
Saturday 28 December 2013

Is Fat Loss 4 Idiots Better than the New South Beach Diet? - Health

There are so many diet plans being offered to those who want to lose weight fast and easy that it gets confusing as to which is better and which is not. Among these plans, the new South Beach diet and Fat Loss for Idiots are currently popular due to the sameness and contradictions that suits specific types of people with various health and physical requirements.

Fat Loss For Idiots vs the new South Beach Diet

Diet plans suggests almost the same things: take foods low in fat and low in carbohydrates. The new South Beach diet is no exceptions. Basically, this diet plan advocates good fats and good carbohydrates to rule our body for life, which is highly effective but recommended more for geriatrics who do not need much movement or have a computer-based job in a corporate environment. The reason is mainly because foods low in carbohydrates, which the new South Beach diet suggests, strips off the intended carb requirement to run the metabolism and convert them into energy. So, if you are involved in jobs where legworks are demanded, the new South Beach diet is not for you.

Additionally, the new South Beach diet is a long-term weight loss plan and comes in three exhausting phases. The Phase I is the toughest since the dieter has to remove the carbohydrates 100% from the meals for two weeks. Only lean meats, seafood, and poultry are allowed. In Phase II, the dieter gradually re-introduces the carbohydrates in limited servings. Phase III is the maintenance part and the body should be used to the eating culture.

Fat Loss For Idiots has a pretty similar yet still different approach. Economically, the Fat Loss For Idiots has the cheapest diet plans around. Your initial expense would be $30+ for the ebook and everything follows. The new South Beach diet, because the foods required are selected can be costly in comparison.

While the South Beach diet has three tedious phases Phase I lasting for two weeks, Phase for two weeks, and phase III for life Fat Loss For Idiots will only take 11 days to lose 9 pounds while still taking pleasure in the planned menus consumable in four meals per day. This prevents the person to move on with the diet instead of fall back halfway because of the length f the process.

Opposite from what people think that Fat Loss For Idiots might be accompanied by weight loss pills, it is absolutely safe and natural. You are also spared of other methods such as calorie counting and body mass index calculation.

Fat Loss for Idiots also has a different wy of approaching the metabolism. Instead of accustoming the system in burning fats and calories, as what the new South Beach Diet does, Fat Loss randomly does it so the system does not get shocked when our eating habit changes.

Yet, there are still so much to discover about Fat Loss For Idiots and it would be interesting to know why this is so easy and cheap yet so effective. What you can do is to get your own copy of the e-book to get started and enjoy better figure, better health, and better self-confidence.

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