
Friday 31 January 2014

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes Key to Keeping Calories in Check - Health - Weight Loss

Its that time of year again. The time of year when calories are in total abundance and everyone is having some sort of holiday party or potluck dinner. You bring your favorite dish and hope that others are cooking healthy like you are trying to do. You know the days are coming when youll have a house full of people and a fridge full of leftovers. You know its ok to indulge once in a while, but having so much high calorie food on hand can only lead you to overeat. And then there are the gatherings. Around the holidays, offices, churches and schools all typically have some sort of gathering where they want to celebrate by having people bring food. The problem with this is you never know what everyone else is going to bring, and you never know how many calories are in each item.

If youre someone thats trying to lose weight, the holidays can wreak havoc on your diet. Calories are usually overflowing from holiday food. Some of the classic holiday dishes include macaroni and cheese, turkey, stuffing, ham, casseroles and desserts galore. One of the staples that might help dieters make it through the holidays is having healthy Thanksgiving recipes. Thanksgiving is the holiday that kicks off the holiday season, so starting off on the right foot can pave the way for healthy eating. Having some healthy Thanksgiving recipes at your disposal will allow you to enjoy some of your favorite dishes without the guilty feeling of blowing your diet. Having these recipes will also allow you to try some different things. There are certain dishes that are standard for Thanksgiving, but it never hurts to bring something new that will draw excitement.

Trying out a new healthy Thanksgiving recipe can make you the hit of your next holiday potluck. Most of your classic recipes can be made into healthy Thanksgiving recipes by simply switching out some of the higher fat key ingredients. For example, if you replace heavy cream and regular cheese with low-fat or skim milk and low-fat cheese, your macaroni and cheese receives an instant makeover. For cakes you can use applesauce in place of oil. By simply looking around you can find thousands of low-fat or healthy Thanksgiving recipes that you may have never tried before.

Select a few that sound interesting and youll find yourself trying new things and wowing your friends and loved ones at your next potluck dinner. You might even find that by trying these new healthy Thanksgiving recipes, you have some new favorites. Its common knowledge that the holidays are the worst time of year to attempt to lose weight, but if you substitute just a couple of your traditional favorites with some healthy Thanksgiving recipes, youll be well on your way to staying on track with losing weight. The holiday season doesnt mean you cant indulge. The important thing to remember is that Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day are each just one day. If you stick to limiting your indulgences to those specific days, youll find it much easier to stay on track.

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Thursday 30 January 2014

3 Tiny "Extras" That Automatically Improve Your Dinner Planning Process - Food

Copyright (c) 2009 Graceland International Inc.

Meal planning is a must if your goal is to provide healthy meals to your family. Everyone knows that healthy meal planning should be incorporated into every meal, but the reality is that we often don't have the time to organize and prepare the recipe plan.

The last thing you want to do is go grocery shopping with the healthy eating pyramid in mind and then prepare two or more menus for the same meal simply to accommodate the likes and dislikes of family members.

Also, serving unpopular, healthy meals is usually counterproductive because family members will later eat sweets, chips, soda, ice cream with topping and other junk food in order to satisfy their craving for sugary treats.

The answer is to know the dislikes of your individual family members and if possible omit those from your menu planning. If that is not possible, compromise a little and serve a low-fat, low sugar treats with the meal, like a sugar free yogurt or applesauce.

Menu planning is a time consuming process that you might not be able to fit into a busy schedule. If that's the case, think about a menu planning service to customize a four week menu plan that your whole family can enjoy.

To get started on your menu planning, let's look at 3 areas that make the creative dinner planning process a little easier.

Strategy #1 - Grouping the Days

Grouping the days is first deciding which evening meal is going to be partial or total leftovers from the preceding three evening meals. For example, if you choose Saturday evening meal, plan Friday, Thursday and Wednesday with appropriate healthy meals.

The easiest way to do that planning is simply figure how much of the leftovers are going to be how much of the Saturday meal. Very easy, for example if you want 3 pork chops available on Saturday, Thursday cook the usual meal amount plus 3.

Strategy #2 - Meal Pattern Rotation

Menu rotation is a proven creative menu planning technique. The idea is to plan a good number of healthy meals for the family, for example: 14 days of meals and then repeat the meal plan cycle. You can add the number of days as your time permits.

Now think of yourself as the coach of a sports team. You have your basic plays and then you have new plays you want to add. You may have to put some new players on the field and take some players off the field. Here is the key: the coach does not get rid of the player taken off the field and you do not want to get rid of a meal removed from the rotation.

Two reasons, one is the main dish probably was liked by the family at some level, so it may just need to be tuned a little, and secondly, when you have accumulated a number of rotated items, you have at the least a set of weekly dinner menus. One option is to reshuffle all the menu ideas and prepare a new and expanded meal planner.

Strategy #3 - Appliance Timing Devices

Timed appliances are meal planning resources available to you and can open new options for dinner planning.

For instance, the microwave oven is not only for heating water, popping popcorn, and cooking frozen food. Fresh vegetables such as a casserole or a combo dish of sweet potatoes, apple slices all topped with cinnamon are two possibilities that cook quickly in a microwave.

A timed oven is perfect to cook a roast while you are away doing something entirely different than cooking. Likewise, a timed rotisserie is perfect for chicken, ribs or a small turkey.

A timed Crockpot can provide an option on meals such as pot roast, stews, soups and the like.

The fun of menu planning is that there is no right way or wrong way, as long as you provide your families with all the required daily nutrients.

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Wednesday 29 January 2014

Quick Weight Loss Diet Plans - Effective Weight Loss Dieting Techniques - Health - Weight Loss

We've heard it all before -- quick weight loss diet plans promising unbelievable results that are nothing short of phenomenal. Many people rampage their way into all sorts of quick weight loss diet plans, only to lose steam halfway and lose motivation to implement the plan. Thus, they end up right back where they started, or worse -- they've actually gained some weight afterwards. Read on to know how to select and apply the proper weight loss diet plan for you.

The term 'plan' itself denotes preparing and goal setting. It involves a highly structured, well-organized schedule of meals and food combinations you must adhere to on a stringent basis; otherwise the quick weight loss diet plan falls apart. Diets, despite their variations, all have common ground upon which each of their systems is based.

Diet Plan # 1: Ditch the Junk Foods.

