
Wednesday 1 May 2013

Top Five Ways To Loose Weight Naturally and Keep it Off! - Health - Fitness

Are you having trouble losing weight? Are you on a Diet Plan that is not working or on a Fitness program that cannot give you result? Don't worry, I'm here to tell you of the Top Five Ways to loose your weight naturally and to keep off permanently!

1- Manage your Stress Level/Emotions

Believe it or not how you feel has a lot to do with your weight. Different people deal with stress differently. For many people high stress level mean higher food intake which is likely to result in weight gain. When under stress, look for other alternatives to eating. Go outside whether than staying inside the house; go running, take a long walk or read a good book. These simple things will keep your mind away from food hence keep you from gaining weights when under stress.

2- Watch What You Eat

Watching what you eat is not just about 'Dieting,' it's about "Dietary Education." Dietary education is learning about what you are eating; the pros and cons about the food when it come to weight control and managing the portions that you eat.

3- Choose Your Activity Level

Figuring out your activity level is an important thing to do when exercising; it helps you track how well you're doing. When exercising start by doing the easy routines first, as you get better and your muscles become stronger go to the next level of difficulty and so forth. You can measure your activity level by keeping track your exercises routines, time spent doing each routines and your level of difficulty and frequency. Level of difficulty can be divided into three parts:

1- Level one, the easy stuffs: Exercising and carrying a conversation at the same time without losing your breath.

2- Level two, moderate: can have a conversation, but your are short of breath.

3- Level three, the hard stuffs: cannot carry on a conversation at all. More strength is require for this level.

4- Keep a steady Exercise Routine

Exercising to loose weight is a continuous process. It's not something you do for a while and then stop when you see that you have loss some weight. No, it's about perseverance. When you start getting results that's when you NEED to keep at it. You may cut down in your exercising times, days or tactics but you have to keep on exercising, if you don't you going to find yourself in the same place that you started from.

5- Reevaluate your Exercise Routines

Reevaluate your Exercise Routines and Eating Habits every 6 to 12 weeks. As you lose weight naturally, you will have a broad idea of what is working for you and what is not. You may need to make adjustments or you may not but follow your routines consistently and you will be eating healthier, loosing the weight, keeping off and feeling great about yourself and your body!

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