
Tuesday 30 April 2013

The High Fiber Diet - Healthy Way To Loose Weight And Feel Great - Food

Now more than ever people are Overweight and it is considered an epidemic that we are looking for a solution for. One of the major reasons is the amount of junk food that we are tempted with every day. We also have the image problem were we see images of the perfect body and it makes us depressed to think that we can not obtain this image. The pressure on our youth to be perfect has also caused a lot of problems with obesity as well.

Learn how to find: The Best Diet Plan

Using a High Fiber Diet to loose weight can be a great way for you to have a plan that works well and it will make you feel great. With the High Fiber Diet you will have the feeling of being full and will be less likely to snack in between meals which can really cause gaining extra weight. The High Fiber will help to clean out the extra waste in your body and this helps to keep you feeling great. What happens is that the fiber is not digested and it will give you a felling a fullness, then the food will be flushed out.

Get some Advice about: Loosing Weight

It is important that when you choose to loose weight using the High Fiber Diet that one of the most important things that you do is have a large water consumption. The water will allow the fiber that is in your body to be passed and makes it much easier for your body to have a high fiber absorption. The fiber needs the water to absorb so that it makes you feel fuller and also it makes it easier to pass stools. It is always good to drink the 8 recommended glasses of water a day to get the best results.

It is very common that you may experience some gas when you up your fiber intake but this will pass when your body gets used to it. The High Fiber diet can be one of the best diets to loose weight and you will feel better than you have in a long time.

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Monday 29 April 2013

Ways To Loose Weight Fast - Health

{There are many myths going around on weightloss that a lot of people seem to believe in when looking for ways to loose weight fast. Below three more popular myths are discussed|If you believe in the many myths going around on weightloss when looking for ways to loose weight fast, read on to see how true some of them are|Let us discuss some popular myths on weightloss that a lot of people seem to believe in when looking for ways to loose weight fast.Myth # 1: Skipping mealsSkipping meals can lower your metabolism and makes it more difficult to lose weight. You need to eat regularly and eat foods that are good for you such as vegetables, salads and fruit! Don't snack on junk food such as choclate, cakes and ice-cream. If you need to snack then snack on healthy alternatives like fruit and nuts! Myth # 2: Avoid White FoodMany white foods have a lot of nutrients in them which are good for us such as pears, avocadoes and nuts. An important thing to remember is that what counts more is the amount of nutrients found in a food than its colour.Myth # 3: Grapefruit Miracle In reality this myth has no basis. There is a group of individuals who are promoting grapefruit as a way to lose fat.. It has been stated that there is a powerful fat burning enzyme in the grapefruit which will help you burn the fat in your body. You have to bear in mind that there is only one small isolated research that is stating this. There is the question of whether these researcers were funded by the citrus industry. So the guineness of this claim has yet to be questioned. Lycopene is an ingredient that provides nutrient and care for the cellular health, this is what grapefruit is very rich in. It also prevents heart and cancer diseases. These are three popular weightloss myths that you may or may not be aware of. The path to a healthier lifestyle and weightloss and finding ways to loose weight fast is open for you, you just need the knowledge to separate fact from fiction. All the best in your weightloss goals!

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Sunday 28 April 2013

How Fast can you Drop Loose Weight Safely? - Health - Weight Loss

When you've got some loose weight and you set out to lose it too fast, you don't just lose fat. Depending on how you go about dieting, you can lose a fair amount of muscle and water, which can make reaching your goals quite a bit harder.

- not having enough water in your system can lead to fatigue and weight gain... both of which will make it harder to reach your goals.

- You're even worse off if you lose muscle... it's less effort to lose it than to gain it, and You need your muscle if you're going to have any chance at all of burning through your fat.

So how much of that loose weight can you drop and have it still be mostly fat?depending on your starting weight, you might be able to drop as much as 15 or 20 pounds in a week, but it'll be mostly water. What that means of course, is it'll all come back... at least it'd better! You need that water. The truth is that a lot of different factors come into play with weight loss... everything from stress to genetics, but there's at least a few things that you can keep in mind to keep yourself ahead of the game.

If you've got 50 pounds or more that you'll looking to get rid of, then you can lose about 3 or 4 pounds in a week. But as you start to get back to where your weight should be, the less easily the weight will come off... and that's okay, it's nothing to worry about. In fact, any diet plan that promises you a way to bypass that isn't going to be losing you fat, you'll be dropping muscle and water instead. chart your progress, and look for an average drop of 1 pound a week or so... that's a healthy, reasonable goal. Not very exciting, but you'll thank yourself for it 6 months from now when you're 25 pounds lighter, or whatever you're trying to get to.

Why can't you lose weight faster?Why can't you go faster? Because the human body is built to survive! Not to be thin. If there's extra food around, we're genetically predisposed to store it in case there's not as much to eat later on. so work with your body. If you try and work against it... you'll end up with weight rebound, gallstones, and you can end up with loose skin if you lose weight so fast it can't shrink down to the right size.

So how should this affect your dieting efforts?Make real changes, forget the short term fad diets! They don't work. Any permanent changes you can make for the better are way better. so you need to lay off the old eating habits, why shouldn't be able to still enjoy food?. You don't need to be hungry all the time, or only eat rabbit food... there's a lot of ways you can change your life for the better.

If you're looking to get some help coming up with a diet program that works for you, you might want to check out the article below. The real trick to a successful diet is finding healthy foods you like, and getting past unhealthy habits. Check out some great tips for making a Diet Plan that Works for you.

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Saturday 27 April 2013

Weight Loss Products that don't Fail - Proven Way to Buy "Sure As Fire" Weight Loss Products (and Loose Weight Too) - Health

To buy weight loss products that don't fail and loose weight too is not a simple task considering the all too similar boatloads of them shouting hoarse with long sales pages (that seem everlasting). In reality, what these marketers do is nothing more than list out some juicy benefits that they say you get alongside a host of "don't-know-who-checked" testimonials.

Great weight loss products, made for really obese people having excessive fat tissues (adipose tissues) hanging from their stomach, are designed to work on the metabolic system of the tissues. Adipose tissues actually consist of "well seasoned" and thus really stubborn fat cells such as adipocytes and the like, which are repulsive to all known diets and exercises. These cells are so stubborn that even the weight loss surgeries such as the "gastric bypass surgery" leaves behind an ugly "sack of skin" because they remove large quantities of fat in a quick time even though it works to loose weight.

Unfortunately, those weight loss products that promise quick weigh loss are cleverly hiding other facts too. Quick scavenging of fat leaves you terribly weakened for you are completely deprived of your energy storehouse in one go and may eventually get exposed to the dangers of anemia. Secondly, the ugliness under your pants requires another draconian reconstructive surgery to correct.

True weight loss products don't suck your pocket, and least of all, your body and fat instead it helps burn fat in a constructive way and never leaves you with a sickly feeling of always having to carry an "apron of skin" hanging by your abdomen. They achieve this by not letting the lipocytes - fat cells- contract in a short time. A worthwhile "Loose Weight" product stimulates fat burning not by weakening you. The process of burning fat is such that your metabolic needs are never taken out of you.

Weight loss products may not come cheap neither does your health. Make an informed purchase. The more you know about them the better it is than doing the math alone.

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Friday 26 April 2013

Green Tea Loose Weight - Health - Weight Loss

The thought of having a fine tea drink, is wonderful and fascinating. A drink of fresh green tea is refreshing and rejuvenating, leaves you craving for an immediate cup of green tea. The miracle of weight loss attributed to the miracle cure of green tea is added the list which goes on endlessly on the benefit of the green tea. The vital benefits of the green tea as health drink ranges through a series of facts viz. as a health drink, increasing blood circulation, improving energy, improving digestive system and revitalizing the entire human system.

Here is great news for the weight watchers. Green tea helps reduce weight to amazing levels green tea loose weight. It is the perfect all-in-one solution for a variety of health problems. If I start enumerating the vital benefits offered by the green tea, it goes long starting from improving your memory, helping your skin glow, helping in weight loss, acting as anti-bacterial and upgrading your immune system, sharpening mental focus and soothing stress and calming the mind etc. And the benefits of green tea are even attributed to lowering cholesterol and checking heart attacks. According to research claims made by medical and health stalwarts, green tea even helps digestion and protects your skin from sun, helps in healthy eyes and relaxes the body.

I have practically tried the wonders of green at my kitchen as a home oriented research and come out with down to earth wonderful findings. I have tried every type of tea available in the market, whether it is dust tea or leaf tea. And my family, being fussy and tending to become perfectionists in the art of tea making, I strive to maintain the best tea drink. I think I am nearer to perfecting the art of tea making and found it exciting and satisfying to serve fine tea drink, with a dedicated aptitude for preparing and serving the finest tea possible to every person who sits with me for a cup of green tea, keeping in mind the saying green tea loose weight. Ahh! It is wonderful to sip through a cup of green tea all alone or with friends or with family members around.