Junk food is the first to go. Think of the undertaking as a challenge to be met and overcome, rather than treating it like a prison sentence.

If you go on a diet halfheartedly, fretting over the things you will be forced to give up, you will only set yourself up for failure and disappointment. Instead, set a reasonable and attainable goal and timeframe, something you're sure to achieve, and then reward yourself afterward.

Having a sense of accomplishment is a great way to stay motivated and determined to see this through. For this, the ideal diet would be a more flexible one, like the Mayo Clinic Plan, which puts more emphasis on eating healthy choices -- like having your fill of unlimited fruits and veggies -- than eliminating unhealthy ones. This plan lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and cuts down the risk for heart, disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.

Diet Plan # 2: Just Say No.

If you get sidetracked and find yourself indulging a wee bit more than usual (read: cheating), do not abandon your quick weight loss diet plan altogether, simply because you feel you are no longer consistent.

Just make up for your mistake by eating twice as healthily as before. Remove temptation from your life (and your pantry!). Do your grocery shopping on a full stomach so you do not feel compelled to grab every snack in sight. Stock up instead on healthier alternatives, like whole grain foods.

Know the difference between a craving and real, honest-to-goodness hunger. When you hear that jelly doughnut a-calling, imagine yourself eating some other kind of food, like chicken, for instance. If you're really hungry, you'll want to eat whatever food comes to your mind. If anything other than that jelly doughnut seems like a bad idea, then what you have is a craving that must be ignored.

Eat smaller portions more frequently, about every three hours, because when you allow yourself to get hungry, it will be that much difficult to suppress your appetite and you will have a tendency to overeat.

Diet Plan # 3: Take Your Pick.

If you prefer a more rigid and quicker weight loss diet plan, try the famous South Beach Diet. It has three phases, the first of which takes two weeks long and is the most restrictive. Its specific menus do away with most of the carbohydrates you know and love, like bread, pasta, sugar, and alcohol, making it a seemingly difficult diet to hurdle. The Atkins Plan, on the other hand, provides three meals and one snack a day. It focuses on eating lean meat and eggs, and like the South Beach Diet, targets carbohydrates first.

The ideal would be to shed one to two pounds a week. Anything more than that would be too risky as it isn't just unwanted fat you may be losing, but all-important muscle tissue as well. This is why exercise and physical activity are just as essential to quick weight loss as eating right, because building muscle helps to burn all those calories away.

There are many other quick weight loss diet plans in existence, precisely because there is no single diet that will work for everyone. Whether low-fat, low-carb, protein-rich, all-vegetarian, or whatnot, it is still up to you to decide which plan you think will suit you best. And remember, when in doubt, always consult your physician first.

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Tuesday 28 January 2014

The Best Diet Plans For Health-Conscious People - Health

There is a diet plan for every woman or man wanting to look at their bodies with an objective eye and be able to like what they see there. However, even the best-laid out plans will be futile if they did not match the dieter's lifestyle and capabilities to go on a diet regimen. Nevertheless, what are the best diet plans available?

Here we'll take a look at some diet plans and let you decide which one will be best for you.

The South Beach Diet

First on your list is the South Beach Diet which is a non-traditional plan, because rather than avoiding carbs, you'll still be getting carbs, but on a very selective basis. It is a phased diet plan that takes into consideration the mental and emotional readiness of the dieter to stick to the food requirements of the plan.

While the diet is relatively easy to follow, the loophole is the ability of the dieter to sustain the diet's required discipline for an extended period of time. If you are not ready for the discipline, you are not ready for the South Beach diet, or any other diet regimen for that matter.

Other Diet Plans

Then there are fresh diet plans that let the dieter embark only on salads (fresh green ones), with lots of grilled proteins and fruits and veggies. The good thing about this plan is there are a lot of combinations that you can come up with, what with lots of fruits and vegetables to mix and match. If you are the outdoor type, or are constantly on the go, regional tastes and seasonal availability of the fruits or vegetables will spice up and excite you to adopt this diet. The downside: be really careful about these organics, ensure the sources, as there is always the danger for pesticide or lead poisoning if not checked.

Beyonce Knowles, uses a detox diet called the Lemon Detox which is basically water and lemon juice therapy. The acidity of the lemon aids in the detoxification or cleansing. Add pepper and maple syrup and metabolism and circulation are enhanced. The long and short of it: you detoxify and then you lose weight easily. Healthy feeling! Downside? Some of you may not be ready to drink liters of water or the lemon diet mixture over an extended period.

There's the nutritional-direction type, like the Atkins diet, which will work for you if you like sweets so much but are looking for a low-carb plan that will nonetheless retain your energy levels for an active lifestyle. What you need to do is limit your daily carb intake by avoiding bread and pasta and pastries. Problem is, the sudden loss of sugar may bring dizzy spells and make you tire easily. Visit your physician if any of these symptoms persist.

Also available online are other diets from the low-carb to the balanced diet; there are also limited-period diets like the 14-day low-cal booster, the 10-minute diet, or the fixed-commitment Diet for Life. They can be found at and include menus and recipes that you can download. These come at a price, though, less than $20 for a year's membership to access everything.

So Which is Best?

The best diet plan for you is still up to you. All the above are just a tiny dot in the ocean of diet plans and regimens that health buffs everywhere come up with. But the bottom line is, if you are not able and willing to stick to one dietary regime that will suit your size and weight, metabolism, lifestyle and preferences and finances, you'll end going from one diet to another losing not your weight but probably your sanity.

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Monday 27 January 2014

Where and Why Most Diet Solutions Fail - Health - Weight Loss

One of the biggest myths amongst the many diet solutions out there is that to lose weight you need to eat smaller portions. This idea is so prominent and popular now that most people simply accept it as the truth and as an actual, valid diet solution. This idea is a myth! This idea is typically implemented 2 different ways: First, eat smaller portions of unhealthy foods. Second, and much worse than the first, eat smaller portions of healthy foods. The first issue is most people don't know unhealthy foods from healthy foods. I repeat, most people don't know unhealthy foods from healthy foods. This is not your fault. You are taught so many untruths by the media and product manufacturers that it is truly difficult to discern between what is meant to help you lose weight and what is meant simply to increase profits.

