
Friday 29 June 2012

Weight Loss Meals - What Makes You Lose Weight - Health - Weight Loss

Okay now the old phrases like "Eat less & lose fat!", or "Run for your weight!" are still around, though we all know, that neither running, nor eating less will make you lose weight, if you don't know how to do it right. Here we're gonna focus on the foods, that will make you lose weight.

To be as honest with you, as I can: If you want to lose weight, your food has to be low carb. Reducing high carb foods only, will not help you lose weight, it will just slow down the weight gaining process a tiny bit, but that's it. You have to eat low carb foods, that also increase your metabolism. Here I'm gonna give you some examples of foods, that you can use to lose weight and I'm also gonna give you some examples of how to use them.


Proteines are a key to losing weight and gaining weight at the same time. If you eat proteines correctly you'll lose weight, but if not, you're gonna end up gaining even more weight. A very popular weight loss plan, that is based on eating proteines is the Atkins diet. Now I'm sure, we all know, that the Atkins diet has some very severe downsides. The problem with the Atkins diet is, that you are allowed to eat as many proteines as you like, but you're not allowed to eat any carbohydrate.

It basically means, that you can eat as much chicken as you want prepared in any way you want, but you must never have bread with your chicken. Sounds great huh? Eating as much chicken as you want and losing weight at the same time. But here's the downside of that coin: As soon as you eat the first slice of bread after you're done with the diet, you'll end up gainine everything back, that you lost and even more - the bad YoYo-effect.

But how can you use proteines to lose weight then? Well it's much more simple than the Atkins diet. All you have to do for a successful start is, to eat proteines for breakfast. The key is, that it has to be proteines only. Nothing else! The rest of the day, you can eat just as usual, just your breakfast should consist of proteines only.

It basically means, that you can have egges for breakfast in any way you want:

- Fried eggs

- Cooked eggs

- Scrambled eggs

- Raw eggs (That's an extreme option huh? Well no worries, you don't have to eat raw eggs, if you don't want to, it's gonna work anyway.)

Leave the bacon, the cheese and the sausages away and just have eggs for breakfast. You should also take care that you have your breakfast at the about same time every morning. This will increase the effect of this meal plan.

Do that for just a couple of weeks and have a look at the results - you will be surprized.

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