
Friday 9 August 2013

Does The Hcg Diet Plan Work and Where To Buy Hcg Drops - Health - Weight Loss

Knowing where to buy hcg drops is vital if you are to succeed in losing weight quickly but before you go ahead and buy The Hcg Diet Plan consider the following:

What are Hcg Drops:These are part of the Hcg Diet Plan Protocol, which has taken the world by storm,with so many users claiming that if followed through to the end, will have you losing crazy amounts of weight in a short space of time.

So then, are we to believe all these people? Is there really a weight loss plan that actually works without causing ill effects?

It appears that this diet is one that really does work by combining the use of Hcg drops and a very low 500 calorie a day meal plan.

Now, wouldn't you think that consuming only 500 calories a day will leave you hungry and lethargic?

Apparently not - according to the testimonials of real users who have experienced real fast weight loss.

So what is behind this Diet Plan that is causing this furora:

Lets briefly, start at the beginning.During pregnancy a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is produced.Because the growing baby needs extra nutrients to stay healthy, this smart hormone will use stored body fat to provide these nutrients.

With this theory in mind, Dr A.T.W Simeon - an English Endocrinologist put together the Hcg Diet Protocol believing that a low calorie diet combined with his Hcg formula would be an effective treatment for obesity, by burning stored fat to be used as extra fuel, thus suppressing the appetite and allowing fast weight loss.So strong was his belief, he wrote "Pounds and Inches" which is all about his discovery, and this is the book that the HCG Diet Plans used today with much success are based on.

Thankfully, modern day HCG Diet Plans use formulated liquid drops quite successfully, whereas the original protocol called for the use of injections to supply the hormone.

When looking to buy hcg drops to kick start your weight loss then it is important that you buy a plan that closely resembles Dr Simeons protocol of 500 calories a day from an approved list of lean protein, fruit, vege's, water and hcg drops.

By choosing the right plan you will lose weight fast like hundreds of other people following this plan.

Are All Hcg Drops The Same:Be careful where you buy hcg drops as there is said to be fake products around, particularly on auction sites.

Only buy from a company you know to be reliable and trustworthy, preferably one that manufactures their own products in a FDA Certified Premise in the US.

Starting anything new can be quite confusing, so make sure the Hcg Diet Plan you decide on will give you clear instructions on what to do and how to do it.

You need to have their full support throughout your diet and whoever you buy hcg drops from, please make sure they offer a money back guarantee, if for some reason you are unhappy.

Because I wanted first hand knowledge, I have 3 people under my watchful eye. They are 12 days on and are all doing very well so far, especially Mel who manages to lose between 1.6 and 3.1 pounds each day while Shane and Nicola are on a par at around 1 pound a day.I will post a full honest report on my website when they have completed their cycle, which will include everything from their diaries - So - Watch this space!

So Yes - I believe the Hcg Diet Plan is worth a go!

Feel free to check out my website for more information on the Hcg Diet Plan and a the best place to Buy Hcg Drops....

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