If a food is not good for you, why would you eat it? Even in a small portion? The trick is so many of the "healthy" foods that hugely popular diet solutions stress aren't healthy at all, but simply low in calories. The two are NOT synonymous. Low in calories does NOT mean healthy. Then there are the foods that are truly good for you that diet solutions still tell you to eat small portions of. If it is good for you, why would you only want to eat a little of it? The definition of a healthy food that you must learn to adopt is this: A healthy food is a food that you enjoy eating, a food that the body can easily break down, and a food that assists the body in burning fat. If a food or certain combination of foods helps your body burn fat, wouldn't eating more of it seem like a better idea? Calories are completely and totally irrelevant with regards to weight loss. In your diet solution, focus on the just mentioned definition of what healthy foods really are and you will be am azed at the results.

A very important part of the definition of a healthy food is that you must enjoy it. This does not mean that if you enjoy it you can eat it. It means that you must not only find out what foods are good for you (remember the definition: you enjoy eating it, the body breaks it down easily, it assists in the burning of fat) but then try those healthy foods in different combinations so you can find many ways for you to enjoy eating them. Enjoying the foods you eat in your diet solution plays a huge role in the success of that diet solution. Eating foods you hate, no matter how good for you the foods are, is one of the most sure ways to fail in a diet. A diet solution when it works will increase confidence and overall happiness. Eating foods you hate all day every day is much more likely to contribute to you being miserable than it is to you being happy.

For more free tips and information about a diet solution that will work for YOU, go here:/

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Sunday 26 January 2014

Healthy Meals - Food - Cooking Tips

Always Choose the Healthy Meals

Snacks and lunches provide the largest temptation to revert to convenience food. However, it's quite straightforward to take to a small degree longer within the morning to organize one thing nutritious.

If you've got children, and they are attending a celebration or other social event where business food will be served, it's additionally straightforward to make an alternative at home, like home-made chips. Healthy snack recipes are simply as straightforward as straightforward healthy meals.

Commercial chips (or anything else deep-fried) obtainable at take-away shops and restaurants are filled with free radicals as a result of they're created with cheap, nasty oil, which is frequently heated. lovely chips will be created at home and are a healthy various.

Free radicals cause oxidative injury, which creates inflammation within the body. The inflammation damages cells and leads to premature aging. If you are doing ought to purchase business chips often for a children's birthday, use a lucid, unflavored chip that's cooked in sunflower oil. Avoid all business chips cooked in vegetable oil and go after Healthy Meals.

Learn to conquer Your Fears: build Your Own Healthy Meals

Making your own healthy meals can be intimidating, however it extremely doesn't need to be. Did you know there are additional healthy meal options than eating grilled chicken and salads everyday? There are!

Tips to make Healthy Meals

1. Stay faraway from processed ingredients. Processed ingredients are high in trans-fats, preservatives, and different chemical additives that are dangerous to humans. Instead, make sure you select to make your meals with natural ingredients. Some samples of natural ingredients embrace recent turn out, whole eggs, free-range poultry and lean meats.

2. Organic is best Healthy Meals. Organic foods haven't got the artificial chemicals, sewer sludge or genetically designed materials that non-organic foods do. The toxins from non-organic food don't seem to be sensible for you, and will ruin your diet plan. Additionally, olive oil, real butter and coconut oil also are all organic, healthy, and add nutritional value to your meals.

3. Determine what you wish. this is a no brainer. Eating healthy doesn't mean you are restricted in your meal choices. If you find one thing you wish, be happy to experiment in your kitchen to search out additional delicious, healthy meals that meet your wants. Experimenting in the kitchen may also help you determine the unhealthy vs. healthy ingredients, supplying you with the opportunity to swap the unhealthy ingredients with healthier options.

Do we need to feed our children junk food for birthday parties? At a recent party, I heard a mother say, "You have to give them junk food at a birthday party!" I guess people think that the kids won't have a good time without it.

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Saturday 25 January 2014

Preparing a healthy diet, can help you loose weight - Health

The best way to loose weight is to focus on effective and natural weight loss through a reduction in calories and increase in physical activity; however, most ignore this recommendation. This is not as simple as it seems though even though the concept is easy to comprehend; this obviously isn't as easy as it sounds because currently over a third of Americans are overweight. Despite this, most of these overweight people want to be trim again although it is probably more for cosmetic reasons than those related to their health.The hard thing for people to understand is it is easier to maintain your natural weight than loose extra pounds once you have put them on. Nevertheless weight maintenance is something that has to be worked on and planned otherwise we will put on extra pounds. For some reason even when dieters who have become used to, and enjoy, a low calorie diet, they eventually drift back to old habits and start piling the pounds back on again. You can maintain your w eight through natural weight loss methods and even if being at the centre of unwanted attention doesn't convince you, surely your health should.The problem is that weight gain puts a strain on the body's ability to fight illness and many of today's health issues are primarily affecting overweight individuals. The basics of eating correctly whilst maintaining a healthy weight is not all that complicated, in fact most people know pretty well what is best and that is losing weight naturally. Maintaining a natural weight loss regime means sticking to low fat meals that are high in fiber and contain complex carbohydrates with a moderate amount of protein. If you were looking at a meal then this would be a baked potato (carbohydrate), the vegetables would be the fiber and a little meat, is the protein.Health experts claim that dietary fat promotes weight gain because it is a very dense source of calories and you store those calories as body fat easier than calories from other sour ces. Another problem is the obsession with fat free or low fat foods that food manufactures are stacking the shelves with which despite their popularity are not stopping the problem of obesity. Whilst completely false, the perception is that you can basically eat exactly what you want provided it is fat-free but there are still calories in the food which can easily be converted to body fat.If you really want to lose weight through a program you will need to dump the fat free products and eat small healthy snacks that are high in nutrition. Some health care specialists believe that a good method is to eat smaller meals and healthy, nutritious snacks every 3 or 4 hours. Natural weight loss is a lifestyle choice not a fad; hence, it takes a great deal of determination, self-control, and discipline to achieve your ideal weight.Find Out More

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Friday 24 January 2014

How To Loose Weight Fast - Business - Small Business

Many people think that doing a lot of cardio will help them loose the weight fast and they could not be further from the truth. You will not see the results you desire by doing long boring cardio. The key to quick results is to confuse your muscles. Constantly challenge yourself. The way to do that is interval training. Interval training allows your body to burn more fat in less time.

