
Monday 26 November 2012

The Only Way To Loose Weight Effectively - What You Are Not Being Told That's Keeping You From Success - Health - Weight Loss

There is no shortage of advice online, on TV, and in bookstores about how to loose weight effectively. It is a gigantic industry because modern society is being slowly killed by obesity; especially in the US. We are desperate and therefore vulnerable. While some of the products are based on facts, many are just hype. There is really only one thing that you have to do to loose weight effectively and by the end of this article you will know what it is.

I have wrestled with weight issues my entire adult life and purchased several "miracle" pills and programs. The only thing that lost weight was my bank account. I am not alone, millions of people are looking for something to help loose weight because we hate the way we look and feel. The problem for many of us is that we are looking for quick fixes and things to make it easier. We know, deep down, that life doesn't work that way but we are so desperate that we try the "miracle" products anyway.

The reality is that most of the stuff you see in the market isn't telling you what you really need to know to succeed. Unless there is a medical issue, which is the case sometimes, obesity is frequently caused by emotional or situational triggers that cause us to overeat and eat poorly.

I know this is true in my own life. I eat more when I feel tired, discouraged, or otherwise out of control. I am being treated for depression and I recognize when I am having a "relapse" that my eating habits are worse.

Situational issues also contribute to my poor eating habits. When my life is busier, or I have a lot of stress at work I tend to go to fast food restaurants more often. I know of weeks at a time that the majority of my meals came from fast food joints. That is terrible for you, there is no too ways about it.

Any diet, exercise plan, or nutritional supplement is not going to work until you fix your triggers. If you have unresolved issues in your life, like low self esteem or depression, you need to seek professional help to get them resolved. Many people experience weight loss after receiving this kind of help. They simply don't have the need to overeat or eat poorly any longer. The body naturally seeks equilibrium and a healthy state. When we remove what is in the way, in this case emotional blocks, the body often normalizes itself.

For situational triggers, planning is the key. If you know your life is busy you need to proactively plan your day so that you have healthy food available. This keeps you from looking for the quick meal on the run; for me at fast food drive throughs. If you know you eat more when life is stressful, plan for it to remove the temptation to eat poorly.

If you can find out what your triggers are, and eliminate them, you are then ready to loose weight. You can eat healthy, work out regularly, and be confident that your efforts will work because you have removed what was in the way.

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