
Wednesday 9 July 2014

Consumer Diet

A balanced and a healthy diet should contain proteins, vitamins, minerals, water, fat and the right amount of carbohydrate. We have been studying this right from our elementary class. However, you should learn that eating three meals a day does not count for a healthy diet. What you eat counts and When you eat them counts even more. There are so many consumer awareness programs about food safety and habits. Now obesity is a growing problem among children and adult, the main problem is their eating habits. Your food habits must be combined with regular exercises. There are many gyms where you can enroll to get your daily share of exercises and many dieticians from whom you can get professional help to get you back on shape.

There are many weight loss pills and supplements available which are quite popular. There are consumer reviews about these products that are available online which shows us that they are useless. These advertisements many promise many things. But none will actually work and many have side effects. There are so many Consumer complaints against such products. The only way to lose weight is to stick a diet and exercise regularly.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as they are considered to be the food for the brain. Consumer study shows, one of the main reasons for obesity among kids is because they dont eat proper breakfast. Majority of kids skip their breakfast while rushing to school as a result they end up concentrating less in class due to hunger and less iron content in their body. Breakfast also makes you avoid the inter-meal snacks which are the main reason for obesity. A Healthy Breakfast includes idly, dosa(without ghee and less oil) or Oats, Cereals, Milk, Eggs, Wheat bread, Fruits, Nuts, Yogurt and Fresh vegetables.

A health lunch is a bowl of rice with a lot of veggies. Limiting meat for thrice a week is a wise choice. Fish is a very good source of protein. Steamed fish have fewer calories and have a really good taste while maintaining the flavour. Reduce fried food and incorporate more vegetables to have a healthy lunch.

Dinner must be the simplest meal of your entire day. Try to eat early so that you are hungry in time for breakfast. Your entire body must get accustomed to your diet. Daal and Roti is the best dinner combination that I have known so far. When your timing for dinner is right then your entire system for the next day works fine, and you are able to have a healthy and a proper meal!

All these diets might seem to be a bore but when you start experimenting with cooking, you might actually end up with much more interesting dishes which are healthy and yummy. Start cooking with the low fat products that are available in the market. There are so many consumer awareness programs talking about unsafe food brands. So always check for quality food products. You will be surprised with the dishes that you come up with these simple ingredients. The key is to stick to low fat products, more veggies and smoked or boiled meat and fish. So bid goodbye to the infamous starving to death diet and start having a much more balanced diet. Starvation diet may give you an immediate result but in the end you gain more weight. On the contrary, the balanced diet helps you to maintain and be fit.

Another healthy way to eat and a really great way to lose weight is to stick to 5 meals per day chart where you can eat once every two hours. You must segregate and plan every day. Eating huge quantities five times is not going to help you. The key is to stick to small quantities so that your hunger is subsided, it doesnt mean you can eat whatever you want, and you should still stick to low-fat and low-carb!!

Eating healthy is important but burning your unwanted calories is even more important. Every consumer should realise the consequences of obesity. If the gym is not your thing, then there are several activities that are fun and help you burn calories. Playing cricket, soccer, swimming with friends are always fun. Aerobics and dancing are a really fun way to lose weight and tone oneself.

Well, I know following a diet might makes you frustrated. You can never follow any diet if you are forced into it. Consumers should realize the importance of a healthy diet and. So mentally prepare and set a target and when you achieve it, you can treat yourself. The key is to set a short-time target, and once you achieve it immediately set another one. It would eventually become a way of life.

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