You can do interval training anywhere. You dont have to go to the gym. You can be outside or in your living room. If you are outside jogging, you can incorporate interval training by jogging for 2 minutes, running full force for 30 seconds and then go back down to jogging for 2 minutes. Repeat that 5-6 times. This will challenge your body and promote quick weight loss.

If you dont want to go outside no problem. You can use the Turbulence Training Bodyweight interval training workouts. These are all workouts you can do from home using just your bodyweight. An example of a Turbulence Training bodywegith interval training workout would be to start off with 25 jumping jacks followed by 25 prisoner squats followed by 25 lunges and go back and repeat that about 4 to 5 times. Then take a short break and do it again.

That is just a very simple beginnner interval training bodyweight workout. There are many more excercises you can do at a greater intensity that will challenge your body and help you loose weight fast. All from the comfort of your home.

Before I let you go let me share this with you. In a recent study published by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, subjects aged 40 to 75 were instructed to do 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day for 6 days per week for an entire year. With that amount of exercise you would think the participants would loose a lot of weight right?

Well think again the results of the study were that the average fat loss for female subjects was only 4 pounds for the entire year, while men lost 6.6 pounds of fat over the year. That is a lot of exercise with very little results. So as you can see long boring cardio will not get you the results you want. You must incorporate some sort of interval training to get quick weight loss.

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Thursday 23 January 2014

How To loose weight fast - 3 things you need to do - Business - Small Business

Everyone is looking for a way to drop those unwanted pounds in the shortest amount of time possible. Since you are reading this article I am assuming you are one of those people. So, if you are looking for a way to loose the weight fast here are 3 things you need to do starting TODAY!

1 Drink more water Try to drink a gallon of water a day. This will make you feel full and help you to help less food throughout the day. Water also flushes you out. It will help you get rid of a lot of unwanted toxins and its zero calories so drink up.

2 Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day Eating is important. Do not starve yourself. Break your meals down so that you are getting some sort of nutrients in your body every 2 to 3 hours. For example, have a veggie omelet for breakfast, an apple for a snack, baked chicken and spinach for lunch and then another apple for your second snack followed by a chicken salad with light dressing. Eating 5 to 6 small meals a day will help boost your metabolism, which in turn will help you burn more calories throughout the day. Your eating has to be on point if you are trying to loose weight fast.

3 Do interval training It is an absolute must that you workout if you are trying to loose weight fast. Interval training will help you drop the weight in the shortest amount of time. With interval training you are constantly challanging your body by doing more reps or adding more weight to your sets. This constant challenge causes your body to work harder and burn more calories in less time. You can do interval training from the comfort of your home with just your bodyweight.

Incorporate these 3 very important things and you will be on your way to having the body you want and deserve.

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Wednesday 22 January 2014

How You Loose Weight In One Day - Health

Do you need to quickly loose weight in one day? You're not by yourself. It's a very common occurrence when people want or need to drop a few pounds in 1 day, but is it really possible? Is it really healthy to do so? You will see it is possible and it can be safe provided you do it the right way.

Prior to undertaking a crash diet or any diet for that matter, you should consult your doctor, to make certain you have no underlying health issues which could be aggravated by such a diet.

While you won't actually lose permanent weight in 24 hours or less, it is possible to reduce the bloat of weight gain. This will make it possible for you to fit into that new dress or simply to look better when you hit the beach tomorrow.

The key to this is not starving yourself, but just eating sensibly. In the long run you ideally need to stick to this sort of diet regime so that there is no need for crash diets in the future!

There are several one day diets out there on the internet, but you need to be cautious, as any sort of crash diet may be highly dangerous. Starving your body of nutrition even for one day can have drastic consequences, particularly if you need to carry on with a regular routine. The secret to losing some bloat and loose weight in one day is simply to cut out any junk food and ONLY eat fruit and vegetables.

Your body will be fine with this diet for one day and a lack of meat will actually make you feel better as your system uses a lot of resources to process meat. Some people also feel bloated from meat but not from vegetables. If you need extra sustenance, consider fish instead of meat.

An example of a loose weight in one day diet is outlined below.

BreakfastThis is where you will stock up on your day's fuel. Don't go too light on breakfast or you will weaken during the day. Avoid white bread and cereal and go for whole grain. Pancakes are also ok.

LunchFruit is ideal for lunch. Consider a banana, mango, orange and other tasty treats. Cucumbers are also excellent fillers and a raw carrot stick tops it off.

Dinner A light dinner eaten early in the evening is the key. You will want to leave enough to time to go for a brisk walk about 2 hours after eating dinner. Raw or lightly cooked carrots and broccoli are a good light dinner that won't leave you starving.

SnacksApples are great for a snack but don't over do it. Some people get bloated after too much fruit and the idea today is not to eat a lot. One apple is enough to get you through between meals.


Drink water and a lot of it. This will induce your body to get rid of the excess fluid your body has been retaining. Avoid caffeine, carbonated soft drinks and other fluids which will restrict eliminating waste fluids.

By following the above diet for one day you're stomach will shrink just enough for you to fit into that bikini or new dress!

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Tuesday 21 January 2014

4 Ways to Loose Weight Naturally - Health - Weight Loss

Loosing weight naturally is not the easiest to do. Questions like: where do I start, what do I do, and most important: what will fit into my busy schedule, is the first to come to mind. The three most important things to consider is:

1.Where do I start: The best way to start is to make a list of where you want to be. What is my ideal weight? To get your ideal weight, you use an index called: BMI ( Body Mass Index ). After calculating your BMI, you will exactly know where you are and where you should be. Now, it's time to set goals. Be reasonable, don't go overboard and have goals you can't keep up with. This will only make you negative.

2.Choose the right diet. Things to consider is: What foods do I love to eat? Diets can be the biggest stumbling block when not knowing what to look for. Yes, there are foods that you need to cut down, or even out, off your diet. Yes, you can eat very delicious, but still healthy food. Choose a diet that won't make you negative because of the food tasting like cardboard.

3.Choose the right training program. The biggest problem why people don't stick to their exercises is: Do not overdo it in the first two weeks. Nothing else will make you more negative than a sore body and nothing to show for it. Again choose something that you can fit into your schedule. If you can't go to a gym, that's fine. There is enough other exercises that you can do at home or even at work.

