
Sunday 7 April 2013

Colon Cleansing Foods - 4 Foods That Cleanse the Colon Naturally - Health

When it comes to colon cleansing there are many theories regarding the best way to go about it. The most widely accepted is to take an herbal dietary supplement combined with eating foods that will assist in cleansing the colon. There are many foods that are helpful when it comes to colon cleansing and here are four of the most common.

The first is not widely considered a food, but it has been proven to be extremely healthy. Flaxseed nuts can be added to many foods such as yogurt and they have been proven to assist in cleansing the colon. They are healthy, widely available, and can be sprinkled on many other foods. They are one of natures super foods and you will be glad when you add them to your diet.

The second food is more of a food group; vegetables. Try to increase your daily servings of vegetables and decrease your intake of other fattier foods. When choosing a vegetable choose one that is high in fiber such as peas or lima beans. If they are not to your liking any vegetable will be beneficial in the long run.

Fruits are the other food group that can be very beneficial when it comes to colon cleansing. As with the vegetables try to choose high fiber fruits in order to gain the maximum colon cleansing benefit. Examples of high fiber fruits include apples and pears. Leave the skin on the fruit for in order to increase your fiber intake.

The fourth food you should add to your diet in order to assist the colon cleansing supplement are whole grain items. These can include breads, muffins, cereal, or other foods that are made up of whole grains.

All of the above foods will help to promote regular bowel movements and to assist in cleansing the colon. They cannot do it alone however. If you take an herbal colon cleanser and add these colon cleansing foods to your diet you will achieve the maximum digestive health possible.

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