Do I bestow unauthorised benefits of green tea? Or do I sound exaggerating or harping on the same phrase? Not at all, it is a fact well preserved and well maintained, and it is true to the best of my knowledge and experience. Green tea is a wonderful drink, recuperating your energy, rejuvenating your body and refreshing your mind. And above all, it provides you with the most expected and time tested benefit of checking your weight. I have a number of people to witness for this proven benefit derived from green tea!

You can make your recipe of green tea and make experiments at your kitchen. This way you can possess the best practical knowledge and the wisdom to maintain the standards expected. You boil the water, pour it over the green tea leaves in a kettle, and allow it to brew for a few minutes. You have sugar and hot milk kept separate in pots. Make it a point not to allow the water to under boil or over boil, as both these actions cause the green tea to lose the original flavour. Use properly boiled water to make green tea and make the cup of green tea by mixing it with sugar and milk in a tea cup. Now the green tea is ready for sipping. Start sipping it over, you will really enjoy the fine green tea, and the flavour and aroma appetizing you deep into your mind and body, providing all the goodness, claimed by your well wishers and medical team too.

You will definitely find green tea helping you lose weight and working as a natural remedy through your stress and strain. Try it now and find wonderful health. Remember green tea loose weight!

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Thursday 25 April 2013

Colon Cleanse: How To Loose Weight Through Natural Colon Cleanse Process? - Health - Fitness

A colon cleanse process is often looked on as an essential means of trying to reduce your body fat. While most people are aware that a colon cleanse procedure is mainly carried out to ensure that you maintain your digestive processes, little do we realize that colon cleansing also gives rise to a constant fat reduction as well. Well, it is true- colon cleansing does allow you to loose weight, the natural way. A natural colon cleanser is often the most effective means of shedding those extra kilos off your back. Without wasting any more time, let us now discuss the basic ways through which you can hope to reduce weight through a natural colon cleanser.

A Colon Cleanse Flushes Your Waste Matter

One of the biggest reason how you can hope to loose weight while leaving aside the so called, over hyped weight loss products, is by trying the methodologies of a colon cleanser. Well, colon cleansing is a program through which, you can hope to shed the extra kilos off your back. It is also very easy to do so. All you are required to do is to make use of a cleanser on a regular basis. A natural cleanser, such as Bowtrol, enters your digestive tract and softens all the waste material that has been embedded deep within the confines of your digestive tract. As you continue with the procedure, your waste material continues to glow softer and in a very short span of time, you would actually be benefiting through a natural weight loss process. The waste is softened and soon it is excreted through a smooth bowel movement.

A Colon Cleanser Improves Digestion

The second biggest advantage of making use of a colon cleanse program is the marked improvement in your digestion. Through the means of a smoother digestion, you often benefit in the longer run. One of the main reasons why you tend to accumulate weight in and around your abdominal region is because you are not being able to absorb the nutrients and make use of them on a regular basis. As your digestion powers start to wean, you can easily gain pounds in a matter of days. Now, through the means of a colon cleansing therapy, you tend to cleanse your system off all the sludge that is still buried inside. Once that happens, you digestion improves automatically. With the improvement in your digestive processes, you automatically tend to shed your kilos at a faster pace.

You Can Enhance Your Metabolism

One of the main reasons why you tend to gain weight is because your metabolism is very sluggish. Once your metabolism becomes sluggish, you tend to start accumulating fat on a regular basis. This is so because, the fat content which is present in your body is burnt through the means of a calorie burner and your calorie burner happens to be your metabolism. Owing to the waste matter and the fecal bi-products which are stuck within your digestive tracts, you tend to slow down your metabolic process. Due to this, you burn lesser amount of calories. Soon, you tend to gain weight at a rapid pace. Now, through the means of a natural colon cleanser, you tend to flush the waste material and improve your digestion as well. Once your digestion is improved, your metabolism is automatically improved. Therefore, you loose weight on a regular basis.

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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Healthy Sample Eating Plans How To Develop Your Healthy Eating Guide - Health - Weight Loss

When talking to people, you'll hear that most people know they should eat better. Some people can even tell you exactly what a healthy sample eating plans consists of, right down to the ingredients. However, when you'll look a bit closer, you'll see that the majority of these people do not implement the things they know to be true about improving their health such as eating better. The disconnect lies where the knowledge about eating healthy and actually taking action is lost. In this article we will cover how to develop your healthy eating guide.

Failure to eat right may be due many things. Studies indicate that the most people's inability to stick to a healthy eating plan is a result from lack of planning. That's why many people can tell you how to eat right, but their lifestyle shows the exact opposite. Eating health actually requires you to do very little. The easiest way to change your eating habits is to create a daily meal plan. The best meal plans to follow incorporates healthy foods from all the major food groups in a way that's satisfying and enjoyable to you. Here are three important parts to creating a healthy meal that ensures you will succeed at any healthy eating plan for the long-term.

-Create a Food Journal-A food journal will help you stay on track with your meals. In your journal, you'll write down every thing you eat for the day. It's also a good idea to take your journal grocery shopping with you. A journal will enable you to make better and more focused choices when deciding which foods to purchase. Keeping track of your daily consumption by using a food journal will help you to stick with your healthy eating plan.

-Prepare Healthy Meals- Creating a healthy eating plan can be accomplished if you do not know how to prepare healthy meals. The idea around preparing healthy meals is to cook foods that are low in fat, high in fiber and protein, and nutritious.

-Prepare Meals In Advance- One suggestion to help you stay on top of your plan is to prepare your meals in advance. After a few days worth of meals are prepared, separate individual servings and put them into a freezable container and store them in the refrigerator. Before you leave for the day, just pull out a meal and go. This is a great way to save time and you don't have to worry about preparing foods each day.

With these three healthy eating guidelines, eating healthier should be much easier. Eating a healthy meal plan such as this, one you enjoy, should give you great results over time. If you are looking for a greater boost in your results, you might want to add exercises to your healthy eating plan.

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Tuesday 23 April 2013

Healthy nutrition diet - Health


A healthy food is beneficial for each and every person. It is important to take care of your body and if you, you will reap the good benefits. A healthy food does not need to be boring! It should be tasty, balanced too. If you feel bored with a healthy food, you will quickly yield to passion it! The body works like a machine - if you put good and healthy foods in, it will appear and perform better. For that we should take the healthy diet such as vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, nuts and whole grain products, etc.

Healthy meals are more fun and tasty than unhealthy food. Usually fatty meals are only to satisfaction and enjoyment of a meal and not satisfy our health. When ones you adopt to eat healthy foods, you'll be forced to make hem tasty and variety in all kinds of different ways.

To work best, our body needs vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and liquids. A good vegetable, fruits, grains and proteins keeps our body healthy. Eating this kind of food prevents from the risk of illnesses such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, blood cholesterol. A deficient diet can result in obesity, and anemia. It is possible to have healthy food delivered to your door, either fresh ingredients or prepared meals. It is a bad idea to needed yourself totally of your favorite foods, but the occasional slice of chocolate and cake is good. You don't need to eliminate anything out completely.. You can make good choices and substitute one food choice for another. However, Changes should be made gradually. You can begin by introducing more fresh fruit and vegetables into your diet are beneficial. Always keep adopt to go through the labels of the food item about content of added salt, sugar and fat, etc. whatever you purchased from market.

Another main problem that people face is trying to lose weight that they have a dependence on the fatty and unhealthy foods that they are used to eat. They feel that by giving up these foods they are punishing themselves.

Choosing the best healthy food to eat should include many factors. Three important healthy foods to eat factors are the following:

1. Avoid white flour and pizza items it contains large amount of calories, Even though you're getting nutrition from the vegetables, the overall effect support against towards a negative due to the other fat gaining ingredients. Much bread available on the market which are being encourage as a healthy food to eat actually contain high sodium levels. High amount of sodium has a lot of negative possibilities to spoil the health. Also fruit and vegetables that we believe to be a healthy food to eat but it might also contain sodium solution to preserve the product. fresh fruits and vegetables are always good for healthy life.

2. Avoid deep fry, try grilling or baking instead deep fry and try to add high fiber diet. Always take fiber content and low fat diet: like if have to eat bread go to wheat bread (Brown bread), include more quantity of green and color vegetables and fruits such as carrot, beetroot, orange, apple papaya and guava, especially guava is very good for diabetes and papaya is good for blood cholesterol and heart diseases it melts the fat sediments which mixed in our blood.

Once you have to adopt some time on healthy food diets, you'll find it very hard to go back to your old one. These are just some of the main reasons to get into a healthy food diet, so make that decision today to change your diet and change your lifestyle.

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Monday 22 April 2013

High Protein Diet Foods to Help You Lose Weight - Health

If you are on a mission to lose weight and get into better shape, you know how important your diet is. Exercise, of course, plays a crucial role in staying healthy and taking off excess body fat, but your diet has to be in tip-top shape in order to get the full benefits from working out. When you exercise, you are taxing your body and forcing it to do things that it will need to recover from.