4.Be motivated. How motivated you are goes hand in hand with the results you will get. That is why you need to work on it even if there is no results. Make peace with it: There will be times that you can't exercise, or do not eat right, or do not loose weight. Expect it but be determined to keep on. Motivation is one of the most write about subjects there is, so to get help is not difficult at all. Choose a product that takes you somewhere, not psych you up and drop you after two weeks.

What is it going to be: Start with small changes daily and within months you will be the new person you always dreamed about. Yes, to loose weight is not easy, but to be negative about yourself outweighs that by far.

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Monday 20 January 2014

Loose weight now with HCG Glendale - Health - Fitness

Weight loss this is one of the hottest topics discussed and searched over the web. The proportion with which the number of people suffering from obesity is increasing this is quite obvious. So what we are talking here is that with the increasing number of obese in our population the health risks are also increasing among our society. You would be quite aware of the fact that obesity alone can give rise to a large number of health conditions and some of them can prove fatal as well. So under such circumstances it becomes highly essential to find a cure to obesity.

When you are out there looking for weight loss Glendale plans you will see that there are several products out there. Many of them would even reach your homes via endorsements. And even when you are out there to shop for weight loss Glendale products you will find a large number of them being sold out there. If you go merely behind the endorsements you won't be able to loose your weight. So what you need is an effective weight loss Glendale plan that eases your task of cutting down extra fats from your body.

HCG Glendale- this is one of the best weight plans that you will find in the whole market. I'm not saying this just to endorse this product. I have tried it and I have seen hundreds of people who were benefited with this Glendale weight loss plan. This weight loss plan works with the HCG Glendale that is formulated to target even the hard to remove fats from your body. HCG naturally posses the ability to reduce the body fats by increasing the body metabolisms. HCG when secreted in the pregnant women in excess amounts performs the similar function and allows the body to dissolve the fats in order to feed the developing embryo inside the body. Similarly when HCG Glendale is injected into the blood stream either through shots or HCG Drops, this will tell the hypothalamus to increase the body metabolism and results into the dissolving of fats that lie deep inside our body cells. HCG Glendale provides a natural and safe way to reduce the body fats. With this you can simply cut down even your hardest to remove fats.

HCG Glendale alone wouldn't be sufficient to reduce your weight and retain your health. You have to couple your HGC Glendale dose with a low calorie HCG diet. This low calorie diet has enough of nutritional value that is necessary to sustain but lacks fats. This HCG low calorie diet ensures that the person is able to loose weight alone without affecting the bones and muscles. HCG Glendale is also a hunger repressant. No where during the diet plan the user feel hunger or carving for food. So if you are looking for an easy to adopt and effective Weight loss Glendale plan, then you can consult the physicians of Glendale Weight loss center. For having HCG and details over our services you can log onto:

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Friday 10 January 2014

Irrespective Of The Cause Of Weight Gain- Loose Weight With The Biggest Loser - Health - Weight Loss

It happens most of the time with us that even if we are doing everything right but still we are gaining weight. It is usually that we gain weight when we eat more than we can burn off. But this could not always be hold true. A medical problem could be to blame. Here, are few frequently missed culprits behind excess pounds- hypothyroidism, food sensitivity, Cushing's syndrome, organ disease, prescription drug use, anxiety, blood sugar imbalance, and essential fatty acid deficiency. A few of the causes are discussed below:Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency- Flaxseed oil, an essential fatty acids needed by the body to make hormones and maintain the body's metabolic rate whose deficiency may cause cravings, particularly for fatty foods.Emotional EatingHypothyroidism- It decrease metabolism of food, causing appetite loss and modest weight gain. Prescription Drugs- Hormone replacement therapy, steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , antidepressants and diabetic medication and oral contraceptives containing estrogen can cause fluid retention and increased appetite. The good news is that weight gain can be combated with a biggest loser weight loss program, irrespective of its cause. A change in the consistent lifestyle, diets and physical activity are the basics that are part of any mt eliza personal training in the program. The first activity that is carried out is to underline the various causes of the weight gain and your medical history.

It has always been different for different people when it comes to weight loss. If we talk of loosing weight in mt eliza personal training format, you need to focus in on the 3 keys that will help you to lose weight fast. These are exercise regime that includes cardio as well as strength training and diet plan. We all know that loosing weight is not an easy task. To meet our biggest loser weight loss goals,, we need to get help. To mark successful milestones in your weight loss program, reward yourself with a trip to the movies or hairdresser, a new healthy cookbook, a massage or a makeover. By celebrating your success, you will keep you focused and more determined to achieve your goal weight. In case you if you have a setback, recognize it as a small glitch. It is not the end of the diet. It is not an excuse to admit failure. Regroup, before you move forward again with conviction and enthusiasm.

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Thursday 9 January 2014

How to loose weight in a cool way enjoying the journey to get in good shape - Marketing - Video Marketing

Healthy weight loss is what anyone, who wants to lose extra pounds, should do. You can make damages to your hear by losing weight quickly. Some people even suffered a heart attack, because the muscle of heart it got thinner. The average of loosing weight is kg per week. The keys of loosing weight are eating less and exercise more. Eating healthy, without starving, and drinking enough liquids help you body to burn fats by making sport. Here are some tips for a healthy way of loosing weight.

1. Drink water or liquids that do not have calories. Sometimes we can confuse thirst with hunger. Drink a glass of water when you feel hungry and you will see this was what actually you needed.

2. Keep a diet that is suitable with your organism. The best way in finding out which diet is the best choice for you go and visit a specialist, because he will make an individualized diet. Keeping a diet can be fun. Try a diet that includes the food you like most. It will help you in keeping it for all the period.

3. Eat fresh vegetables. Try to avoid mixing meat proteins with vegetables and bred. You can have a breakfast with fresh juice from vegetables. It will bring you more strength in the morning.

4. Eat more fish and chicken meat than cow or pork. Fish and chicken meat are not rich in calories, especially when you boil them or cook on the grill. Instead, pork and cow have more fats inside the muscles. Eating less caloric food will help you burn the fats you already have.

5. Workout and burn the belly fat. Researches have shown that having fat on belly brings many health problems. From this come heart diseases and hernias.

6. Increase eating the food with non soluble fibers. Fresh vegetables and fruits have fibers, but also a quality fiber you can take from wheat barn. It can be tasty if you mix it with milk or with little honey.

