
Monday 6 May 2013

Fiber Is Important In A Colon Cleansing Diet - Health - Wellness

A balanced diet is important in a colon cleansing diet. The purpose of a colon cleansing diet is to remove the toxins and plaque that has built up in the colon. Anyone can incorporate the dietary advice about a colon cleansing diet for a healthier digestive tract.

Natural dietary fiber is best when it is drawn from natural foods that have not been processed. You can find many sources of fiber in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. You can effectively cleanse your colon with enough fiber in your diet.

Soluble And Insoluble Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber is categorized as soluble and insoluble. Both fiber types originate from a plant food. Most plant foods will have both soluble and insoluble fiber although some plant foods can have more of one fiber type. The soluble fiber means that the food can be broken down by water while insoluble fiber cannot. Insoluble fiber is not dissolved and instead insoluble fiber moves through the digestive tract acting as a scrub brush.

Soluble fiber will find with fats and toxins, which helps to eliminate these substances from the colon. Insoluble fiber will help waste pass through your body as it balances intestinal acidity and removes toxins from the colon. You can both soluble and insoluble fiber in raw and cooked foods.

Examples Of High Fiber Foods

Natural foods that are high in soluble fiber are psyllium seeds, oranges, grapefruit, pears, prunes, lima beans, kidney beans and Brussels sprouts. You can find high levels of insoluble fiber in foods such as barley, oat bran, apples, blackberries, black beans, navy beans, northern beans, lentils, chickpeas and black-eyed peas. All natural plant foods will have dietary fiber in their make-up.

Eat Dietary Foods Daily

You can get enough fiber in your colon cleansing diet if you regularly eat foods that are high in fiber, soluble and insoluble as a part of your daily diet. If you are like many people who do not eat enough fiber, you will need to add more fiber to your diet gradually so that your digestive system will get used to the extra bulk.

With the high fiber foods in a colon cleansing diet, you can keep your digestive tract and colon free from toxins and buildup. A colon cleansing diet has the ability to improve your health through its cleansing actions that are not just limited to your digestive tract. You can keep your entire body healthier with the addition of high fiber foods in your diet.

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