
Sunday 28 April 2013

How Fast can you Drop Loose Weight Safely? - Health - Weight Loss

When you've got some loose weight and you set out to lose it too fast, you don't just lose fat. Depending on how you go about dieting, you can lose a fair amount of muscle and water, which can make reaching your goals quite a bit harder.

- not having enough water in your system can lead to fatigue and weight gain... both of which will make it harder to reach your goals.

- You're even worse off if you lose muscle... it's less effort to lose it than to gain it, and You need your muscle if you're going to have any chance at all of burning through your fat.

So how much of that loose weight can you drop and have it still be mostly fat?depending on your starting weight, you might be able to drop as much as 15 or 20 pounds in a week, but it'll be mostly water. What that means of course, is it'll all come back... at least it'd better! You need that water. The truth is that a lot of different factors come into play with weight loss... everything from stress to genetics, but there's at least a few things that you can keep in mind to keep yourself ahead of the game.

If you've got 50 pounds or more that you'll looking to get rid of, then you can lose about 3 or 4 pounds in a week. But as you start to get back to where your weight should be, the less easily the weight will come off... and that's okay, it's nothing to worry about. In fact, any diet plan that promises you a way to bypass that isn't going to be losing you fat, you'll be dropping muscle and water instead. chart your progress, and look for an average drop of 1 pound a week or so... that's a healthy, reasonable goal. Not very exciting, but you'll thank yourself for it 6 months from now when you're 25 pounds lighter, or whatever you're trying to get to.

Why can't you lose weight faster?Why can't you go faster? Because the human body is built to survive! Not to be thin. If there's extra food around, we're genetically predisposed to store it in case there's not as much to eat later on. so work with your body. If you try and work against it... you'll end up with weight rebound, gallstones, and you can end up with loose skin if you lose weight so fast it can't shrink down to the right size.

So how should this affect your dieting efforts?Make real changes, forget the short term fad diets! They don't work. Any permanent changes you can make for the better are way better. so you need to lay off the old eating habits, why shouldn't be able to still enjoy food?. You don't need to be hungry all the time, or only eat rabbit food... there's a lot of ways you can change your life for the better.

If you're looking to get some help coming up with a diet program that works for you, you might want to check out the article below. The real trick to a successful diet is finding healthy foods you like, and getting past unhealthy habits. Check out some great tips for making a Diet Plan that Works for you.

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