
Thursday 15 November 2012

Can a Vegetarian Diet Provide Adequate Energy For a Healthy Lifestyle? -

Vegetarianism is the practice of restricting eating habits to foods of plant origin, such as vegetables, nuts, fruits, grains and legumes. There are various types of vegetarian diets, and all are nutritious and beneficial to your overall health. However, it is important to consume a variety of foods if you are a vegetarian, because it is easy to ignore foods that are essential to the proper functioning of your body. A vegetarian diet, in its right form and approach, can be very healthy and advantageous for some people, and can even be considered a great fat loss diet.

Why do people become vegetarians?

The reasons behind why people become vegetarians are one of the most commonly asked questions. Religious, ethical and food-safety reasons are some of the main reasons why people choose vegetarianism as a lifestyle. Many believe that eating animals and any products from animals is morally and ethically wrong. This is because they believe that the modern animal industries act in inhumane ways. Some consume meat only from private family farms where animals are treated humanely and fairly.

Some religions restrict or prohibit the consumption of animal flesh, and others have days where they practice fasts that are limit foods that are from animals. Also, mad cow disease is a recent concern related to beef, which is another reason why many turn to vegetarianism as their daily diet.

Types of vegetarian dietsThere are many types of vegetarian diets. Some allow themselves to eat poultry and fish on a regular basis; others avoid meat from animals, but consume eggs, milk and cheese. A strict form of vegetarianism refuses to eat any products of animal origin, even milk and eggs, and by-products such as candies and puddings, because they are made with gelatin.

Depending on how inclusive or restrictive the diet is, some may suffer from nutrient deficiencies. However, there are ways around this so that one can maintain a vegetarian diet, but at the same time consume the proper amount of nutrients needed for a healthy lifestyle.

What are the health benefits of a vegetarian diet?

Many practice vegetarianism because of its many health benefits. It has been proven that a balanced and varied vegetarian diet reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Some of these health benefits include:

* Prevention of obesity due to the reduced intake of fat and total energy. This also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. * Lowers blood pressure due to the high intake of fruits and vegetables. Vegetarians tend to be non-smokers, drink little or no alcohol and exercise frequently, which also helps maintain a healthy body weight and reduce blood pressure. * Prevention of heart disease because of the low intake of saturated fat and a higher consumption of antioxidants which are found in plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables and they protect the cells from damage. * Few digestive problems such as diverticular disease and constipation, due to the high intake of fibre. * Reduced risk of some cancers, especially colon cancer, due to consumption of soy protein, fibre-rich foods, antioxidants, and low dietary fat intake.

Prevention and reduced risk of kidney disease, kidney stones, and gallstones. The high intake of legumes, vegetables and soy and low intake of protein all protect the body against these diseases.

Also, if you are looking for a fat loss diet that is easy, fast, and healthy, choosing a vegetarian diet is a great way to go.

What are some of the challenges of a vegetarian diet?

Although a vegetarian diet is very healthful, it is also very challenging. The risk of a vegetarian diet is that many are not able to consume adequate amounts of certain nutrients, such as calcium, iron, protein and vitamins D, B2 and B12. However, there are non-meat and non-dairy food alternatives and supplements that can ensure the proper health of an individual.

Does a vegetarian diet provide adequate protein?

In developed countries, it is fairly easy to practice vegetarianism and still be able to lead a healthy diet and lifestyle. The key is to eat a balanced and adequate diet, which can provide you with as much protein as a non-vegetarian diet. It is essential for vegetarians to consume five servings of nuts, beans, seeds, eggs or meat substitutes daily. Soy protein, tofu, complementary proteins, supplements, lentils and peas are some good sources for vegetarians in order to consume the right amount of protein in their diet. These foods are also great for weight loss and will help you burn fat at a faster rate.

Tips for vegetarian meal planning

1. Choose more foods from any of the groups in order to meet energy needs, and not the minimum amount that is required daily. 2. Choose a variety of foods to ensure that you are consuming enough nutrients. 3. Consume sweets and alcohol in moderation; most of your daily calories should come from vegetarian based foods. 4. Include two servings of foods that are rich in omega-3 fats every day. These are found in nuts and legumes, and you can consume 1 tbsp. of canola or olive oil as well. 5. Make sure you are getting enough vitamin D from the sun's exposure or daily supplements. 6. Make sure you are consuming foods that contain vitamin B12, B2, iron, and zinc because these are the nutrients that are limited in a vegetarian diet. Use supplements if necessary.

Furthermore, a vegetarian diet is a healthy, nutritious and safe way to eat. It will prevent and reduce the risk of many diseases, and it will also help you maintain your current weight and even allow you to lose weight and reach your desired goals. As long as you are consuming a variety of foods in the right amounts, a vegetarian diet is beneficial to your overall health. Learn about How to Lose Weight and become familiar with some of the most healthy and natural foods that a vegetarian diet includes. Be on your way to a lifestyle that introduces longevity, plenty of energy and a healthy and nutritious diet.

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