
Thursday 14 February 2013

Which types of food are good for hair growth? - Health - Hair Loss

There are three different categories of food that are beneficial for hair growth:

Which types of food are good for building new hair cells?/

The food types that will help provide the building blocks of new hair cells are protein foods such as oily fish. Look for foods high in protein and especially omega-3 oil such as fish, meats egg yolks (preferably raw) and nuts such as Brazil nuts in small quantities (3 or 4 a day is plenty). Try to eat these types of food in the late afternoon and early evening, when the body will use them to build new cells.

Which types of food are good for prolonging the hairs growth phase?

To reduce hair shedding and prolong the hairs growth phase you should look to eat foods containing reasonable quantities of iron, B vitamins, vitamin E and also the cell building foods mentioned earlier. Try to include green vegetables such as broccoli and spinach in your diet. Again, raw egg yolks are a great source of vitamins for prolonging the hairs growth phase.

There are also lots of different types of food that indirectly help hair growth.

Foods that promote circulation

Good circulation to the scalp is important for hair growth. Many hair loss treatments, including topical Minoxidol, work by improving circulation. Try including a clove or garlic a day in your diet to help improve circulation. You might also try a glass of lemon juice in water with a pinch of cayenne pepper - this makes an excellent healthy drink to start the day and get you awake.

Foods that help reduce stress

Stress is a major cause of hair loss. If you can use your diet to help reduce stress it will have a beneficial impact on your hair and skin. Foods containing 'essential fatty acids' (omega 3 and 6 in particular) are good for helping reduce stress. You might like to try a flax seed oil on salad with meals.

Stress depletes B vitamins, so it is wise to consume foods high in B vitamins, or consider a high quality B vitamin supplement if you can't get enough from your diet.

Cleansing foods

It's important that you eat foods that help cleanse your digestive system if you want to be healthy. Ideally you would eat salads in the morning or fresh fruit to give your system a chance to cleanse. A good idea would be to eat a high fibre whole oat porridge with some berries (such as blueberries, which are high in anti-oxidants), for breakfast and a salad for lunch, perhaps with a berry smoothie mid-morning.

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