Whether you want to take off fat, put on muscle, or do a little bit of both, you have to feed your body the nutrients it needs in order to reach your goals. High protein diet foods should be a consideration for everyone, from the person trying to lose a few pounds to the top bodybuilders. There's no type of diet that can't be improved by adding the best high protein diet foods.

Protein Is Essential for Life

Not only is protein important if you're trying to lose weight or gain muscle, it's essential to your health and staying alive. As you know, most of the foods you eat are made up of three main types of nutrients: protein, carbohydrate, and fat. Every food is made up of one or more of these three and your body needs the right combination to operate at peak efficiency.

Did you know that the only one of these three nutrients that is essential to survival is protein? In other words, if you were in the worst case scenario and food was scarce, you would always want to choose the high protein foods to survive. The human body should always have all three of these macro-nutrients, but it will cease to function without protein intake of some sort. That fact alone, that protein is an essential building block of life, should tell you that you need to do all you can to add high protein diet foods to your eating plan.

Protein Builds Muscle

One of the main tasks of protein is to supply your body with the amino acids it needs to sustain and increase muscle mass. This is an area where many people get off track. They figure that they do not want to gain a bunch of muscle mass and therefore should not up their protein intake or look for high protein diet foods for their meals. This is a fallacy. Everyone should strive to add muscle. This doesn't mean that everyone has to be a bodybuilder; it simply means that adding muscle mass to your body, even in small amounts, is better for your health.

Protein to Lose Weight

Protein will help you to add muscle, but that's not all. A great by-product of adding muscle is easier weight loss. When your body has more muscle on it, it has to burn more calories to sustain that muscle. When your body senses that it needs to burn more calories, your metabolism will crank into overdrive. Simply adding a few pounds of muscle, by doing some resistance exercise and eating high protein diet foods, can help to turn your body into a fat-burning machine.

Easy-to-Find High Protein Diet Foods

There are standard foods that are easy to find at grocery stores that are fantastic high protein diet foods. Here are some common foods that nearly every store has in abundant supply. They are all excellent sources of high quality protein:

- Tuna and other fish. Fish are loaded with protein. They also contain healthy, essential fats that your body needs to stay healthy. Tuna is the most convenient of the fish products available, but you might also want to add other healthy fish to your diet to crank up your weight loss efforts.

- Boneless, skinless chicken breast. This is the foundational food for people who are serious about putting on muscle and losing fat. Baking skinless chicken breast is a great way to prepare meals for several days at once. Simply cook enough to last you a few days, and freeze individual portions to heat up for lunches, dinners, and snacks throughout the week. When it comes to high protein diet foods, none are as popular as chicken breast.

- Cottage Cheese. This is a high protein diet food that people don't add to their diets often enough. Cottage cheese contains some of the best quality proteins you can get short of a sports supplement. The proteins in cottage cheese are rapidly absorbed and utilized by your body and they are conducive to digestive health, too.

These are simply a few, staple high protein diet foods that you may want to add to your diet. Each of these choices is low in unhealthy fats and contains the high quality proteins that you need to have when you are exercising and dieting. Remember that protein will help your body build muscle, which will in turn help you to burn fat faster. Gaining muscle doesn't mean that you will become "muscle bound." Adding even a little bit of muscle is one of the best things you can do to help your body burn fat like a furnace.

As you are putting your diet together, you will want to include lots of high protein diet foods like those mentioned above. You'll also benefit from adding a few supplements like protein drinks and multivitamins to your diet. A good protein shot, like Profect, can help you get the protein you need immediately after a hard exercise session. This is one time when it's essential to get rapidly absorbed proteins into your body, so don't overlook the importance of supplements as a high protein diet food in your efforts to lose body fat. Visit for more information.

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Sunday 21 April 2013

So What Can I Eat On The Hcg Weight Loss Plan? - Health

You could have decided that this hCG plan to lose weight is but one that you might want to try and now you're questioning, "What must i eat around the hCG diet plan?" Hcg is very restrictive in calories, however the very good news is the fact that there's a lot of information online about how exactly to jazz up the sparse diet.

Throughout the hCG fat loss program, you'll be taking regular, daily doses with the hCG hormone. The hormone emerged in three forms - injections, oral drops and pills. The sort of hCG can be you, but whoever you hire must be drawn in conjunction with this diet reported by the late, Dr. A.T.W. Simeons.

Simeons researched the application of the hCG hormone and diet regime to lessen obesity within the 1950s as well as the outcome was astounding. If you've chosen to try Dr. Simeons' plan and therefore are asking, "What must i eat on the hcg diet plan?," there are lots of online sites that supply menu planning and seasoning recommendations that help make the bland diet more interesting.

Typically, all you'll get for breakfast for the hCG fat loss program is coffee - no food. Simeons also specifies that you ought to use pure (not tap) water to your beverages. Lunch might include part of organically-fed beef, veal, chicken or certain types of fish simply one sort of vegetable.

Simeons specified that vegetables shouldn't be mixed for each and every meal, understanding that no oil or fats should be employed to cook them. You could possibly grill, steam or boil them. A bit of organic fruit for instance an apple or grapefruit are often eaten for lunch.

If preferred, it can save you the fruit for the mid-afternoon or evening snack. Pay attention to the varieties of fruit and veggies on the diet. Simeons is quite restrictive concerning the entire diet, and there are numerous vegetables and fruits that aren't appropriate for various reasons for instance high sugar content.

Dinner is the same as lunch, hence the diet can be boring. Kevin Trudeau, consumer advocate, tried hcg himself and found that using certain seasonings could greatly help to improve the flavors of the food to make them more palatable.

Now, you'll find these seasonings, salad dressings as well as other "helpers" to the diet online. Some online sites might also claim that you're taking vitamins while you're for the hCG weight loss program, but that wasn't originally within the plan that Simeons' used for his patients.

Also, remember that it is possible to drink the maximum amount of liquid as you wish, which helps to defend against hunger and cravings. Anyone who has tried the hCG weight loss program report that using hormone in the diet also has the consequence of reducing hunger and cravings.

So, what is anxiety "What am i allowed to eat on the hcg diet protocol?," might not sound very appealing, but the email address details are amazing you may have finally lost that weight forever.

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Saturday 20 April 2013

A Quick Look at Some of Today's Most Effective Diets - Health - Weight Loss

The Idiot-Proof DietThe idiot-proof diet is all about calorie shifting. That is, in this diet, you shift your food intake throughout the day instead of eating just 3 meals a day. The diet is popular because it's actually very easy to follow and there are hardly any restrictions when it comes to the types of food you can eat.

The 'calorie shifting' model takes place because you eat every two and half hours. The theory is that because your body is consuming calories (energy) constantly throughout the day, it's always in 'burning calories' mode instead of the 'saving calories' mode.

When you sign up for the diet, you get access to a diet handbook, an 11-day diet-plan and a diet calculator. You get to pick what foods you like to eat so don't think that you'll be tarving in this diet!

NutriSystemThe NutriSystem way of dieting is all about proper meal planning. People love this diet because it takes away the burden of trying to figure out what to eat during their dieting phase. You see, a lot of people actually get confused as to what they can eat when they want to lose weight. That's not really surprising because there's so much information out there and for every yay sayer, there is a nay sayer so it's really tough to know what to eat.

However, with NurtiSystem, they do all the meal planning and portion controlling for you. You just need to sign up to any of their diet programs (e.g., Women's Program, Men's Program, Vegetarian Program, etc.) and order a multi-day (usually for 28 days) diet program.

After you choose your diet program, a menu is presented to you and you simply choose what you want to eat. The meals are then delivered to your doorstep at various intervals during your diet program.

The South Beach DietThe South Beach Diet is popular because the name alone conjures bikini-clad bodies! Add to that the fact that it was founded by a cardiologist, Dr. Arthur Agatston, then you have a sort of 'doctor recommended, doctor approved' seal on the diet as well.

At first glance, the South Beach Diet looks a lot like the Atkins Diet in the sense that it restricts carbohydrates during the initial phase of the program (there are 3 phases). The first phase (14 days) encourages 'normal eating' in the sense that you can pretty much eat whatever you want but you must NOT eat bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, or baked goods. Fruit is also not allowed. No sugar. No alcohol.

The second phase allows you to SLOWLY introduce these items back into your diet but at lesser levels that you consumed them before of course. The third phase is more about general maintenance.

Weight WatchersProbably one of the longest running diet programs out there is Weight Watchers. It believes in the overall approach where food, exercise, behavior and support are addressed.

Weight Watchers is known for advocating a point system for foods. Using this system, one calculates the calorie intake of the foods he or she eats. The number of points you can have in a day varies depending on your weight. The beauty of the program is that there are no gut-wrenching food restrictions so you never feel deprived of anything. However, the point system teaches you how to balance your meals so that even if you indulge on one food item, you don't go overboard and consume too much in a day.

One of the secrets to successful dieting it knowing what diet program to follow; so apart from the above, do check out other diets too before you settle on the diet that suits you.

