you'll be astounded by the results it'll give you. And implementing it was also easy as you have seen from the tips I shared.

Miss this one straightforward trick and you may run the danger of having slow enhancements towards your weight goals. So start putting this into use and you'll be on the right path to a fast, safe and more permanent weight loss like I am. Shortly enough, you may start to enjoy self-esteem thru positive feedback from your folks, pals, and work associates and help meet your target of keeping fit for life!

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