
Sunday 1 June 2014

Prevent HCG Diet Risks by Closely Following HCG Protocols - Health - Weight Loss

Daily calorie consumption of the HCG diet is only 500 a day. But it is one of the most effective diets in existence. It eliminates excess pounds fast and despite the minimal amount of calorie consumption quite safe. There are HCG diet risks, of course, but they are easily prevented.

The HCG diet normally will be dangerous, but since it is complemented by the HCG hormone, side effects are kept well under control. This hormone secreted by pregnant women is known to increase the rate of metabolism and control hungers pangs.

Both the diet and the hormone play important roles in getting rid of excess pounds and prevent HCG diet dangers. Though it is the hormone which directly causes weight loss by accelerating the fat burning process, this power is unfortunately inactive in the dieter's body without the diet. The HCG diet is also a detox, which flushes the accumulated impurities out of your body and activates the powers of the diet.

There are several HCG diet risks you have to be on the lookout for. One is physical weakening due to severe drop in calorie consumption. There is also the possibility of the severe hunger pangs forcing you to quit the diet or cheat the diet.

All these dangers are easily prevented by simply following the protocols of diet and hormone. The activated hormone means the metabolism swiftly burns the fats which mean the blood is always suffused with energy giving nutrients, lessening hunger pangs and keeping the body in good shape to fight off serious side effects.

To make ensure you keep to the required 500 calories a day, a recipe is provided. You can find the recipe in the book "Pounds and Inches" written by Dr. Simeon, the physician who discovered and introduced the HCG hormone for weight loss. You are not in any way to deviate from this recipe as any deviations however small can have dire results.

The HCG hormone can be taken through the HCG drops or injections. Most people prefer the drops for obvious reasons. The injection is the original method but you do not need to ask what issues make people avoid it if possible. Worse, it's expensive.

You are required to administer the HCG drops three times a day, fifteen drops twenty minutes before each meal or after in case you forgot. You are to hold it in your mouth for fifteen seconds before swallowing.

The injections have dangers. The excruciating pains can lead to anxieties, the anxieties to increased blood pressure. Blood clots are also possible. The drops eliminate all these problems which translates to safer and more effective program.

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