
Tuesday 4 December 2012

Colon Cleansing Diets - Useful Tips for Colon Cleansing - Health - Wellness

Colon cleansing diet is not some thing a very special diet that has been designed for colon cleansing. Our normal day to day food also is a good source of colon cleansing diet. Of course these days a special diet has to be made specifically for clean up process of the colon as the current time diets are rich in fats and many other unwanted starchy foods and in unwanted sugary items. They have no role to play in the colon cleansing process. Instead they add to the bulk and increase the intestinal problems.

Numerous ways are available for the cleaning of the colon with the help of a natural colon cleansing diet. To start with a natural colon cleansing diet is amongst the simplest. Another easy type of the natural colon cleansing diet is by fast. Fasting involves not drinking and eating anything except water for a particular period. In the event of a fast, the methodology of the body in getting rid of the toxic materials gets accelerated.

Fiber is extremely effective in cleansing the body. It makes for smooth food travel along the intestines as well as easy elimination of fecal matter. Fiber can be found in most vegetables but to take advantage of high fiber content, it is best to eat them raw. Salad greens are a great example of a high fiber meal.

Start eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. I recommend eating a lot of red apples, if you can try and eat four a day. Also, increase your intake of veggies in your meals. Try and substitute a nice salad instead of that bacon double cheeseburger. Also, in the morning go for a cereal that is high in fiber.

One of the best foods that are good for colon cleansing is raw egg yolk. Egg yolk contains many important vitamins and minerals that are required for your body. You can have at least one egg yolk daily unless the toxins level in your body is in control. There are many ways to have raw egg yolk. The best option is to mix it with some milk and have it. Another option is to add it to some fruit juice or vegetable juice.

Some of the best foods that cleanse your colon are dark green foods or leafy green foods. Try a colon cleanse recipe filled with chard, broccoli, spinach, and other various leafy green foods. Not only are they good for your colon but they are excellent for your overall health.

Most colon cleansing diets require you to take in the psyllium husks for a few days, usually about a week, after which you must take regular fiber-rich foods to maintain the results provided by the colon cleansing diet. Some of the common foods that are rich in fiber are whole grains and most fruits and vegetables.

One of the keys towards improving colon health is with regards to dietary choices. A diet rich in fiber helps in the digestive process and eventually leads to improved colon health. Foods that are rich in fiber include fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, and whole grains

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