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Friday 19 April 2013

The Free Online Diets Offers - Health - Weight Loss

Free free online diets is distinct from "freeware" which is free online diets software made available. Others include "software free online diets "free, libre and open-source software" ("FLOSS"), free online diets "free and open free online diets software" ("FOSS"). This obviously includes weight loss pills and supplements to assist you in your diets.

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Thursday 18 April 2013

HCG Diet Calculator - Health

You can use an hCG calculator to measure your System Mass Index (BMI) when you are taking the hCG hormone and pursuing the hCG eating plan to support lose pointless excess weight. An hCG calculator is also any calculator which is ready to assistance you with your fat and food parts. These kinds of calculators are often used for overall health complications connected to obesity, which involves diabetes, heart circumstances, and hypertension. When you are making use of an HCG calculator to measure your BMI, you want to assure that your BMI is often significantly less than 25. Your BMI calculation is based mostly on your height and pounds. From time to time the system weight in anyone is overestimated by their BMI, which generally transpires when the individual is of the muscular sort.An HCG calculator is also generally utilised to establish the stage of Beta HCG in pregnancy. Throughout the initial four weeks of pregnancy, HCG amounts normally doubles every two days. It subs tantially slows down as the stage of pregnancy progresses. You can use an HCG calculator to input the blood examination date and the beta HCG degree on that day. Input the beta HCG degree on the day of the subsequent blood examination and you will be able to calculate the HCG hormone progress.When losing weight, you will be ready to use a calories consumption calculator as the HCG calculator to compute how quite a few calories you burned although on the HCG diet regime approach. A person pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories a day. Hence, if you are adhering to the 500 calories a day HCG diet program prepare, you must be burning 1 pound of weight a week.Often our bodies do not perform as effectively as what is anticipated by the calculator, and therefore you need to also consider about other factors that perform a element during your HCG fat reduction program. When the HCG hormone stimulates your hypothalamus gland, your metabolic rate will increase, and will be ready to reduce bodyweight immediately as you will be burning calories more effectively.The nutrient calculator is an additional helpful HCG calculator that can be applied in your weight reduction program. This calculator groups your diet regime into carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. To measure attain in muscle or excess weight, a "bulking" calculator could be utilised. There is evidence that our bodies achieve a "excess fat reduction plateau" in response to the decreased intake of calories. This is usually disheartening, specially when you are in anguish as you are even now adhering to a quite reduced calorie diet program. You can only get out of the bodyweight loss plateau by rising your metabolic pace, and the eating habits plan centered on the HCG hormone is ready to assistance you do this. Whilst subsequent this wonderful strategy, you can use any of the readily available excess fat reduction calculators as an hCG diet regime calculator to assist compute how quick you are dr opping excess weight.

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Wednesday 17 April 2013

The hCG Diet Calculator - Health

You can use an hCG calculator to measure your Body Mass Index (BMI) when you are taking the hCG hormone and following the hCG diet to help lose unnecessary weight. An hCG calculator is also any calculator which is able to help you with your weight and food portions. Such calculators are usually used for health problems related to obesity, which includes diabetes, heart conditions, and hypertension.

When you are using an hCG calculator to measure your BMI, you want to ensure that your BMI is always less than 25. Your BMI calculation is based on your height and weight. Sometimes the body fat in someone is overestimated by their BMI, which typically happens when the person is of the muscular type.

An hCG calculator is also usually used to determine the level of Beta hCG in pregnancy. During the first four weeks of pregnancy, hCG levels typically doubles every two days. It significantly slows down as the stage of pregnancy progresses. You can use an hCG calculator to input the blood test date and the beta hCG level on that day. Input the beta hCG level on the day of the next blood test and you will be able to calculate the hCG hormone progress.

When losing weight, you will be able to use a calories intake calculator as the hCG calculator to compute how many calories you burned while on the hCG diet plan. One pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories a day. Hence, if you are following the 500 calories a day hCG diet plan, you should be burning one pound of fat a week.

Usually our bodies do not function as efficiently as what is expected by the calculator, and thus you should also think about other factors that play a part during your hCG weight loss program. When the hCG hormone stimulates your hypothalamus gland, your metabolism will increase, and will be able to lose weight quickly as you will be burning calories more efficiently.

The nutrient calculator is another useful hCG calculator that can be used in your weight loss plan. This calculator groups your diet into carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. To measure gain in muscle or weight, a "bulking" calculator could be used.

There is evidence that our bodies reach a "weight loss plateau" in response to the reduced intake of calories. This is usually disheartening, especially when you are in anguish as you are still following a very low calorie diet.

You can only get out of the weight loss plateau by increasing your metabolic rate, and the diet plan based on the hCG hormone is able to help you do this. While following this amazing plan, you can use any of the available weight loss calculators as an hCG diet calculator to help compute how fast you are losing weight.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Tuesday 16 April 2013

HCG diet kits offer effective weight loss solution - Health

HCG diet kits are an effective weight loss tool and one that ensures efficient dieting. Dieting is a hot topic that many of us worry about each day. How do we diet? What eating plan is the best for weight loss? The perpetual rollercoaster of dieting can cause health problems, and often does not give the results we want. HCG kits offer a highly effective dieting tool, through a scientifically designed process that produces amazing results. If you have been hiding behind layers of self-doubt and baggy clothes for too long, then now is the time to take control of your weight. Boost your confidence, improve your health and become the master of your own destiny with HCG injection kits.

Once you have purchased your HCG kit, you will be put in contact with an HCG coach who will walk you through the steps required to get you on track to achieving your weight loss goals. Previous customers and test cases have shown that the results will be nothing short of life-changing. Encouragement, support and direction are all provided by your HCG coach. It can be very difficult to go it alone in the harsh world of dieting, this is why our coaches will thoroughly explain the steps you need to take in order to get back into the shape you were in, or the shape you dream of becoming. Every day, a new injection technique is introduced, with cool concepts, instructional hints and other methods up for grabs. The HCG coach helps you keep track of these developments, and offers support and guidance that, used in conjunction with the injection kits, produce excellent results.

HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) reprograms the way the hypothalamus functions, so that it burns fat instead of lean body-tissue. Alongside a customised hyper-low calorie diet, HCG diet kits can work wonders, but this dieting tool has been shrouded in controversy regarding health concerns caused by earlier batches of this effective drug. The new batches of HCG are completely safe to use however, and will produce the results that other diets have never quite achieved. This is a highly restrictive diet and can be effective for many dieters. Once the HCG is in command of the hypothalamus, it combines the energy from the limited calories you consume as well as the stored fat, burning them into oblivion without ruining the nutrients that they provide.

Working your way into the HCG diet plan will most likely require a major lifestyle shift, as 500 calories or less a day can be quite a challenge as your body adapts to a rigid schedule. The more water, fibre and vegetables that you ingest, the better the diet will work for you. A typical diet could include tea or coffee for breakfast, 100 grams or less of lean meat with one vegetable for lunch and a cracker with assorted fruit for dinner. Now, this limited calorie intake would usually cause headaches or worse for the standard dieter, however HCG takes away the hunger pains, nausea and headaches, making it safe and easy to maintain a restricted calorie diet.

The HCG diet is not designed to be continued on a long-term basis however. Once the drastic changes and initial weight loss are out of the way, it is advised that dieters use the knowledge they have gained from the drastic eating plan and combine this into a healthier lifestyle that can be continued for an indefinite period. At 500 calories or less, weight loss is a sure thing; you simply need to ensure that you are following the correct HCG steps to ensure that you lose weight safely and properly. Stay on track with the HCG weight loss kits and see the amazing results for yourself.

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Monday 15 April 2013

A Good Guarantee to You-HCG Diet Protocol - Health - Weight Loss

Nowadays weight-loss has become very popular among young and middle-aged women. In order to make themselves pretty-looking, they try many different ways of losing weight. HCG is a chemical that is naturally produced by pregnant women. Then Dr.Simeons researches a HCG diet protocol to help people for weighta loss.From the current situation of the HCG weight loss product, it seems to have a variety of products. Such as HCG Diet, HCG drops, HCG injections, hcg diet menus. Perhaps many people may wonder about the function of this product, I'm able to give you some further information. The HCG diet is a diet that is designed to promote vary rapid weighta loss. This diet combines using HCG with a very low calorie diet to promote rapid weight aloss. HCG is given either orally or through injections daily at a dosage of 125 iu-200iu. Dr Simeons did a research study which showed that giving daily injections at this strength along with a low calorie diet would result in weight sloss of 1-2 pounds per day on average. Dr Simeon's protocol requires you to eat fruit, vegetables and meat, fish or poultry. There is a vegetarian version as well. You will generally receive the diet information along with your order of HCG as there are some edited versions depending on the supplier.As with any diet your success is dependent on how closely you abide by the diet plan and consume only food and portion sizes allowed.If you want to have a healthy and fit body, you must try HCG diet protocol for weight sloss. Not only will you enjoy a healthy lifestyle with HCG a diet recipes, you will also prolong your life. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a naturally-occurring hormone found in pregnant women and has been used in various medical treatments in humans for many years. About 55 years, the British physician Doctor Simeons has found it can be used for weight loss of human. Dr. Simeons has even documented treating overweight teenagers, which has evidenced that it can be safely used by human as a weight loss product. According to the discovery of Dr. Simeons, the principle of HCG for weight loss is as follows. HCG can grab the extra fat you get deposits in combination with a specific healthy low calorie diet. No matter where the extra fat is stored, it can be forced into blood stream and burned as energy. As a result, the extra fat storage areas which are not easy to shrink begin to shrink and the weight is loss.

