
Friday 3 May 2013

3 Easy Ways to Loose Weight... - Health - Fitness

In this article I will go over 3 easy ways to loose thatexcess weight that you have been looking at forall these years. If you decide to implement theminto your daily life, you will begin to see the magic that takes place right before your eyes.

Way#1) The first easy way to loose thatexcess weight is pretty much obvious. Getyour lazy butt off that couch and get out thereand exercise. You can't just sit there all day watchingtelevision and eating cheetos and expect somethingto happen for you. Now if you are saying, " that isn'teasy," you are really mistaken because it is. I'm notsaying you have to exercise for hours upon hoursevery single day. All that is required is a good 15minutes of exercise a day. 15 minutes at the least!Run, jog, or play a sport that you like, just do something. Honestly, if you can't commit 15 minutesa day to getting a better body, you really don't deserveone. I'm just going to say it how it is. Your body is thething keeping you mobile, so, I recommend youtreat it good and give it what it deserves. You have to livewith your body for a lifetime, so, shouldn't you havethe best one you can have?

Way#2) The second easy way to loose weightis to be more selective of what you eat. I know theice cream, hamburgers, pizza, and donuts are delicious, but damn, they're killing you. There areplenty of delicious foods out there that are extremelyappetizing that are also very healthy for you, so go findthem. Go to google and type in "health recipes." You'llfind plenty of good stuff. Furthermore, you don't even haveto give up fast food. Some of these fast food places havesome pretty healthy stuff. Just make sure you stay awayfrom the fried foods, mayonnaise, and french fries.The salads should be fine, and they're pretty tasty. Also,for those of you that don't know. A hamburger is not healthy.You wouldn't believe how many people think it is.Personally, if I am eating at a fast food place, I like tostick to the grilled menu. And I am not saying you cannever eat a slice of pizza ever again. You are allowedcheat days, so don't worry.; ) Just don't make a habit of it.

Way#3) The last easy way to loose weight is to go and get your self surgery; however, I don't recommend this.If you put all that weight on and couldn't get it off onyour own, there is a good chance that you are justgoing to blow up again. Not only that, but it isextremely expensive, not to mention that it is reallygross having people cut into your body and tearingsome of your flesh out. That is not a pretty sight, andI don't think anyone should resort to this option; however,it is an option, and if you choose to go down thispath, so be it.

However, if you combine the first two easy ways I mentioned together there should be no need foroption 3. If you stick to the regime of eating wholesomefoods and exercising at least 15 minutes a day, youshould start seeing those pounds shed prettyquickly.

So, Good Luck

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