7. Avoid eating cakes and sweets from market on the whole diet period. If you really are lover of sweets and cakes try to make it easier for you by eating dark chocolate, which is healthy.

8. Do not wait to eat only when you feel hunger. Eat more meals in the day, avoid feeling to starve. You may eat much more when you feel hungry. Try to have apples, fresh juice from fruits or vegetables. It will bring you more vitamins, but also you will avoid eating too much.

9. Keep a food journal. A journal for food will help you see what you eat on the entire period. You can easily calculate the calories you eat and will help you have a regular time of meals.

10. Focus on being healthy and not on getting slim. Many of people who keep a diet are focusing on getting fast thinner. This is the purpose of diet, but everybody must focus on keeping the organism healthy and not deprive it from health.

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Wednesday 8 January 2014

Loose Weight Healthily - Health - Weight Loss

In todays society many people are battling with weight issues. With the amount of fake fad diets around its important to know how to lose weight fast and healthy.Most dieticians suggest shedding excess pounds gradually via a long term healthy weight loss plan. In general it is not a good idea to lose excess weight too rapidly since it can be dangerous. Furthermore, losing weight quickly often means gaining it all back again later on, often more rapidly than it came off! However, we all like to look our best when wearing a swim suit on holidays or attending an important social event such as a wedding. If you want to lose fat via a fast healthy weight loss plan in order to look your best for a vacation or special occasion, you can do so without damaging your health. This is very important to learn in regards to knowing how to lose weight fast and healthy

The Monotrophic Diet

One quick healthy fat loss plan is the monotrophic diet. On the monotrophic diet you eat only one type of fruit per meal for a period of one week. For example you could eat apples for breakfast, oranges for lunch and bananas for dinner. On the monotrophic fast healthy fat loss diet you are allowed to eat as much fruit as it takes to feel full.This fat loss plan appeals to anybody who loves eating fruit. Nevertheless, the monotrophic diet isn't quite as simple as it sounds. Because you are not allowed to consume toxins such as the caffeine commonly found in coffee and chocolate, your body will go into withdrawal. Consequently you may feel tired and suffer from headaches.This fast healthy fat loss diet may be difficult, but it is overall very good for you because it gives the cells of your body the opportunity to get rid of unhealthy toxins and replace them with high quality nutrients.

The Fiber Diet

Another quick healthy fat loss plan involves eating nothing but fiber for a week. High fiber foods include certain fruits and vegetables. Grains, pasta, cereals, legumes, nuts and seeds are also foods that generally have high fiber content. This type of diet is a great way to learn how to lose weight fast and healthy and it works because the human body cannot digest fiber. Therefore the body tries to get rid of the fiber as quickly as possible by stimulating the colon so that you expel waste more rapidly and frequently. This actually works to cleanse the colon, which is why the fiber diet is so good for you. While you are on the high fiber diet it is wise to up your water intake in order to avoid dehydration caused by the frequent elimination of waste.

Avoid Going To Extremes

You should not continue a fast healthy weight loss diet like the two described above for too long a period of time. The human body needs fat, protein, carbohydrates and essential vitamins and minerals if it is to work normally. Staying on one of the above diets for too long causes malnourishment and this can lead to serious health issues.

Above I described a couple of the ways to learn how to lose weight fast and healthy. It is imperative that people are aware of the various ways to do so, but also the dangers of maintaining these diets for too long.

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Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Medifast Diet Plan

For individuals looking for a diet plan, the Medifast diet plan may prove to be more effective. This diet program promises natural and healthy weight loss while providing the individual with meals that are easy to prepare, ensuring that even with a busy or full schedule, meal preparation can still be sustained.

According to information on Medifast diet plan, at least 15,000 physicians have recommended this diet program. It is also said that there are clinical studies documenting the success of Medifast diet plan on individuals working towards weight loss. This does not eliminate the need for a physician's advice, though.

Individuals who wish to try out the Medifast diet plan need to budget at least USD 300 for the meals. This amounts to at least USD 11 a day. Based on the information that they have, this is still lower when compared to the USD 16 a day that an average American would spend on typical food.

The Medifast weight loss plan works to control the meal portions so that an individual's body is 'forced' to burn off fat for energy. This is due to the calorie deficit that is created when one follows the Medifast meal plan. On their website, one can find a listing of the meats and the portion sizes for meats and vegetables.

When it comes to vegetables, there are recommended vegetables and vegetables that one should steer clear of in the meantime. The latter includes mostly high-carbohydrate vegetables. Aside from this, the Medifast weight loss plan also has a recommendation of the food one can snack on in order to maintain the healthy diet plan. However, snacks are only limited to once per day and those who follow the program are discouraged from snacking in place of what they call the Medifast meal or the Lean and Green meal.

The Medifast plan also makes room for diabetics, specifically for those with type 2 diabetes. As for those who wish to have a 'sample' of the Medifast diet plan first, it is recommended that a two-week trial period be made first so that a more substantial result can be seen. Individual Medifast meals as well as a 2-week variety package are available. More information on how to obtain these can be viewed through the website.

The advice of a physician is still strongly recommended before undergoing this or any other type of diet program.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Monday 6 January 2014

The Medifast Diet Plan

For individuals looking for a diet plan, the Medifast diet plan may prove to be more effective. This diet program promises natural and healthy weight loss while providing the individual with meals that are easy to prepare, ensuring that even with a busy or full schedule, meal preparation can still be sustained.

According to information on Medifast diet plan, at least 15,000 physicians have recommended this diet program. It is also said that there are clinical studies documenting the success of Medifast diet plan on individuals working towards weight loss. This does not eliminate the need for a physician's advice, though.

Individuals who wish to try out the Medifast diet plan need to budget at least USD 300 for the meals. This amounts to at least USD 11 a day. Based on the information that they have, this is still lower when compared to the USD 16 a day that an average American would spend on typical food.

The Medifast weight loss plan works to control the meal portions so that an individual's body is 'forced' to burn off fat for energy. This is due to the calorie deficit that is created when one follows the Medifast meal plan. On their website, one can find a listing of the meats and the portion sizes for meats and vegetables.

When it comes to vegetables, there are recommended vegetables and vegetables that one should steer clear of in the meantime. The latter includes mostly high-carbohydrate vegetables. Aside from this, the Medifast weight loss plan also has a recommendation of the food one can snack on in order to maintain the healthy diet plan. However, snacks are only limited to once per day and those who follow the program are discouraged from snacking in place of what they call the Medifast meal or the Lean and Green meal.

