
Sunday 22 June 2014

Diet Solution Program Burn Fat - Health - Weight Loss

Diet solution program burn fat is a term that became popular around the time that women decided that thin was "in". For the most part it was heralded by the Twiggy craze but more likely had been a significant concern since dresses began to rise above the ankles.

But diet solution program burn fat isn't always equated with weight loss, nor should it be. Diet solution program burn fat is a term that conjures up images of men and women (but mostly women) who are denying themselves the pleasures of chocolate, bread, butter, dessert, soda, alcohol and any food that remotely carries more than 10calories.

Diet solution program is really a lifestyle choice. It is a time when people feel they should be denied something of pleasure in exchange for fitting into the next dress size down. But it is NOT a long term option for either weight loss or overallhealth.

It may seem like splitting hairs but as humans we all respond best to what we interpret as "best". Because of the connotation that 'dieting' has developed over the past several decades it is much better for those who wish to lose several pounds to consider a nutritional change that results in healthier eating habits.

For example, the South Beach diet advocates eating lots of protein and fat but no carbohydrates. Even the proponents agree that it isn't a diet that should be followed in the long -term because of the abnormal metabolism it creates in the body, altered pH and increased work load on the kidneys.

So, once the individual has lost weight they are supposed to transition over to a nutritionally balanced diet that is lower in calories than their previous eating habits. But, nowhere in the program have they learned to eat a nutritionally balanced diet.

Individuals now transition from a 'diet' to a diet solution program burn fat that they are required to maintain for the remainder of their lives. Instead, how much better is it to gently and easily transition from poor nutritional habits to good ones that will help you lose weight and gain better overall health?

Taking the South Beach diet as the example again, the high protein meals they advocate are often also high in saturated animal fats. These nutrients are well known for the negative effects they have on the cardiovascular system and long term problems with heart disease, peripheral vascular disease and stroke.

On the other hand, by easing into a nutritionally balanced diet solution program burn fat plan that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, small amount of animal fat/protein and high amounts of wateran individual can develop a plan that works for their lifestyle while losing weight and improving their health. Lose Weight the Correct Way!!

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