
Wednesday 1 August 2012

Loosing Weight and Gaining Muscle Its Easy - Health - Fitness

loosing weight and gaining muscle is relativley easy, i personally would say the most important things are obviously good diet and a decent training programme.

Diet is relativeley easy to know but often harder to stick to i find that being realistic with your diet is most important for loosing weight and gaining muscle as people who set them self unrealistic goals often fail, the diet i am following at the minute is a good example of a diet that is not to O.T.T and quite easy to follow

* Breakfast:1 egg 2 egg whites scrammbled on wholemeal toast

* 10am snack: two pieces of fruit protein shake

* Dinner: jacket potato with tuna and salad

* 3pm snack: fruit and protein shake

* tea time: chicken and salad with a light dressing

* evening snack: fruit

this diet is similar to what i would follow on a daily basis obviously you can mix it up a bit with different meals so you don't get bored but you get the idea its all good healthy food, also you will notice i start the day with carbohydrates in my bread and potato but towards the end of the day i tend not to eat as many, i find this very good for loosing weight, also during the day i try to consume about 5 litres of water and of course eat plenty of fruit, this diet would be ideal for someone wanting to loose weight and gain muscle its low in fat and has lots of quality protein for repairing and growing muscle.

Now on to training this is obviously the second part of the equation good training programme i have used many in the years i have been training as i like to keep my body guessing, the programme i am using at the moment is by ll cool j and his personal trainer if you check the resource links below i have highlitesd where is the cheapest place to buy this book this programme is very varied there is lots of cardio along with weight training a lot of the programme is circuit training which i have found brilliant if i am honest i was a bit out of shape when i started just due to a few months laziness however it soon got me back in shape again in the first 6 weeks I lost the best part of a stone and gained significant muscle growth, also it is full of other imformation and has some really good diet programmes definatly worth a look guys and there is also a 6 week womens programme towards the end of the book.

The other training programme i would highley recommend is burn thre fat feed the muscle this is a brilliant programme for beginers or the more experienced alike in this programme desighned by natural bodybuilder tom venuto you are given excelent advice on nutrician and training i personaly got down to about 9% body fat which for me is the lowest i have ever been i only have 2 weeks left of the ll cool j programme and am considering this programme for the second time its that good so there you have it these are my personal favorites for loosing fat and gaining muscle check them out get in shape just in time for summer.

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