The Medifast plan also makes room for diabetics, specifically for those with type 2 diabetes. As for those who wish to have a 'sample' of the Medifast diet plan first, it is recommended that a two-week trial period be made first so that a more substantial result can be seen. Individual Medifast meals as well as a 2-week variety package are available. More information on how to obtain these can be viewed through the website.

The advice of a physician is still strongly recommended before undergoing this or any other type of diet program.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday 5 January 2014

Diet Vs Diet

Americans spend tens of billions of dollars a year in their quest for losing weight, and getting fit. As I've said before, there are a number of different approaches to dieting, and a number of these approaches will produce results. The key is in finding an approach that works for YOU, and one you can be CONSISTENT with.

Listed here, for you, are some of the most popular diets available today, some information about them, and the results of some studies done by some of the top universities in the country. The studies followed groups of people following one of the specific diets listed, and compared the weight loss results of each group of dieters after extended periods of time. So which diet will shed the most pounds after a year? Keep on reading to find out...the results may surprise you!

The Diets:

Atkins Diet (low carb)
A high protein diet, encourages some form of meat at every meal, and restricts carbohydrates.
Calorie Breakdown:
20% Carbs
30% Protein
50% Fat

Weight Watchers (low fat)
Emphasizes portion control. Encourages grains, fruits, vegetables, and modest servings of meat.
Calorie Breakdown:
50% Carbs
20% Protein
30% Fat

Zone Diet
40/30/30 ratio theoretically stabilizes hormones that trigger hunger and weight gain.
Calorie Breakdown:
40% Carbs
30% Protein
30% Fat

Mediterranean Diet
Prescribes grains, vegetables, and sources of healthy fats such as olive oil and nuts.
Calorie Breakdown:
45% Carbs
20% Protein
35% Fat

Ornish Diet (Low fat vegetarian)
Recommends eliminating nuts, meat, and fish.
Calorie Breakdown:
70% Carbs
10% Fat


Low Carb vs. Low Fat vs. Mediterranean

Pounds lost at six months: Low carb 14 lbs, WW 10lbs, Mediterranean 10 lbs

Final loss (two years): Low carb 12 lbs, WW 7 lbs, Mediterranean 10 lbs

Low Carb vs. Low Fat vs. Zone vs. Ornish

Pounds lost at six months: Low carb 14 lbs, WW 9 lbs, Zone 6 lbs, Ornish 6 lbs

Final loss (one year): Low carb 10, WW 6 lbs, Zone 4 lbs, Ornish 5 lbs

Low Fat vs. Exercise

Pounds lost at six weeks: WW 6 lbs, Exercise 2 lbs

Final loss (three months): WW 9 lbs, Exercise 3 lbs

So what does this mean for you?

Well, by looking at the numbers, you can see that all of the diets produced results. And, with the exception of the subjects following the Mediterranean diet, the dieters tended to gain some of the weight they had lost back over the long term. This is most likely because they failed to follow the diet as strictly over time as they had in the beginning.

This is a problem most dieters have with most diets...consistency. Everyone charges out of the gate ready to cut down on carbs, fat, or to consume the magic ratio, only to find that after a period of time this way of eating is something they can't maintain over the long term. It's not a change they're willing to make with the rest of their life.

My advice to you is the same as always...choose something that's right for YOU. Choose foods you like, eliminate the refined ones, and consume in MODERATION in combination with EXERCISE. The above diets work because they control the amount, and in most cases, the type of food being eaten. As should be evident from the results, the control part is much more important than the type of food being eaten.

So take control of what you eat. If one of theses diets works for you, then GREAT! Pick it, and stick with it. If none of them float your boat, no problem. Choose the foods that work for you, control how much you eat, and be consistent. Combine your efforts with some exercise, commit to sticking with it for at least a year, and watch what happens.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Saturday 4 January 2014

Diet Vs Diet

Americans spend tens of billions of dollars a year in their quest for losing weight, and getting fit. As I've said before, there are a number of different approaches to dieting, and a number of these approaches will produce results. The key is in finding an approach that works for YOU, and one you can be CONSISTENT with.

Listed here, for you, are some of the most popular diets available today, some information about them, and the results of some studies done by some of the top universities in the country. The studies followed groups of people following one of the specific diets listed, and compared the weight loss results of each group of dieters after extended periods of time. So which diet will shed the most pounds after a year? Keep on reading to find out...the results may surprise you!

The Diets:

Atkins Diet (low carb)
A high protein diet, encourages some form of meat at every meal, and restricts carbohydrates.
Calorie Breakdown:
20% Carbs
30% Protein
50% Fat

Weight Watchers (low fat)
Emphasizes portion control. Encourages grains, fruits, vegetables, and modest servings of meat.
Calorie Breakdown:
50% Carbs
20% Protein
30% Fat

Zone Diet
40/30/30 ratio theoretically stabilizes hormones that trigger hunger and weight gain.
Calorie Breakdown:
40% Carbs
30% Protein
30% Fat

Mediterranean Diet
Prescribes grains, vegetables, and sources of healthy fats such as olive oil and nuts.
Calorie Breakdown:
45% Carbs
20% Protein
35% Fat

Ornish Diet (Low fat vegetarian)
Recommends eliminating nuts, meat, and fish.
Calorie Breakdown:
70% Carbs
10% Fat


Low Carb vs. Low Fat vs. Mediterranean

Pounds lost at six months: Low carb 14 lbs, WW 10lbs, Mediterranean 10 lbs

Final loss (two years): Low carb 12 lbs, WW 7 lbs, Mediterranean 10 lbs

Low Carb vs. Low Fat vs. Zone vs. Ornish

Pounds lost at six months: Low carb 14 lbs, WW 9 lbs, Zone 6 lbs, Ornish 6 lbs

Final loss (one year): Low carb 10, WW 6 lbs, Zone 4 lbs, Ornish 5 lbs

Low Fat vs. Exercise

Pounds lost at six weeks: WW 6 lbs, Exercise 2 lbs

Final loss (three months): WW 9 lbs, Exercise 3 lbs

So what does this mean for you?