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Sunday 14 April 2013

HCG Diet Protocol to succeed in Extremely fast Fat Reduction Results - Health

As a way to accomplish quick outcomes using the HCG diet plan, it really is very crucial to adhere to the HCG diet plan protocol. You can find quite a few people that mix up this system with the use of HCG injections or diet regime drops and it is important for them to comprehend the important thing variations of every and guarantee that the ideas are followed to mobilize stored body excess fat making use of homeopathic HCG injections. If it really is your very first time to adhere to this diet regime, then you need to ensure you use the best diet program protocol in order for you personally to achieve quickly and astonishing outcomes.

The initial phase with the diet plan entails loading days that normally requires two days requiring the patient to consume to capacity. It is during this period that the patient will indulge in fatty foods which will aid significantly the moment the patient enters the quite reduced calorie diet stage. But this also marks the starting of the hormone intake in the form of oral drops.

The second phase of the diet regime will take 26 to 42 days to full, based on the body weight with the patient when they began to use the diet along with the quantity of weight they need to eliminate. It is for the duration of as of late when the patient ought to purchase HCG and keep taking the drops till the last three days of the excess weight loss program. It is important for your dieter to consume only the permitted food and need to also lower their calorie intake, or they will not be capable of attain their desired physique figure. Foods which can be accepted consist of meat, vegetables, eggs, specified kinds of breads and fruits.

The vital stage of the diet may be the third phase due to the fact it's going to entirely alter the hypothalamus and retain the new weight. At this point, the dieter can indulge quickly in anything at all they want, however they should watch their physique excess weight and preserve just within couple of pounds of their newest body weight. It is also important for dieters to be mindful with the forms of foods that you need to consume, keep moderate portions of meals and increase their way of life.

Most dieters are considering HCG for excess weight loss not only because it has a protocol which is simple to follow and guarantees fast outcome, but additionally simply because it has turn into an effective way of losing weight and maintaining new weight, keeping it for a long time period.

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Saturday 13 April 2013

John Miller, professional dog-fancier, reveals his 245 Secrets Recipes - Health


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50 years ago, a young dog-fancier, John Miller wanted to improve his dogs growth. After analysing commercial dog food formulas, he found they were all loaded with UNHEALTHY CHEMICALS.

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Friday 12 April 2013

Why HCG Recipes Are Important for HCG Diet Plan - Health - Weight Loss

Finding unique HCG recipes is very important when you are using HCG injections or drops in order to lose weight fast. Since the HCG diet program demands that the dieter remain on a very low calorie diet, and the approved food list is limited, it is necessary to find innovative ways to create new dishes from the acceptable diet food list. HCG diet recipes give the dieter a way of ensuring that he or she does not grow bored with food selections. By retaining an interest in the new recipes one tries, the dieter will avoid giving in to potential hunger cravings or snacking.HCG recipes allow the HCG dieter to rediscover healthy methods for consuming foods. While working through the various phases of the diet, the dieter will re-educate him or herself about what meals are acceptable. New HCG recipes gives the dieter new meals to integrate into his or her eating habits. These eating habits can continue long after the dieter has lost all the weight he or she desires.Having a coupl e of tasty HCG diet recipes on hand is essential, especially during times when one is expected to attend a special event or a holiday gathering where there is a lot of tempting food offered. The dieter, if using tasty recipes at home, will not feel as if they are being kept from enjoying foods. The recipes can be used to make fine meals at home or they can even be used to create on-the-go meals.If a dieter on the HCG diet wants to have a lot of fun, they can collect as many HCG recipes as possible and create their own dieting recipe guide. It can be fun coming up with homemade recipes or making alterations to existing recipes found online. The recipes can be collected in a notebook or binder, and the dieter can turn to the recipes whenever he or she wants to make an enticing meal. The binder or notebook can be broken down into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert sections so that finding future recipes is simplified. The dieter can even take photos of successful recipe crea tions and later add them to the binder or notebook for future reference.

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Thursday 11 April 2013

Dr. Simeons HCG Diet-30 Days To A New You - Health

Dr. Simeons' HCG Diet - How Does It Work

The original HCG diet was formulated by Dr.Simeons which contained a diet plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Different specifications were recommended for each of the three meals which helped people lose weight effectively when following the diet plan. The HCG diet was further modified by Kevin Trudeau which incorporated recent advancements in the health and fitness industry.The new HCG diet plan consists of three phases. The first phase is known as Loading which needs to be followed for 2 days. The second phase is known as Maintenance which lasts anywhere between 21 and 40 days. The final phase is known as the Stabilizations stage, which lasts for 21 days. Dieters are advised to follow a very low calorie diet (VLCD) which plays an important role in helping a person lose weight by burning the abnormal fat.

Apart from the diet specified in Dr. Simeons' HCG Diet program, dieters are also required to consume HCG drops which are part of the diet program . During the loading phase which lasts for 2 days, dieters are allowed to eat really well and have an intake of about 1500 to 2000 calories a day. They need to consume 10 to 15 drops of the HCG liquid as well , thrice a day

During the next two phases of Dr. Simeons' HCG Diet plan, they are required to consume a very low calorie diet, starting at 500 calories for the Maintenance phase and going up to 800 calories (for women) or 1000 calories (for men) for the Stabilization phase .

Typically , the Maintenance stage which lasts for 21 days can be prolonged to 40 days. The duration of this phase depends on the amount of weight that dieters wish to lose. . A longer duration of the Maintenance phase can help them lose more weight during the diet plan. But, this phase should never be prolonged more than forty days. During this time, dieters are also required to consume 10 to 15 drops of HCG liquid three times a day. Nonetheless, a few studies demonstrated that the outcome turns out to be better when the dieter is taking just 6 to 10 drops , 6 times a day .

The third phase known as Stabilization requires no drops. The calorie intake during this stage needs to be slowly increased until the calorie is twice that of the previous stage. This phase again lasts for 21 days.

With no extension, Dr. Simeons' HCG Diet program would last for 44 days, and with maximum extension, it would last for 63 days . Dieters who are not able to lose the intended amount of weight during this period should go for multiple rounds of the same program consisting of three consecutive phases. By meticulously following Dr. Simeons' HCG Diet program, scores of people have been able to lose weight successfully .This diet is perfectly safe for most people however if you are on any type of prescription medication it is always a good idea to consult your doctor before starting any kind of diet.

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Wednesday 10 April 2013

Learn About Ways To Loose Weight Fast - Health - Fitness

People try different things just so they know ways to loose weight fast. Some try proven techniques like scientifically prepared diet plans and rigorous exercise agenda. Others take alternative remedies such as herbal teas and fat reduction medicine. Some would prefer to do things like yoga and pilates.On the other hand, weight loss is centered on one important function of the body. Simply by this purpose can an individual successfully learn ways to loose weight fast and sustain the new body he will be enjoying.This function is called metabolism. Metabolism refers to the rate of the body's ability to break down calories into usable energy. Thethe faster thecalories being removed, the less calories will remain... calories which will otherwise build up into fats.Ideal way on ways to loose weight fast is about training the metabolism to perform its functions at a rapid pace. The quicker one's metabolism is, the more calories the body will burn, after all. This is the reason w hy some very thin people can't seem to gain weight even if they possess an appetite greater than that of a horse. They have healthier metabolism.Now, here's the deal: a person's rate of metabolism is something that is trained.This means that fasting is not a weight loss option. Abstention will only baffle the metabolism process of the individual because of the absence of substances that will be digested and burned down.Meals should not be missed out, as well. Just like abstention, if meals are skipped it will upset you metabolism. Additionally, when an individual misses out a meal or two, she has a propensity to overeat in the following meal, which will cancel out the outcome of the meals she skipped.The most excellent method to teach your metabolism is through segregating your food into lesser portions, to be taken throughout the day. If you eat in a standard of 150 calories for your first meal, you can split the meals and have three smaller mealsapiece. In this method, it' ll be easier for your system to digest the same, and it will be easier for your body to burn the smaller number of calories into usable energy.Hope this short article has helped you, find out more on the fast way on ways to loose weight fast.

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Tuesday 9 April 2013

3 So-Called "Healthy" Foods that You Should STOP Eating... - Health - Weight Loss

I was reading a statistic in a nutrition book recently, and this is going to shock you...

