
Thursday 28 March 2013

HCG - How hCG works? For Laymen - Health

I have read a lot of articles about hCG but I was never able to understand how hCG basically works. After a thorough research on this product I came to know about a lot of things that are not understandable to a normal person and here is what I found out.hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone produced naturally in the human body. The basic function of this hormone is to reduce the fat in a human body and consume it to cover the extra needs of energy, mostly during the time of pregnancy in women. This hormone is produced in very little amounts in every human body regardless of being male or female. It is also one of the major elements in reproduction and fertility as it enhances the production of Estrogen (the female element of reproduction) in females and Testosterone (the male element in reproduction) in males. A female human body starts to produce hCG in higher quantities during pregnancy which helps in making the uterus walls stronger so that it can sustain the fetus and also helps in covering the extra needs of energy during pregnancy.In the late 1950s Dr. ATW Simeons found out about hCG during his research on weight control and weight loss. His research states that small amounts of hCG given to an overweight individual can help a lot in loosing the extra weight.Oral hCG Diet is a fast way of getting rid of all the extra weight in your body. hCG is a gift of nature with some extra ordinary functions. Using hCG Diet Drops helps in weight loss in a very unique way. It uses up the fats stored in a human body instead of getting the energy from the normal intake of food, thus reducing the extra intake and stopping us from taking high calorie diet. Using up almost 3500-4000 calories everyday with some light exercise and hCG Diet Drops you start loosing pounds every week. The hCG Diet Drops start using up the extra fat stored specifically around the hips, thighs, buttocks and stomach. Along with reducing your weight by a few pounds, hCG also makes you look smarter and healthy everyday and helps you loose some inches really quickly and easily. Females can maintain an hourglass body figure easily by using hCG Diet Drops.In the case of women, excess calories tend to wind up in "problem" areas such as the hips, buttocks, abdomen and thighs. For men, those problem areas tend to be more in the chest, abdomen, and saggy buttocks. Oral hCG Diet helps cleaning up the fat in those areas, making you healthy. So get ready for shopping if you choose to start using hCG Diet Control Programme!

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