
Saturday 1 December 2012

The Best Way to Loose Weight and Keep it Off! - Health - Weight Loss

Is there really a best way to loose weight? What does dieting mean for you? For many dieting is to choose a diet plan, eat certain foods, count calories and hopefully lose weight. For others you eat salad for a week, lose 5 lbs and hope to keep it off. So what is the best way to loose weight and keep it off?

The best way to lose weight is to:

Work on making a permanent lifestyle change in your eating habits. Start thinking about what you are putting in your mouth every day. Learn how to eat nutritionally and in a way that will help you lose weight and help keep it off.

There are many good programs available to help you improve your eating.

But to start with you must:

Get rid of the junk food from your diet and stop buying fast food. These foods are fatty, fried and very salty and bad for your health.Stop drinking soft drinks, drink more water instead.

Soft drinks contain nothing but empty calories and have no nutritional value at all. Soft drinks and other similar beverages can pack on an average of 15 to 16 extra pounds a year. Kind of defeats the purpose doesn't it?

An obvious but very important step is exercising on a consistent basis, every day if possible, or at least 3 to 4 days per week. Now if it has been awhile since you started exercising, you should always check with your doctor first. A good way get moving is by walking. This will help you to get your muscles in your legs and arms working again. Your walking will be the most effective when you can sustain a heart rate of 120 beats a minute for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Over time you can start adding different forms of exercise to help you with your flexibility and to build muscle which in turn will raise your body's metabolism so you burn more calories. This will improve the results of your exercise program along with burning fat while you are not even working out.

Once you start seeing results through your improved eating habits and consistent exercising you can then start to sneak in some of your "forbidden" foods, in moderation of course. There are lots of ways to make healthy choices and treat yourself once in a while, such as a nice piece of premium dark chocolate, which happens to be good for you as well. Allowing yourself some leeway to enjoy your favorite foods is the best way to loose weight and keep it off in the long run.

The best way to loose weight and keep it off is to remain committed and determined to make a permanent lifestyle change once and for all. This can be done, so be smart and consistent in your efforts and you will have success!

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