Now before I tell you the statistic, let's keep an important fact in mind... according to well renowned nutrition author Michael Pollan, and his amazing book called In Defense of Food, humankind has historically consumed approximately 80,000 different species of edible plants, animals, and fungi, and approximately 3,000 of those have been widespread foods of the human diet.

Now get ready for a shocking and appalling statistic...

Currently, the average adult eating a typical modern western diet in countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, etc consumes approximately 67% of their total caloric intake from only 3 foods -- CORN, SOY, AND WHEAT (and their derivatives).

What would be considered a reasonably healthy amount of corn, soy, and wheat in the human diet? Based on 10's of thousands of years of human history, and what the natural diet of our ancestors was (indicating what our digestive systems are still programmed to process), this would probably be in the range of about 1% to 5% MAX of our total calories from corn, soy, and wheat.

Considering that modern humans are eating 67% of their total calories from corn, soy, wheat... you can see why we have massive problems in our health, and our weight!

It's not a surprise that we have so many intolerances and allergies, specifically to soy and wheat (and gluten intolerance)... the human digestive system was simply never meant to consume these substances in such MASSIVE quantities.

Keep in mind that these massively high levels of corn, soy, and wheat in our modern human diet is a relatively new phenomenon that originated from the economics of the multi-billion dollar corn, soy, and wheat industries. It really HAS been all about the money... NOT about our health!

By "derivatives" of corn, soy, and wheat, this means the food additives such as:

high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) corn oil soybean oil (hydrogenated or plain refined) soy protein refined wheat flour hundreds of other food additives such as maltodextrin, corn or wheat starch, soy lecithin, mono and diglycerides, etc, etc

This doesn't surprise me... consider how much soda or other sweetened drinks (with loads of HFCS) that the average person drinks daily... this is a LOT of calories from just 1 sole corn derivative. Even marinades, salad dressings, ketchup, breads, and 100's of other foods contain loads of belly-fattening HFCS!

Also think about how many processed foods we have that are either fried in soybean or corn oil... and even if the foods are not fried in these oils, these oils are additives to almost every processed food... chips, candies, cakes, salad dressings, tomato sauces, burrito wraps, corn chips, breaded chicken, etc, etc. This is a LOT of calories from these 2 other corn and soy derivatives... both of them EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY!

On top of that, think about how much breads, cereals, pastas, muffins, and other highly processed wheat products that most people consume each day. Again, this is LOADS of unhealthy, blood-sugar spiking, nutrient-poor calories, that more than half of the population has some degree of intolerance to anyway.

It gets even worse!

Not only are we eating 67% of our total calories from corn, soy, and wheat... but because of the economics involved (specifically with cheap corn and soy) we are also feeding most of our farm animals corn and soy now too... again amplifying the amount of corn and soy that passes through the food chain and (from a biochemical standpoint) ends up in our bodies.

Probably the 2 worst examples of this blatant mismanagement of our food supply is how our factory farmed chickens and cows are fed.

Cows are fed mostly corn in factory feedlot farms, even though their digestive systems are only meant to eat grass and other forage. This makes the cows sick (hmm... E-coli anyone?), alters the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of the fats to unhealthy levels, and also diminishes the healthy CLA fats that would occur naturally in grass-fed beef. All of these problems go away if our cows are fed what they were made to eat naturally - grass!

Our chickens are also fed a diet of mostly corn and soy and crowded in tight pens in horrendous conditions... when the fact is that a chicken was meant to roam around the outdoors eating a mixture of greens, insects, worms, seeds, etc. When chickens are kept inside in tight quarters and fed only grains, it leads to an unhealthy meat for you to eat, and less healthy eggs compared to free-roaming chickens allowed to eat an outdoors diet.

Our food supply has gotten so screwed up that we're even feeding our salmon and other farmed fish corn and soy...again because of the economics involved. How ludicrous is this, considering that fish are meant to eat a diverse diet of smaller fish, worms, bugs, etc. Again this makes farm raised fish unhealthy in terms of nutrition compared to the wild counterparts. If you want to see something even scarier about farm-raised fish, watch this quick video about the toxic fish you might be buying.

So even when you're eating chicken, beef, and fish, you're still essentially getting even MORE corn and soy into your body...considering that the cows, chickens, and farmed fish ate mostly soy and corn.

So it's actually WORSE than just 67% isn't it!

Why is it so unhealthy to consume 2/3rds of our calories from corn, soy, and wheat?

Well, this section could encompass an entire book, so to keep this short, I'll just throw out a few random reasons...

Skews the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats in our diet to as high as 30:1, when a ratio of 1:1 to 2:1 is considered healthy. Problems with gluten intolerance (related to heavy wheat consumption) Problems with weight gain, blood-sugar swings, and reduced insulin sensitivity (and progression of diabetes) due to excessive refined corn and wheat flours, as well as HFCS in our diet Soy and corn are the most genetically modified crops (which also allows more pesticides and herbicides to be used, which are usually "xenoestrogens") Many of the pesticide and herbicide residues in these crops are xenoestrogens, which can increase "stubborn" belly fat Soy products and derivatives contain a double-whammy of xenoestrogens as well as phytoestrogens... again creating an environment in your body for fat storage, carcinogenic effects, and even "man boobs" for some men in very severe cases The feeding of corn and soy to animals reduces the health and nutritional benefits of those animal p roducts and the list could go on and on and on...

So how do you avoid all of this overwhelming amount of corn, soy, and wheat in our food supply, and finally take control of your weight and your health?

1. Don't purchase processed foods! It all starts with your grocery cart discipline... choose only 1-ingredient foods such as fruits, veggies, beans, eggs (free roaming), nuts, seeds, and meats from grass-fed or free roaming animals that are raised correctly. Only resort to junk foods or processed foods on a 1-day per week "cheat day" but ONLY when dining out... that way, the processed foods aren't in your house to tempt you.

2. Get most of your carbs from fruits and veggies instead of grains.

3. Avoid store bought salad dressings as they almost always contain soybean oil and HFCS (instead, try my homemade healthy salad dressing)

4. Make sure that your tomato sauces don't have HFCS and soybean oils... look for sauces made with olive oil instead. Remember to avoid unhealthy canola oils too!

5. If you like guacamole (one of the healthiest snacks on the planet!), try veggie sticks with guacamole instead of genetically-modified, oil-soaked corn chips

6. If you like hummus, try veggies sticks with hummus instead of pita chips or other bread.

7. Reduce your cereal, bread, and pasta intake by having these foods only on "cheat days" and stick to more of the 1-ingredient foods I mentioned in #1 above. Try some of these healthy snacks as good alternatives (yes, I know that one of the 13 snacks on there has sprouted grain, which is fine on occasion).

I could go on with more examples, but I think that's good for now.

So with all of this said... Is my diet perfect? Well, no of course not! Nobody is perfect, and I can give in to temptation on occasion just like anybody else.

However, I'd estimate that my corn/soy/wheat consumption is only about 2-4% of my total caloric intake compared to 67% for the average person. The way that I achieve this is to simply not bring any corn, soy, or wheat products into my house, so I'm never tempted by it. Therefore, at least 6 days/week, I eat virtually no corn/soy/wheat, except for the occasional piece of sprouted grain toast a couple times a week (which is a better option than typical "whole grain" bread).

I do, however, give in and sometimes eat breads, pasta, and even corn chips, etc. when I'm dining out. I see these as my cheat meals and try to do this no more than once per week. I still completely eliminate sodas and deep fried foods though...they are just TOO evil!

Please share this article with your friends and family on email, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, forums, etc... this is one of the MAJOR reasons that we are so unhealthy and overweight as a society... 67% of our calories from just 3 foods (and their derivatives) is an appalling statistic! Don't give in to the marketing machine that is the corn, soy, and wheat industries! Take control of your OWN health instead of letting big corporations take control of your health.

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Monday 8 April 2013

Ways to Get started Making Healthier Consuming Choices - Health

Having a healthy diet and meal regimen is not so difficult to set up, but is very hard to maintain on a continuous basis. The reason that most people do not continue to stay on a healthy diet is they do not understand the benefits of maintaining this regimen. To improve your diet, and your overall health, here are a few tips you can use to modify your diet for the better.

You may have tried to give up your favorite unhealthy foods before and failed. With foods like burgers, chocolate and onion rings, it's easy to see why people lose the battle in eating healthy.

Quitting all your favorite foods won't help you stay on track for long. Try keeping those special foods as a reward later in the week rather than every day. If your main focus is eating healthy 99% of the time, then eating the non-healthy foods won't make that much of a difference as a reward from time to time. It's just a perspective change of portion control rather than complete removal of that food.

Nutrition research is now showing that there are some good fats to consume in our diets. Finding healthier fats while reducing the amount of bad fats will help you discover a more balanced diet. There are a lot of buzz words when it comes to eating healthier, but one to avoid is hydrogenated, which is considered a bad fat.

While it's not hard to believe, most of our favorite junk foods contain these kinds of fats. Fish oil and flax seed, on the other hand, contain the healthy fats we need to consume. Natural or organic dairy products contain saturated fats, which can be healthy when consumed in small doses.

