
Saturday 27 July 2013

Living A Healthy, Long Life! - Health - Fitness

Do you want to live a long life? Do you want to feel healthy as you grow older each day? Living healthy means more than keeping away from junk food. It means taking the initiative to say I care enough for my self and my family that I am going to make sure I am there for them.

Living healthy means you are making choices daily that effect your health in positive ways.

Eat Healthy!Eating is one the most loved times of human existence. We live to eat and eat to live. But if you're not careful, you can also eat yourself to death -- watching what you put in that body is important. Eating healthy is easier when you plan your meals and chose the right food groups. Don't avoid the vegetables! They are an important part of keeping you healthy. If you need help planning healthy meals, you can find healthy recipes on many different websites. Cooking healthy foods is not hard once you get started.

Manage Your WeightBe in control of your weight. Make conscious decisions on whether to loose or gain weight. Its not healthy to look like a twig, but pushing the 20 lbs plus over mark places your body in a position where it asks you to shed those pounds and it needs you to choose how much you will weigh and for that choice to be healthy.

Move, Move, MOVE!Get up and move! Get off the couch, away from the computer, Playstation and any other electronic "toys" that hold you attention and get active. But its not enough to move, you need to exercise daily, take walks, run jog, bicycle, etc. Exercise is often easier to do when you have a friend willing to share your desire for healthy living, even if that only means taking a daily walk together.

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