
Saturday 26 January 2013

Coconuts Add Tropical Flavor to the Raw Food Vegan Diet - Food

One of the simplest, oldest, most delicious and most versatile raw food products in the world is the coconut. Although coconuts are found in many tropical locations, they are believed to have originated in the Malayan archipelago. These unique tree-growing nuts were probably dispersed to other locales by a combination of humans and naturally occurring events. Now they are an integral part of the raw food vegan diet, and an integral ingredient to many culture's staple recipes.

You don't have to take a raw food retreat to enjoy the indulgent flavors of coconut, although many people associate these nuts with tropical vacations. There is good reason for that association, since coconuts thrive in many tropical climates and are believed to have spread around the world thanks to their ability to survive floating across an entire ocean. Raw food vegan diet enthusiasts can get their share of coconuts without traveling across an ocean, though. The coconuts sold in grocery stores are actually the seed of the fruit from the coconut palm tree. It may be a seed and not a nut, but it has many of the nutritional properties of a nut.

Coconuts grow in clusters of 10 to 20 that appear among the leaves of the palm tree, and once each nut grows to approximately one foot in length they are fully mature and ready to be picked. These flavorful raw food products have a thick, fibrous husk and a tough interior shell lined with a layer of rich, white nutmeat that is used for various raw food recipes. The inside of the coconut is hollow and filled with a sweet liquid referred to as coconut water or coconut milk.

Like other nuts, coconuts are high in fat. The average raw food vegan diet tends to be so low in fat, however, that a rich food like this is a valuable source of energy that should not be avoided. Any time you want a natural taste of the tropics, just reach for a coconut.

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