More and more evidence is showing that sugar is a major factor in many illnesses, not to mention contributing to being overweight. From junk food to dinner desserts, foods high in sugar are very plentiful in our modern world. If you eat hot dogs with ketchup on a regular basis, or have spaghetti with tomato sauce for dinner, these are foods that are full of excess sugar. You can start to reduce your consumption of sugar, which includes things like high fructose corn syrup, by reading labels and looking for unsweetened foods. If possible, make breakfast as sugar-free as possible by eating foods like unsweetened cereals and cream of wheat. Because there are lots of temptations to eat junk food and fast food it can be difficult to make healthy food choices in the modern world. However looking into the benefits of eating well will show that it's worth it as you'll feel better, lose weight and stay healthy.

Many of these tips are often beneficial with several health conditions, like uterine fibroids. Should you among those individuals that experience fibroids and you're simply searching for a cure to your own situation, then check out this review on Amanda Leto Fibroids Miracle and learn about one of the most popular systems to get rid of fibroids naturally and safely.You can also read more on how to shrink fibroids at this post.

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Sunday 7 April 2013

Colon Cleansing Foods - 4 Foods That Cleanse the Colon Naturally - Health

When it comes to colon cleansing there are many theories regarding the best way to go about it. The most widely accepted is to take an herbal dietary supplement combined with eating foods that will assist in cleansing the colon. There are many foods that are helpful when it comes to colon cleansing and here are four of the most common.

The first is not widely considered a food, but it has been proven to be extremely healthy. Flaxseed nuts can be added to many foods such as yogurt and they have been proven to assist in cleansing the colon. They are healthy, widely available, and can be sprinkled on many other foods. They are one of natures super foods and you will be glad when you add them to your diet.

The second food is more of a food group; vegetables. Try to increase your daily servings of vegetables and decrease your intake of other fattier foods. When choosing a vegetable choose one that is high in fiber such as peas or lima beans. If they are not to your liking any vegetable will be beneficial in the long run.

Fruits are the other food group that can be very beneficial when it comes to colon cleansing. As with the vegetables try to choose high fiber fruits in order to gain the maximum colon cleansing benefit. Examples of high fiber fruits include apples and pears. Leave the skin on the fruit for in order to increase your fiber intake.

The fourth food you should add to your diet in order to assist the colon cleansing supplement are whole grain items. These can include breads, muffins, cereal, or other foods that are made up of whole grains.

All of the above foods will help to promote regular bowel movements and to assist in cleansing the colon. They cannot do it alone however. If you take an herbal colon cleanser and add these colon cleansing foods to your diet you will achieve the maximum digestive health possible.

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Saturday 6 April 2013

Kindling Hope For Obese With HCG Diet Seattle - Health

A fresh hope is kindled for people to lose weight and get the body which they only dreamed off. The name of this hope is HCG Diet Seattle. It is a revolutionary diet plan offering the best way to lose weight. Modernized in its concept, scientific in its implementations Diet Doc's HCG Weight loss Seattle offers what most obesity stricken people have been looking for.

Perhaps you have been utterly disillusioned by other weight loss programs and diet plans. You would highly skeptic considering this one. You might be asking yourself the following question. So consider reading the subsequent answers to them too.

1. Is this diet plan medically supervised?Yes, HCG Diet Seattle is an all round medically supervised diet plan. For this specially trained doctors and clinical staff guide dieters in one to one correspondence. The training received by Diet Doc's doctors is specialized, which they don't get while at med school. It is specifically dedicated to deal with weight loss and obesity related issues.

2. Does this diet plan include scope for my needs?Of course it does! And that's a vital feature for HCG Weight loss Seattle Program. They believe that weight loss need not be tasteless and boring. For that matter they have a special recipe book which has various gourmet appetizers, salads, dipping etc which you can be prepare while on this HCG diet plan.

3. How personalized and tailored it is to suit you?Diet Doc's HCG Seattle program is so tailored for your needs that even if you are a diabetic, a vegan or an athlete - or suffer from high blood pressure, hormone disorders etc you will have a unique diet suiting your needs. An HCG diet plan is carved for you only after reviewing your medical history, age, gender, lifestyle and eating habits.

4. Is this diet plan within my budget?This diet plan is one of the lowest priced medically, supervised HCG diet programs in USA.

5. Will you feel any abnormal hunger while on this diet?No. A lot of precedence is give to your calorie intake and energy levels. HCG diet Seattle is not a typical starvation diet of 500 calories per day. It is 800 to 1000 calories per day, plus you are given diet supplements and nutritional shakes. If any dieter feels abnormal hunger, it is advised to give HCG Diet Seattle a call.

6. Is it easy to follow the diet plan?Yes, this is one plus points of this program. The weight loss experts and coaches are always a call away. The consultation is free and helps you out with diet plan prescribed to you, as when required.

HCG Diet Seattle - A Brief Outline 1) Just call an office for a free weight loss consultation by phone. Schedule a doctor visit over Skype or telephone (in certain states only). Complete paperwork about your health and medical history. Doctor will be reviewing your health history, lifestyle; age and gender during your doctor consultation. This will help create a customized diet for each person.2) The nurses then go over details and tell you how to do a personalized diet over Skype or telephone. You receive medication by 2 day priority mail from a USA licensed, FDA approved pharmacy. You also receive unlimited clinical support from weight loss nurses, doctors and coaches without any upfront charge. 3) You can also enjoy the fact that the weight will stay off, long term. This is achieved with their proprietary Maintenance program. Weight loss typically reported by dieters for HCG Diet Seattle is at lb to 1 lb per day.

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Friday 5 April 2013

Basic HCG Diet program Recipes - Health

Phase 2 of the hCG diet plan indicates on reducing the "white" starchy complex carbohydrates in your diet such as breads, pastas, potatoes, rice, oatmeal, cereal, legumes and granola bars. Stage 2 also recommends to eradicate alcoholic beverages, sweets (cakes, pastries, candy, muffins, cookies, chocolate, donuts), fried foods, rapidly meals, canned meals, deli meats, butter, synthetic sweeteners, faucet drinking water, dairy goods, gentle drinks, goods that contains MSG (monosodium glutamate-taste enhancer) and merchandise containing high fructose corn syrup.It is also essential to avoid meals merchandise that consist of herbicides, pesticides, flavor enhancers, antibiotics and growth hormones. Add h2o, as necessary, to preserve the shallots from burning. Reduce heat to 250 degrees. Take away the foil and roast to an internal thermometer reads 160 degrees or obvious pan juices. Permit least another sixty minutes.Relaxation the beef rest eighteen minutes remove twine and s lice. Be confident to make at least one particular part the correct dimensions for your existing phase. You could find this hCG diet program recipe is 1 you preserve irrespective of diets or not.Did you know this?Dr. A.T. W. Simeon uncovered the probability of the hCG diet plan. Even though doing work in Rome he found his obese clients responded very effectively to this remedy. They received tiny, normal doses and fat in resistant places. His operate mentioned that it appeared to target stubborn locations. If you want to go through his original operate on diet programs and hCG the book is referred to as, "Pounds and Inches-a New Strategy to Obesity."We obtain continual requests from men and women to give them ideas for recipes but especially for issues that can aid them with style. We've composed content articles on the subject of Taste Suggestions for the HCG diet regime and acquired excellent feedback from it. For this write-up we needed to concentrate on the sauces and dr essings. We have a website website link that you can click on where you can watch all the hCG diet program recipes that we have. Quite shortly they will all be organized by phase and form of meal it is.Right here are some sauce and dressing recipes for the hCG diet plan.Apples with Strawberry SauceElements1 of a large applethree strawberriesapple cider vinegarone tsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos?? tsp. stevia, or sweeten to styleDirectionsPlace all elements into blender and mix till clean. *Helps make four servings* approx thirty calories per servingSpicy BBQ Sauce and MarinadeSubstancestwo 12 oz jars of Salsa (examine components make sure it is made up of a lot less than 1 gram sugar per serving)two/three cup lemon juice2 T. Worcestershire sauce20 drops Stevia or five packets2 tsp. Saltfour tsp. Chili powderone/2 tsp. tabascoSauce - (hot pepper sauce - 1/two to 1)one or 2 dashes garlic powderInstructionsMix jointly, keep refrigerated. *The total batch tends to make approximately 22 0 calories based on products utilized but tends to make 24 servings.Strawberry SyrupA number of studies had been made to show the usefulness of "loading period". The 1st two days are the very best time period to load. Truly you can drop more bodyweight if you execute the 1st 2 days properly. hCG Diet Recipes

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Thursday 4 April 2013

The Gregg Diet- It's the Rub - Health - Fitness

The Gregg Diet- It's the Rub explores a diet plan inspired by a Doctors' comment to "loose weight". It may not work for everyone, but in the case of this author 45 pounds have been lost. My weight has stabilized as more fat is burned and more muscle created and I am continuing to loose weight.

