
Thursday 13 February 2014

About a Raw Food Diet For Dogs - Home

When you are a pet owner, there is nothing like digging your heels into forming the best bond possible with your pet. And, like the old adage goes, a dog really is man's best friend. That said, do you not want to give your dog all that they give you in return? We thought so. However, that means not just a healthy amount of love and exercise, but the right food too. For that reason, we are here to talk to you about a raw food diet for dogs.

However, what could that mean? It's not as if we are ever putting raw meat or such into the dog bowl, right?

Well, raw food, just to clarify is the same as what is more popularly called dry food. Really, there's no difference other than the term. As long as it is not the wet food you get from a can, then it is raw food.

The raw food diet for dogs is just that then. It is putting your dog on a dry food only kind of meal system. However, why exactly should one change if they currently only provide their dog with wet food? Or what if they mix wet food and dry food? Does it really matter?

To be honest, the difference is fairly significant. However, we get that people are always looking to understand more, and when the subject matter is your own dog, it is important you hear the extended details of that specific difference in food.

Now, the biggest advantage of making the deliberate change from moist food to dry food, to a raw food diet for dogs, is cutting down on the endless price of dog food, which is always, in addition to everything else, going to be your biggest price point.

You see, most people spend their money on dog food either solely on dry or raw food, dry and wet food, or just wet food. Working backwards, we will tell you right off, that if you are only buying wet food for your dog, no matter its size and appetite, you are paying too much. Buying an individual amount of wet food inside cans means you are mostly paying for the packaging as well as preservatives, but we will get to those in a few. If you are splitting up your serving with wet and raw food mixed, then you are a step up. However, there is still no doubt that you are spending an extra penny to keep those shelves stocked. Sure, you may be cutting it with dry, which lasts longer given the dosage, but you can still do better. Switching completely to dry means buying a greater amount of food in a bulk package, and often for less. Not to mention, if you get the right product, your dog will have no qualms and you will soon start to find new savings each month. Sounds ideal, yes? < /p>

To conclude, we will bring up the white night of the conversation surrounding a raw dog food diet for dogs, and that is health factors. Not only is it a more affordable product, but it is healthier. Don't believe us? Get in touch with your local vet today to find out more!

Jamie is a dog health practitioner who specializes in raw diets for dogs. .

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