
Monday 5 August 2013

Hcg diet plan - The reply to Your Weight Reduction Problems - Health

An Overview of HCG Diet PlanAmong the many weight loss programs, Hcg diet plan developed by Dr. Simeon after extensive searching on the hormone HCG is among the most popular programs.HCG is the hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin manufactured in the body. Dr. Simeon had observed that HCG brought changes towards the metabolism functions in a person's body. It energizes the body to release all of the excess fat stored in some other part of the body.Under the Hcg weight loss diet plan, there is the option of choosing HCG shots or oral HCG. Strictly adherence to Hcg diet protocol regimen of the 500 calorie diet is paramount. The prescribed strict diet of organic food ensures that the body gets cleansed, freeing it in the chemicals that would add weight.The Hcg diet plan has three phases referred to as loading, maintenance and stabilization phases.In the first Loading phase that will 2 days, the dieters will take 6-10 drops of HCG 6 times each day, which is more effecti ve. They're going to have to eat very high-calorie food. They might eat anything in order to build up reserve fat to deal and adjust when going into low-calorie diet.In the second, Maintenance phase which is for 21 days, the dieters take 6-10 drops of HCG 6 times a day, which is more effective. Then they get started on VLCD (very low calorie diet), the 500 calorie diet as per the HCG diet regimen.In the third Stabilization phase is going to be for 21 days or even more depending on the weight-loss goal, the dieters take 6-10 drops of HCG 6 times day, which is more effective. The dieters can increase calorie intake and eat any organic food but avoiding sugar and starch.On completion of the three phases, dieters would lose about 40 kg. They'd have to adhere strictly towards the Hcg weight loss diet plan for healthy results.Benefits of HCG Diet PlanWhen people eat food more than the body requirement, there is an excess intake of energy. This causes the accumulation of fat in you r body, resulting in a condition where the body fat is more compared to normal. This is the reason why nearly 50% of ladies in the world are overweight. A lot more than one-third of them are obese.The Hcg diet plan benefits the obese and also the over-weight people significantly. The master plan is effective for anybody who really wants to lose that additional weight and also for those who struggle to maintain their weight for a long period.From the third day onwards, the dieter comes with an intake of only 500 calories, but, the body will be burning up nearly 2000 calories. The additional calories from the already accumulated fat in your body get burned. Just the unhealthy fat gets burned to reduce the weight gained. Another minerals, vitamins and muscle in the body remain untouched. During these three weeks of maintenance, the hormone HCG taken daily in measured doses triggers the metabolism and releases the body fat. While the dieter is consuming low-calorie food in small quantities, the calories continue to get burned.The Hcg diet plan has several benefits. The plan emphasizes the importance of eating healthy food with healthy eating habits and staying healthy, without adding fat towards the body and becoming obese. Through the years, millions of people have taken advantage of the program. The Hcg diet plan has proved to be a healthy, safe and convenient dieting program. The strict regimen helps people to shed weight in quick time. After they have slimmed down, the stabilization phase helps them to maintain, and manage how much they weigh for many years.After completing the hcg weight loss plan, dieters have been able to keep off weight gain and live a healthy lifestyle.

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