Every three months my Doctor requires his adult patients to have a blood test and he checks for routine problems and trends. Five months ago at my visit I tipped the scale at 246 pounds. My Doctor said to me: "You have to loose weight!" He is lean and trim so I asked, "How do you keep yourself so trim?" He said: "I skip breakfast, skip lunch and have a steak and a martini every night for dinner". It got me thinking.

My clothes did not fit. I could not wear my favorite shirts. I looked terrible in photographs. The worst thing was that I was in a slow but sure spiral of weight gain that amounted to about 80 pounds since my days in college. The choice was clear: either keep gaining weight or do something about it to reverse the trend.

I am a person with a slow metabolism and a big appetite. As a child I was heavy. In High School and College/Law School because of heavy exercise I was trim for about 15 years. After I gained weight, the only two diets that seemed to work were the Drinking Man's Diet and the Dr. Atkins diet. There were two problems with these diets. My Doctor said they were unhealthy and when I deviated from them, the weight just came back on plus more weight like a cherry on the top of a chocolate Sunday.

I found a way to eat as much as I want, not be hungry, loose weight, gain muscle that I call The Gregg Diet. The plan is very simple. Here are the seven rules:

1) Skip one meal per day. 2) Eat as little fat as possible3) Exercise for at least 45 minutes per day4) No alcohol allowed5) Do not cheat on the above four rules more than one day per week6) Weight yourself every day at approximately the same time of day7) Stick to it on a permanent basis

In the Gregg Diet you do not count calories. Eat as many vegetables and as much fish as you wish, plus some fruit like bananas, peaches, blueberries, etc. Drink as much water and sugar free liquids as you can. Here are some of the tricks I have learned plus my secret rub.

The rub makes all fish taste better. You can fry it in canola oil, or broil it after you put a little olive oil on the fish then the rub. Plus you can put half a teaspoon in a cup of chicken or vegetable broth, put this in the microwave for 3 minutes and it fills you up like a real meal.

The Rub Recipe: (amounts are approximate and subject to your own tastes)

5% garlic salt5% smoked salt5% cumin seed5% fennel seed10% paprika15% hot pepper flakes55% chili powder- mix several varieties to make it interesting

Salad trick: for the dressing use no oil, balsamic vinegar and add a can of anchovies if you like them.

Snack trick: eat shredded mini-wheat cereal with extra artificial sweetener and add some cinnamon and/or clove powder on the top. No milk.

Ahi Tuna trick: cover with rub and fry in smoking hot canola oil for one minute per side per inch thick (i.e. two minutes per side if fish is two inches thick). Remove from heat immediately.

Drink trick: Diet Snapple with extra artificial sweetener

My doctor could not believe it. After the nurse weighted me, he took me back to the scale to verify the weight loss. The best part is I am continuing to loose weight, my blood pressure is down and the statistics on my cholesterol are the best ever.

The bottom line: The Gregg Diet works. The Rub is a wonderful way to spice up your life. You can eat hearty and rich and loose weight at the same time.

Copyright 2007 Gregg Financial Services

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Wednesday 3 April 2013

Diet For Treating Cholesterol - Another Effective Weight Loss Recipe - Health - Weight Loss

Shedding the pounds may be achieved in many ways. Nevertheless, the rudiments are selective foods and activities. Healthy eating means eating a little less than full with healthy food. Even you are only a little overweight and barely intend to shed some fats and look good, diet for treating high cholesterol can be a truly ideal alternative. It will not vary much from famous weight loss diet in the industry but the health benefits are numerous.

Cholesterol lowering diet comprises basically low fat and carbohydrate foods but with at least 5 serving of fruits and vegetables intakes have shown to lower bad cholesterol by 8% to 20%. You should consume enough of vitmain C since it helps to slim down and lower LDL cholesterol as well. Vitamin C is also used to heal natural cracks and fractures in your blood vessel.

Grape fruit should be one of the top priority lists. One of the clinical studies on sixty heart bypass surgery operation patients who consumed grapefruit everyday proved a significant lower in bad cholesterol levels.

Besides the increased consumptions in fruit and vegetables, ensure you also separate your food into 5 or 6 smaller portions everyday. By consuming lesser but more frequent meals, it will help to lower cholesterol by additional five percent. Incorporate higher levels of vitamin c, weight loss can be a simple task and improve your immune system as well.

If your goal is to lower bad cholesterol and be skinny, healthy eating for treating high cholesterol is a lifetime commitment for good. The healthy means to be skinny and look good is to adopt a healthy living with healthy food together with some simple workouts. Many weight loss diets have the same food recipes as diet for reducing bad cholesterol, so do not afraid to include cholesterol lowering healthy foods in your weight loss program.

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Tuesday 2 April 2013

The Essentials of a Healthy Food Recipe - Health - Nutrition

With more people than ever using the Internet, there are tons of recipes floating around for people to choose from. Of course, the majority of recipes you??ll find online aren??t necessarily healthy. In fact, most of them are pretty unhealthy. But that doesn??t mean you can??t try one from time to time. It??s good for you, mentally, to have some fun foods once in a while, but don??t get in the habit of eating high fat, unhealthy meals on a regular basis. Instead, look for healthy online recipes that you can add to your regular meal rotation.

A Healthy Food Recipe Can Still Be Delicious

One of the bad raps that eating healthy has received over the years is that it just isn??t as enjoyable as eating the standard fare that everyone else is indulging in. After all, we all know healthy food can??t be delicious, right?

Nothing could be further from the truth. There are just as many, if not more, delicious, healthy foods than there are junky ones. Most of what makes a meal taste good is involved in the preparation. Even a pizza isn??t very good if it??s not prepared right. That same concept holds just as true for healthy recipes as it does for junk food. The secret to a great tasting meal lies in the ingredients and preparation.

Healthy Recipes ?? Look for Fresh Ingredients

If you??re on a quest to eat healthier and get your family eating foods that are better for them, you need to start at the beginning, with the ingredients. Many of the ingredients in the healthier recipes are going to be fruits, vegetables and whole grains. So, to get the best-tasting ingredients, you simply have to get the freshest foods available. Take your time while shopping for fruits and vegetables. Don??t simply grab the first pepper or head of lettuce in front of you. Inspect your veggies carefully and pick the freshest ones you can get. Fresh vegetables are better for you and they make your meals taste a lot better.

Spice Things Up

Some people argue that healthy foods are bland. If you just throw a plate of raw vegetables at someone, then maybe it's true, but preparation truly can make a healthy food recipe tastier. Don??t be afraid to experiment and use spices and other ingredients. Chopped green and red peppers can be mixed into nearly any entree to make it more appetizing. If you look for ways to add a little spice to your meals you'll come up with healthy meals that everyone loves. Fresh garlic is another great way to add flavor to your meals and it's very healthy, too. But don??t go overboard with the spices or garlic, since they can upset some peoples' stomachs. It's best to use moderation.

Lean Protein Sources

You might think that eating healthy is synonymous with becoming a vegetarian. Of course, there??s nothing wrong with becoming a vegetarian if you take a balanced approach to your eating and ensure that you get enough protein. But you don't need to become a vegetarian if you're careful. Not all healthy recipes require you to skip meat altogether. Most of the time, they just require you to make smarter choices when selecting meats and poultry.

When serving beef, try to find leaner cuts. T-Bones are a popular cut of beef, but they are loaded with unhealthy fats. By switching over to a leaner cut, like round steak, you can serve a healthy meal that's low in fat. With chicken, be sure to go skinless, and opt for white meat over dark. Simply buying skinless chicken and choosing chicken breast over dark meat can help you serve a healthy meal that has a lot less fat than the standard beef or chicken that most people serve.

Look for Balanced Recipes

When choosing a healthy recipe to serve for your family, it??s best to choose one that is balanced. A recipe that includes a variety of foods is more likely to provide adequate nutrients. One way to make nutrient-dense meals is to make them colorful. By choosing foods of different colors, you are sure to get lots of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from varying sources. And eating a variety of foods will make for healthy, good-tasting meals that your family will love.

When it comes down to it, you don??t have to get fancy or be a master chef to create a healthy food recipe for your next meal. Just keep in mind the importance of serving wholesome foods and make sure that you are making smart, informed choices about all the ingredients you use in your dishes.

As you're trying out new recipes, remember that every attempt won??t be a success. When you try a health food recipe for the first time, you might find that it doesn't turn out the way that you expect it to. Don??t give up on the recipe entirely. You might be able to improve upon it by using some of the tips mentioned in this article or by adding a healthy supplement like Profect to your recipes. Profect, from Protica, has just the right amount of protein with hardly any calories. There are several other protein supplements from Protica that you can use.

Adding the right spices and some fresh ingredients might be just what that recipe needs to go from OK to great. Healthy cooking should be a lifelong commitment. Even the master chefs on TV make a meal that doesn??t go over well once in a while. Keep going with your efforts to cook healthier foods and before you know it, your family will be in a hurry to get home to see what??s for dinner.

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