
Monday 9 September 2013

Using Psychology to Successfully Loose Weight - Health - Weight Loss

For the majority of people dieting, loosing weight is difficult and it can easily become all consuming and take over every aspect of their life. So, with all this effort being concentrated on the task in hand, why are these people still failing to loose their excess weight and to achieve their target weight? A lot of success is about the mental state behind the actions, the actions alone are no guarantee of success.

Whenever a new diet gets a bit of publicity, there will always be people who are quoted in the papers who tell us that they have tried all other diets and this is the only one which worked long term. If, however, there really was a diet which was guaranteed to work, then there would be no obesity in the first world. We could simply put all over weight people on the same regime and before you know it half the world health problems would be solved. This doesn't happen, because there is no such thing as a guaranteed weight loss regime.

Does everyone need their own personalized diet, or can the fad diet actually work? Success is not always about the actual diet, it is about how the dieter approaches the diet and the changes which they are expected to make in their lives. Let's look at a couple of scenarios. Firstly, consider a working mother with a couple of kids who would like to loose weight; perhaps weight gained during pregnancy and not lost during breastfeeding. This character is likely to have a strict regime which is controlled by her job and family and hence change can be incorporated, but only if it fits within the overall structure of her life. Take a second scenario of a recently qualified student, in their first job and moving into their first independent home. This person has thrown their whole life up in the air and they are starting a new project. Change for them is what life is about at the moment. They could take on any diet on the market and incorporate it into their routine; they could even build their routine around it. These are two people whose differing physical situations control their mental approach to a diet.

This does not mean that you cannot succeed if you are not prepared to change your life, but it does mean that you need to set targets and goals with are relevant to your life not try to force the targets suggested by the publicists of the diet onto your life.

Set your own goals and know that they are achievable. This simple step will remove the most prevalent excuse of failed dieters that they just could not manage to stick to the diet. If you don't stick to you diet you are not committed and you can never be committed if you feel that the diet is in control and not you. Long term change cannot be controlled by a book or even a support group. Staying positive and staying in control will give you the psychological edge to succeed.

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