Well, by looking at the numbers, you can see that all of the diets produced results. And, with the exception of the subjects following the Mediterranean diet, the dieters tended to gain some of the weight they had lost back over the long term. This is most likely because they failed to follow the diet as strictly over time as they had in the beginning.

This is a problem most dieters have with most diets...consistency. Everyone charges out of the gate ready to cut down on carbs, fat, or to consume the magic ratio, only to find that after a period of time this way of eating is something they can't maintain over the long term. It's not a change they're willing to make with the rest of their life.

My advice to you is the same as always...choose something that's right for YOU. Choose foods you like, eliminate the refined ones, and consume in MODERATION in combination with EXERCISE. The above diets work because they control the amount, and in most cases, the type of food being eaten. As should be evident from the results, the control part is much more important than the type of food being eaten.

So take control of what you eat. If one of theses diets works for you, then GREAT! Pick it, and stick with it. If none of them float your boat, no problem. Choose the foods that work for you, control how much you eat, and be consistent. Combine your efforts with some exercise, commit to sticking with it for at least a year, and watch what happens.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Friday 3 January 2014

Diet Program and Junk Foods

2009 is going to be a favorable year for all those struggling with weight loss. Why? Well, it is no secret that since the beginning of this year the economy has been hard-hit by recession. With pockets going almost half empty, people would think twice before indulging in excesses of any kind, their junk food addiction notwithstanding. As a matter of fact, junk foods usually cost much more than natural foods. This is why people are likely to spend less money on junk foods and more on natural fruits and vegetables. Consequently, they are bound to lose weight!

With the recession setting in, you should be doing due diligence before investing in a diet program. There are useless fad diet programs which you should avoid at all costs. Usually, diets which focus only on one type of food or other should be avoided.

So what types of diet programs should you choose:

1. Diets that don't limit you to just one food group: A healthy meal is one which contains fat, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, etc., in equal proportions. If any of these components is missing from your current meal, it cannot be called a healthy meal. Likewise, diets which severely restrict your carbohydrate or fat intake are not the right diet plans for you. Of course, it goes without saying that almost all diet programs out there would limit your junk food intake in some form or other.

2. Diets which not only detoxify your body but also offer suggestions on how to keep it clean and free from toxins in future: When you eat junk foods for a long time, toxins get deposited in your intestines, which in turn pollute your entire body. These toxins prevent you from losing weight speedily. Once your body gets rid of these toxins, you would feel much lighter and healthier. In addition, detoxifying your body would also help you lose a few pounds. Make sure that your diet program offers suggestions on detoxification of your body!

3. Diets that recommend workouts and exercises: Make sure that your diet program recommends exercises which help you to:

a) Burn fat
b) Build muscles

Diets with no clear recommendations with regards to workouts, or diets which explicitly state that workouts are unnecessary should be avoided. Frankly speaking, any diet program which proclaims that you don't need to workout at all is just fooling you!

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Thursday 2 January 2014

Diet Program and Junk Foods

2009 is going to be a favorable year for all those struggling with weight loss. Why? Well, it is no secret that since the beginning of this year the economy has been hard-hit by recession. With pockets going almost half empty, people would think twice before indulging in excesses of any kind, their junk food addiction notwithstanding. As a matter of fact, junk foods usually cost much more than natural foods. This is why people are likely to spend less money on junk foods and more on natural fruits and vegetables. Consequently, they are bound to lose weight!

With the recession setting in, you should be doing due diligence before investing in a diet program. There are useless fad diet programs which you should avoid at all costs. Usually, diets which focus only on one type of food or other should be avoided.

So what types of diet programs should you choose:

1. Diets that don't limit you to just one food group: A healthy meal is one which contains fat, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, etc., in equal proportions. If any of these components is missing from your current meal, it cannot be called a healthy meal. Likewise, diets which severely restrict your carbohydrate or fat intake are not the right diet plans for you. Of course, it goes without saying that almost all diet programs out there would limit your junk food intake in some form or other.

2. Diets which not only detoxify your body but also offer suggestions on how to keep it clean and free from toxins in future: When you eat junk foods for a long time, toxins get deposited in your intestines, which in turn pollute your entire body. These toxins prevent you from losing weight speedily. Once your body gets rid of these toxins, you would feel much lighter and healthier. In addition, detoxifying your body would also help you lose a few pounds. Make sure that your diet program offers suggestions on detoxification of your body!

3. Diets that recommend workouts and exercises: Make sure that your diet program recommends exercises which help you to:

a) Burn fat
b) Build muscles

Diets with no clear recommendations with regards to workouts, or diets which explicitly state that workouts are unnecessary should be avoided. Frankly speaking, any diet program which proclaims that you don't need to workout at all is just fooling you!

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Yay Food Diet

If you're at all interested in learning how to banish fat from your body... in loving your body so much you can't get enough of yourself in the mirror... or in skyrocketing your energy levels... then you're in for some great news.
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You see, I accidentally stumbled upon a way to easily and effortlessly melt fat from anyone's body.

It's a near-failproof method that works unbelievably well. When I used it, I dropped almost 10 pounds in my very first week (I was obese and had a lot to lose). From there, I quickly melted off another 20 pounds... then 50... and before I knew it, I was down 105 pounds.

I have every intention of sharing my plan with you, but before I do, I need to get one thing out in the open right now.


There, I said it. And to go even further...

*Low Fat Foods Don't Work

*Low Calorie Diets Don't Work

*Low Carb Foods Don't Work

Think about it. Did you know 1 out of 2 Americans is on a diet at any given time? Billions of dollars are spent on the diet industry in America every single year. If the typical "low calorie, low carb, low fat" craze worked so well, why would so many people be overweight?

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The fact is, there's something you just haven't realized yet It might be hard to swallow, but it's true.

Let's look at this logically. Wouldn't you be willing to endure a week or two of low-fat, low-calorie foods if you knew it meant you got to shave off 10 pounds that you'd never have to see again?

You probably already HAVE tried that -

...and yet you're still here, on this website, trying to figure out how to melt your fat off.

What About Dieting Plans Like Weight Watchers Or Jenny Craig? Nope. First of all those diets involve much slower dieting progress than necessary. You can melt fat off a lot faster than that while still being healthy. Besides, these types of programs want you to buy their supplements and foods so that you're stuck on them for life. I much prefer a lifestyle change that you can implement yourself and stick to without feeling neglected.

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