
Thursday 10 October 2013

Meal Planning For Weight Loss - Health - Weight Loss

Meal planning for weight loss is essential for any diet plan to ensure success and maintenance of lost pounds. A healthy weight is the result of a balanced diet and exercise regimen. It is the combined effect of both that helps reduce weight. You must spend more energy than you consume. By limiting the quantity of food, making healthy choices and increasing energy expenditure through exercise, body weight can be lost. Of course, it sounds very easy in theory. In practice, you also need a healthy dose of discipline and persistence to make meal planning for weight loss a success.

How can meal planning for weight loss lead to lost pounds? First of all, it helps by keeping you on track. If you plan your meals ahead of time, then you can limit the presence of unhealthy and fattening foods and snacks in your kitchen cupboard. You can do your grocery shopping once weekly getting all the necessary items for your meals and skipping the potato chips and sweets grocery aisles. There is less temptation when fattening foods are not available at home for a quick snack. If such foods are not present, you are more likely to resort to healthy choices like fruit and vegetables and stick to your meal planning for weight loss.

Preparing weekly meal plans keeps you focused on a schedule. This way, you are prepared before you get hungry and you don't skip meals for an unhealthy snack. Your body adapts to a specific schedule of meals and healthy snacks. If you know that your next meal is within an hour and it is a good healthy meal, you are more willing to wait and stay on track to meet your weight loss objective. Your mind conditions your body to behave in a certain way. You are in control and not your food cravings. This is how meal planning for weight loss is the key to help you achieve your weight goals.

Another advantage of meal planning for weight loss is that you invest some time before you get hungry to plan for meals for the week. When this is a conscious decision, you are more likely to make healthy choices, plan your grocery shopping and explore different recipes. Search online for recipes low in fat and rich in essential nutrients. There are so many choices for quick and easy to prepare meals. Be careful regarding portions. A large portion of a healthy meal can also be problematic as it provides you with more calories.Make it fun by trying exotic, Mediterranean, and vegetarian dishes for your meal planning for weight loss. Don't be afraid to test your palette as long as you are selecting recipes with low fat and sugar as well as considering healthy portions. Plan ahead for dessert or rewarding snacks. Instead of ice cream, go for frozen yogurt or a fruit smoothie. It is essential to reward yourself for sticking to your meal planning for weight loss as long as you d on't overdo it. If you find that you are not making healthy choices, don't beat yourself over it. Instead, stop the behavior and go back to your initial plan. Successful weight loss is based on persistence. There will be a few setbacks. You just have to get yourself up after each fall. No big deal. Don't kill yourself with guilt. When you go off the wagon, all it means is that it will take you a week longer to get to your weight goal. Is that really a big deal?

If it helps, stick your weekly plan on the refrigerator door so that you take a look at it every time you pass by or open the refrigerator. This is a great cue for keeping you in line with your meal planning for weight loss. Make sure that you have all the ingredients available ahead of time to prepare your meals. Alternatively, you can prepare them on a weekend and freeze some. Many people who work full time like to put effort on the weekend before the work week starts and cook for the whole week as they have more time to do so. Uncooked and cooked meals can be frozen. If they are uncooked, all you need to do is cook or bake them before eating. If they are frozen cooked, then you just need to defrost and warm them up. Since meal preparation is usually what takes the most time, having meals that you can reheat quickly helps to keep you focused on your meal planning for weight loss.

Avoid highly processed foods and foods with high fructose syrup and other artificial colors and flavorings. These substances cannot be processed by our body as efficiently resulting in extra weight. Select instead foods with as many natural ingredients as you can. Limit chips, salad dressings and even alcohol consumption as all these add calories. Your meal planning for weight loss should avoid fried foods and go instead with baked, broiled or grilled lean meats. Select low fat dairy products. Enrich your diet with legumes, fruit and vegetables. Today, we are lucky to be able to find all different kinds of fruit and vegetables at the grocery store even if it is not their season. Avoid sugary drinks with little juice and go instead with water or freshly squeezed juice.

Lastly, keep in mind that meal planning for weight loss is only one aspect for your weight loss plan. It must be combined with exercise for quicker results. You have to spend more calories than you consume in order to lose body weight. Make a weekly exercise plan and stick it to the refrigerator door as well. Keep track of your progress and don't expect painless and fast results. A good weight loss is a few pounds a week, if you don't want to get it back. Realize also that diet and exercise changes are lifestyle changes and that you are making them for life. Think positively, stick to your plan and you will be rewarded for your meal planning for weight loss.

I know how hard it can be to lose your pounds, but if you want to really lose your weight you'll need to learn a single method that works amazingly well.This method is simple to pick up and it doesn't take much practice, you can read about it at my website: /

Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible. /how-to-weight-loss-in-days/

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