
Friday 30 May 2014

Colon Cleanse: 3 Tips To Clean Your Colon Naturally - Health - Fitness

A colon cleansing and flushing can benefit almost all of us in a day and age when our entire body is choc-a-bloc with waste and toxins. Colon cleansing can be carried out in an absolutely natural manner by simply changing your diet. Bringing about a change in our diets is not only the best, but it is also the most natural route to a clean and healthy colon. When you clean your colon only through a diet change, you are less prone to experiencing the side effects of colon cleansing like weakness, fatigue, aches, bloating and nausea which occur when you go on a P&B shake or some other colon cleanser routine. All you need to do in order to clean your colon through your diet is to include foods that are rich in fiber and antioxidants and which increase the speed of digestion. Some tips on what to eat and what to avoid are given below:

1. Add Fresh and Organics Fruits and Vegetables to your Diet

Fresh fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber, which is the most necessary part of a colon cleansing diet. On top of this, they are rich sources of vitamins and minerals, apart from also being able to take care of your calorific requirement. So just pile on the fruits and veggies, but make sure that they are organic so as to avoid all the chemicals and pesticides that will further clog your colon.

2. Consume Foods Rich in Anti-Oxidants

Antioxidants are extremely effective in promoting colon as well as overall health. So make them an essential part of your diet while colon cleansing and even afterwards. Some foods that are rich in antioxidants are spinach, oranges, mangoes, carrots, broccoli, kale, peas and apricots.

3. Avoid Foods that are Hard to Digest

There are a number of food products and food groups that take a lot of time to be fully digested. These are generally responsible for the absorption of a number of unhealthy byproducts into the body. The worst kind of food to take are processed foods whose additives, flavorings and preservatives take a long time to be broken down and then also, leave behind toxic wastes in the colon. Dairy products, fat rich fast food and red meat also take loads of time to digest, so it is best to avoid these foods when you are on a colon cleansing diet.

Even after doing all the above, you might find that your colon is taking a lot of time to clean or is not getting properly cleaned up. In most cases therefore, most alternative medicine practitioners advise that you take colon cleansing herbs and minerals when you colon cleanse the first time so that all the compacted waste matter that is stuck to your colon is properly flushed out. You can go for a colon cleansing diet when you clean you colon for the second time or only if you are someone who experiences healthy bowel movements and leads a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise and consumption of fat free, healthy and organic food.

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